  • Report:  #421359

Complaint Review: Gateway - Irvine, California Nationwide

Reported By:
- Brentwood, Tennessee,

Irvine, California, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a Gateway notebook and a comprehensive three year on site warranty from Gateway. I purchased the computer and warranty on December of 2006 I experienced a failure of the network card February of 2009 the warranty contract is in force untill December of 2009. Apparently Gateway sold the warranty contract to a company called MPC in Idaho. MPC has filed bankruptcy and in an email from MPC they let me know they are liquidating all of their assets and will not be honoring any warranty repairs.

I never entered into an agreement with MPC my agreement is with Gateway. Now Gateway tells me to deal with MPC. I have told Gateway MPC is out of business and they do not care. I am not alone there are thousands of people in the same situation as my self. This is a great situation for a class action law suit against Gateway.


Brentwood, Tennessee


1 Updates & Rebuttals

David D

You can still get assistance

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 24, 2009

Eddie, Unfortunately, Gateway was sold and broken up. MPC bought a portion and Acer bought one. The portion that owned the rights to your laptop was MPC, who went under. Acer lost all legal liability to repair your laptop because they purchased a different portion. Acer simply retained the Gateway name, not all of the products. Now, you may have some recourse. Call this number: 877-455-4306 This is the MPC repair center. It only exists because many of those warranties were underwritten by AIG, so this is your chance to get some benefit from the billions of tax dollars spent to keep them in business. Good luck.

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