  • Report:  #353605

Complaint Review: Face To Face Technologies - Golden Colorado

Reported By:
- Grove City, Pennsylvania,

Face To Face Technologies
PO Box 18352 Golden, 80402 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My experience with this company is similar, but different than the others that have posted on here. On July 11th 2008, I had a young, well dressed young man knock at my door. It was about 6:30pm. Since I live on my own I usually dont anwer my door unless im expecting someone to show up, but this time i just so happened to be standing right near the door so i felt like i had to answer it. I said 'hello' and stepped out to see what the guy wanted. He told me he was in a contest to earn points in order to win a trip to the Bahamas and to do this he was selling magazines which went to help kids with diabetes. "Who wouldnt want to help kids", he said. I found out his name was Josh and he said he was from Trenton, NJ.

Next thing i know he was asking me what i did for a living, what my interests were, and even if i had a boyfriend. I told him my occupation (which he thought was the best he heard all day) and that my interest was music. He mentioned he had last seen Def Leppard in concert which just so happened to be the last group i saw as well. As for the boyfriend thing, i told him i didnt not have one which he found hard to believe because he said i seemed so nice and not 's****.>

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