  • Report:  #2841

Complaint Review: Evcor LLC Home Builders - Hope Valley CT, RI

Reported By:
- North Stonington, CT,

Evcor LLC Home Builders
40 Evans Lane Hope Valley, 02832 CT, RI, U.S.A.
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Beware of this money hungry builder. They will tell you what you want to hear to get you to sign their contract and pay a deposit. Then they will conveniently forget everything you asked for to make your dream home the way you asked for. Then when your house is finished ( half assed) you will have to fight with them tooth and nail just to get them out fix their bad workmanship.

After a month in our new $222,000.00 our basement floor started cracking then two weeks after that water started comming in. We at one time had 1 1/2 inches of water in our basement. This caused our floor to float and move the basement pillers; this caused 43 of our tiles on our floor to crack, our walls to crack, our ceiling to crack, and walls to shift which made our drywall tape pop out.

According to our builder; this was all an act of "GOD" and he is not responsible to fix it. Even if it mean breach of contract.

Now, not only do we have to pump water out of our basement every day, we also have to fight with them taking them to court and maybe never seeing a dime of our money becase they are a "LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION" So beware of Evcor and any LLC builder.

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