  • Report:  #46940

Complaint Review: Gibson Trust - Internet

Reported By:
- hammond, Indiana,

Gibson Trust
www.gibsontrust.org Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was in debt and i tried the credit consolidation company.They gave a good pitch and i tried it.Well in 10 months time i kept an eye on my credit card balances and noticed they kept going up instead of being lowered.

I called everytime i would get my credit card statements and they would report to me that they never recieved a payment or they got it late.

When i would call Gibson Trust they would put me on hold and would not get back to the phone for about 20-30 minutes or would literally would hang up on my calls.

At one point i had called them and told them that if they had not took my call i would report them to the better business bureau.

They took my call and said they would call me back within an hour to find out why my credit card companies weren't getting the payments,but never returned my call.


hammond, Indiana

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