  • Report:  #329524

Complaint Review: Institute For Independent Business IIB - Watford Other

Reported By:
- London, Other,

Institute For Independent Business IIB
Clarendon House, Bridle Path, Watford, Other, United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I attended an IIB so called 'recruitment' seminar where I was told that I was just the right sort of person they were looking for, as they did to everybody else. There was a tremendous amount of hype and overselling and at the end of the meeting I was asked to book a personal 'interview', which was at a later date and really only confirmed what I felt about them, as it was simply some sort of hard sell to get me to agree to part with thousands of pounds sterling to go on a residential training course. After the meeting, I was told that I would certainly be receiving an 'invitation' to join and one was forthcoming in the post within a few days. By that time I was so overwhelmed with the unethical hype and overselling, that the last thing I was going to do was to join them.

Unfortunately, a friend of mine was persuaded to join. He had been made redundant after a few years in middle management as an engineer and was desperate and vulnerable after his redundancy and had attended a seminar and 'interview' just before myself, and joined in desperation for some income as we had all been promised that there would be plenty of opportunity for quick rewards if we joined. It seemed that he had been told the same things 'confidentially' at his 'interview' as I had been told and also 'guaranteed' that he could not fail. It must be a standard sales line as we both had different 'interviewer/salesmen' and both heard the same thing.

My friend rang me within the first few days of being on the residential training course to say that it was 'a nightmare' and that it was clear even to him by then that he had made a big mistake in trusting the IIB. By the end of the training course he was almost in tears on the phone at what he had gone through. He said that just about everybody on the course felt as he did and greatly regretted being caught while vulnerable and needy when they were looking for some opportunity to earn money again.

He has now been in the IIB for nearly 2 years and has hardly earned anything. He has certainly not covered his fees yet!

Almost everybody from his course has all but given up and most are now on the dole.

It seems that the money for the IIB and it's owners is really made from selling these training courses to vulnerable people who have been made redundant and have some redundancy money and are desperate to find some way of earning money again.

Ripped off by iib


United Kingdom

7 Updates & Rebuttals


The IIB a rip off; a self fulfilling prophecy?

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 07, 2009

The IIB a ripoff; a self fulfilling prophecy? To set things straight about some mares on the IIB. As a Dutch associate I went to the business school in Watford in June 2007.?We were with 24 and I can honestly say, we were all, no exceptions, very, very exited about it. Personally, I thought it was an immersive experience. What did the IIB bring me?? With a wink, I could say: Nothing, because I did it all by myself, but in the context of this discussion, this could well be misunderstood. So to cut the humor I can say that the IIB brought me four things: 1 A great way to get in touch with a Business Owner of an SME to sell myself and my skills to them. 2 An international network of active advisers to do business all over the world and even with my next door neighbour (literally in my case). 3 Active national and regional colleagues who are really interested in me and my business and who want to share their knowledge, giving me the certainty I can deal with all my clients or prospects needs. 4 You have to believe in yourself, the IIB and in the method. To use those benefits in a one way direction is a dead end street. Within the IIB it is stipulated over and over again that this is a reciprocal way of doing business. I now play in a league of extraordinary gentlemen, a league I wouldn't have played in without the IIB. It could well be that another IIB-like organization would have brought me the same, or even more. But we won't know that now, would we, because I made my choice and can't compare. The figures?? Within the first year I had the turnover the IIB promised me I could get from working with their concept. In the second year my turnover was even higher. My target for the third year is to get 1000 billable hours at a rate of 120. I expect to reach that goal next August, so I am right on target. And it is all within the so called Business Support Program.?Some of my clients I got through referral of a colleague associate, some through my own network (until then I didn't know I had a network). My first five clients I got through direct interviews with a business owner, who all signed up for the Business Support Program at the end of the first meeting. Am I an extraordinary gentleman? No certainly not. I just play in their league. I just work the method, do as I am taught, have my failures, be critical about myself, ask feedback and prevent myself from sulking and blaming the rest of the world. The self fulfilling prophecy. What's the difference between a selling method and a scam??To be quite honest, there is only a thin line between them.?A good imposter could sell you anything and a good salesman could easily set up any kind of swindle. What is the distinction between them: Delivery.? A good salesman knows he has to deliver the benefits he is selling. In the end, if he or his company doesn't deliver, his method will be considered to be a fraud.?I have to deliver my benefits to my clients every day. 95% Of my clients stayed with me from the moment they signed up for the program.? A good imposter, however, knows he doesn't deliver, but he has the guts to carry on and not to care about that.? A bad salesman is like a bad imposter. They are both in between.?A bad salesman doesn't sell and feels ashamed of what he is doing to his victim, he even feels he is an imposter. But knowing he isn't, there is only one option left: The method, and with that the IIB, must be a fraud.?And that is the self fulfilling prophecy. If you don't believe in the tools you work with, you won't sell yourself to the self conscious entrepreneurs in this world, you will get disappointed and you will feel like a fraud.?Then the only way out is to blame the IIB. Let me put things straight, I won't say one can't criticize the IIB.?If I were invited by the management of the IIB to join an improvement committee, I could easily come up with 10 point to make the organisation better, stronger and more modern. But that's quite something else than public blaming and shaming. Those improvements would help associates like myself, but they wouldn't help the ones who are blaming and shaming. They have chosen the dead and street and won't be helped by full speed ahead. Sjoerd van Essen Netherlands Accredited Associate of the Institute for Independent Business International ?


United Kingdom
The IIB Network has worked for me

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, March 07, 2009

I was annoyed to read this anonymous criticism about the IIB. I went through the Consultancy Business Development Programme and was accredited by the IIB in 1996. I found the first few years very hard work, but can honestly say that almost all my income over the last fourteen years has come from the IIB network and my initial investment has been repaid many time over, The complainant talks about being 'persuaded' to invest in the CBDP as if he was forced to do it against his will. Surely someone will use their common sense and weigh up if an investment is worthwhile for them before parting with any money. The IIB has been established for nearly 25 years and has been running its training courses for 18 years. Thousands of business people have been trained and accredited in more than 26 countries. Using the power of the network, there are very few problems that an Accredited Associate can't solve for an SME client. I can't understand why the 'friend' had not asked for help from others in the Network - my experience is that the network and regional groups of Associates are extremely supportive. I am very sad to see this organisation smeared in this way John M Kent, England


Altona Meadows,
IIB - not lies, hype, unethical

#4UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 07, 2009

I can understand some people do not not think deeply about the aspects of business life required of an independent consultant. I can also understand the large change required from being a successful corporate employee to learning how to 'sell' oneself. I have found that many people do not deeply investigate opportunities in many entrepreneurial or new business pursuits, and rely on optimism alone. It seems to me that this complaint fits the adage ' to point a finger results in three fingers pointing back at oneself'. In my almost four years with the IIB, I have realized far more business through working alongside high calibre professionals than I would have if going it alone. I have accelerated my ability to learn about client needs and thus 'sell' my services to them through the IIB training and approaches far faster than if I had tried to use trial and error. The money paid I viewed as a combination of that acceleration as well as access to the network (of skills to me through others, as well as business opportunity). Unlike a franchise, I do not pay any percentage of my earnings, I do no reporting, and have nothing formally to do with the IIB organisation other than pay the annual fee (which is cheaper than my other professional fees). I choose to attend the regional meetings of colleagues. In reflecting on the complaint I am rebutting, I can find no lies in what I was advised or answered when I asked questions about the IIB. In terms of hype and unethical behaviour, let me describe how long I took to come to the IIB. I went to a seminar in August 2004, and after an interview held over my interest due to a business commitment. I was left alone - no hype - to re-communicate my interest if and when I chose. I decided to join in June 2005. No pressure, no hype, no lies, as ethical (or more than) many other so-called professions. I've had to register onto this 'Ripoff report' site to make this Rebuttal; it takes an effort. I did it because I see an injustice in the allegation (and thus a criticism of my own judgement and experience of IIB). For anyone so aggrieved that they can only find fault in others and need make the effort to do a 'Ripoff' registration could be putting their time so much more productively into assessing how they themselves can better use their talents than to complain like this.


United Kingdom
IIB - Hype etc

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 06, 2009

I have read your Ripoff report with considerable disappointment in that someone who clearly had a responsible job in industry should resort to such language and exaggeration to excuse their personal poor performance and their decision not to proceed with their membership of the IIB. I have been a member since 2002 and the product as promoted is certainly capable of doing everything that the Institute and the training course said it would do. Unfortunately there are some people who simply cannot or will not conduct themselves in a self-employed capacity in the way recommended to secure good earnings and provide a valuable service to clients. If you have come from a job within a company where you did not have to go out and secure your own work then certainly you would find it more difficult than if you had a selling background. But that is why the training course helps you as part of its curriculum to acquire those skills. If you commenced a training course as a pilot at your own expense and then found that you just could not handle all the disciplines etc you cannot blame the instructors or the training company or flying as a career. Have you contacted fellow IIBers in your area? Have you regularly attended the monthly local meetings? Have you networked with other IIBers to understand why they are successful? Have you sought out the successful ones or just wallowed in commiseration with others of a like mind. Would you like some advice? Start again: find a successful consultant in your area and talk your difficulties through with him. There is a mentor system either formal or informal and they work well. You cannot start a new career and expect everything to fall into your lap. The IIB do NOT promise that you will achieve very high earnings immediately they sat that if you follow their system and apply it conscientiously you will achieve a very satisfactory level of income. Insofar as far as you are self-employed then there is no upper limit. Try again, try harder and only talk to the successful consultants. (Don't waste time talking to those who are not succeeding) The successful ones do have all the answers.

Rob Uk

United Kingdom
Get your facts right

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, March 06, 2009

I notice that ripped off never actualy joined the IIB but apparently is commenting on behalf of another party who did and is now on the dole. Not surprising as they apparently are unable to stand up for themselves. I certainly would not want them advising my business. I became an IIB associate nearly 2 years ago. Having spent many years running an SME (small to medium sized enterprise) and having been through the good, the bad and the ugly of running a business I wanted to use my experience to help others but realised that it would be tough going it alone. The IIB has given me both the confidence and ongoing support to to run my cosultancy business. Apart from the initial cost of less than 10K, far less than a white collar franchise, the only ongoing cost is an annual fee of just 180. I have joined a regional group, subsidised by the IIB, for which I pay a small contribution towards the running costs. The valuable advice I have gained through the associate network has assisted me in helping my clients. The fact that the IIB is global means that help comes from all over the world. Getting good ides on how to deal with an issue from a number of associates, from different backgrounds, with a variety of skills is invaulable. The IIB is not for everybody, as with any business opportunity you have to be prepared to work hard and you need the skills required for the job. Ripped off clearly recognised that it was not for him and did not join, but this does not give him the right to criticise an organisation that has been benificial to the majority that have. Rob - UK

Mike Lee - With Iib Since 2005

United Kingdom
13 years of success with the IIB - unlucky for those who miss out!!

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, March 06, 2009

The IIB has had its ups and downs over the years, but in recent years has developed into a superbly effective and efficient globally networked association of independent consultants , focussed primarily on SMEs. There is a Business Support Programme in which all associates are trained and which is there for all consultants who wish to use it. Aside from a strictly enforced Code of Ethics, associates and fellows are all free to run their own businesses in their own way, at their own pace, making as much or as little use of the global network and central resources (such as the intranet) as they need or choose to. Inevitably, other IIB associates have attempted to replicate the IIB model. It's funny that it's always those who say that the IIB 'doesn't work' or is a 'ripoff'. I'm not aware of a single 'breakaway' that has succeeded... Like any business model, the IIB doesn't work for some people. For most, it does - often in ways they fail to appreciate - and represents superb value as an investment. I won't go on...I have a business to run. Mike Lee

David Goyder

United Kingdom
IIB is wonderful

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 04, 2009

This man does not talk about himself but about a third party. we have an experssion in the UK - SOUR GRAPES!!!!

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