  • Report:  #137652

Complaint Review: In Sports Play To Win Sports - Cedar City Utah

Reported By:
- Carrollton, Texas,

In Sports Play To Win Sports
insport.biz Cedar City, Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was scammed too. It is almost scary how identical all of these reports are. And yes, the Utah address is also a Mailboxes, Etc. Nice letterhead though...I believed they were legit. I was also promised that I would be a "manager" in one month...that I could receive half of my money back if I didn't complain and that they would ruin my credit and it would cost me more than I was already out if I tried to fight it. I also got that the "mystery owner" would not allow our good friend Nick - who is the only person in the company I was ever allowed to talk with - to disclose the number of members that they had but they were hoping to hit "7 digits" this year. Of course they would also not allow me to talk to any other promoters as this violated their privacy policy and of course could not diclose any other pertinent information about their organization that might actually help to promote them.

In my phone conversation they asked if I could afford $20-$25 for the flyers and then in the recorded portion they said my card would be charged "nineteen twenty" and guess what?? they meant $1,920 not $19.20. I mean really who is going to pay almost $2,000 for a bunch of flyers to promote a website? Maybe the poor people who believed their careerbuilder ad that they could make $50/hour...but I didn't buy that one...I just figured if I am out $20 and this is a scam so be it...if its legit maybe I can make some extra cash and stay home with my little one...little did I know just how big a scam it was.

I should have known when they refused to do the agreement via e-mail. They would hate for me to have seen it in writing because they knew I would never have agreed to it if I actually saw it.

LESSON TO ALL---get everything in writing!

I have seen their response to some of the other complaints. Lets be honest if you are an ethical company then you don't imply that you have a physical address if you don't, you pay people to promote you - not the other way around and you don't try to hold people to some verbal contract when the terms aren't clearly understood and certainly not when the terms are misrepresented. Even if they have found a way to work within the laws it doesn't make it ethical.

Another One

Dallas, Texas

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