SAN DIEGO,#2Consumer Suggestion
Sat, June 16, 2007
go to the sight if you need help call 619-204-2173
Pleasant Hill,#3Consumer Suggestion
Wed, April 04, 2007
Right now Countrywide Mortgages are offering no fee refinancing. You may want to contact them and try to refinance the home through Countrywide and get away from Homecomings Financial. Once this starts happening it just seems to never go away with them until they foreclose on the property. Once my rental house is auctioned off by them I am going to then decide if I am going to sue them or not. They are very shady and love when something happens because then they money you to death and you never get caught up with them. I had a rental house where my mortgage was sold to them. I had never had problems at all in the past and once they took over it was a nightmare. I would send payments and they would just disappear in the mail as they would say. Then my renter stopped paying because they were out of work so it did cause some problems. I was going on three months past due and sent them one payment with a letter saying I would be sending another payment in one week then the last payment to catch up the following week. Well they got my payment and cashed it then the day I was going to make the next payment I get a letter from a attorney saying they are forclosing unless I can pay 4790.56 to reinstate the loan when I only owe 1200.00 to catch up. I thought wow the payment is only 600.00 a month and I only owe 1200.00 to catch up. I was going to send 600.00 that day then the other 600.00 the following week which would have caught it up. Well I called homecomings and man what a nightmare. They refused to take my money and even mailed me a check back for the payment I had made. They wanted 4790.56 to reinstate the loan when I was at the time only past due 2 payments. I finally thought wow I am not paying that. Well they foreclosed and are now auctioning the property off. So once the auction happens and then I find out what they are going to do then I am going to decide if I am going to sue them or not. If I was you I would refinance asap and you might want to try that CountryWide mortgages, they are running ads on tv for the no cost refi.