  • Report:  #26099

Complaint Review: First Premier Bank - Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Reported By:
- Columbus, Oh,

First Premier Bank
PO Box 5147 Sioux Falls,, 57117-5147 South Dakota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I recieved an offer for a credit card over the phone. They advised me that they would send me a credit card with low interest and only a one time sign up fee. I said yes to that agreement.

I then recieved the card and checked and found that they had given me the credit limit of 250.00 but charged me 158.95 for having the card.

I used the card one time and know not only do I have the charge of the use but they added an additional 25 charge for debits that I never charged.


Columbus, Ohio

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