  • Report:  #3757

Complaint Review: Fastbreakbail.com Fast Break Information Services Don is his name. - Sacramento California

Reported By:

Fastbreakbail.com Fast Break Information Services Don is his name.
918 J Street Sacramento, 95814 California, U.S.A.
916-442-4400 425-955-816
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been trying to locate a lost friend for many months. I searched the web and found Fastbreakbail.com. I ordered my search in good faith, using my friend's ss# and was told for $25 they could find anyone within 2-24 hours. Well here it is two weeks later and I have gotten nothing. I even tried calling them, and was told by the owner, he would get back with me. I sent two seperate emails and still nothing. This was a scam at best! I have still not located my friend, but now, thanks to a local private investigator, I am closer than ever.

Anyone looking for a person, BEWARE, there are many scams on the internet that just want your money. DO NOT USE FASTBREAKBAIL.COM at 918 J Street in Sacramento, CA.95814, or you too will be ripped off. They also go by Fast Break Information Services. I will get my money back thanks to my credid card company because I made copies of every email and receipt, I have for them.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


positive feedback, excellent service!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, December 25, 2002

I have used fastbreak services many times and am very happy the results! I highly recommand them to everybody.


Verify Private investigators or Investigative agencies through CLEET

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 26, 2002

Prior to paying any company funds online or through the mail always ask a few quesitons: 1. is your agency licensed 2. is your agency bonded 3. if so in what city and state 4. who would i contact to verify this info 5. dont stop there! you will need to get the name of the place then actually call directory assistance and ask for that name. verify the phone number and then call the place and verify the persons name and the agency. 6. in oklahoma all private investigators are licensed and bonded. all investigative agencies are named and those files remain with CLEET (the council on Law Enforcement) 7. never pay anyone money if you cannot verify all the facts **as to my knowledge convicted FELONS cannot become licensed investigators** * I sincerely hope this helps some of you. God Bless

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