  • Report:  #1035223

Complaint Review: Dr Louis Turi - Internet Arizona

Reported By:
DJ C2C - Boston, Massachusetts,

Dr Louis Turi
Internet, Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Louis Turi is a complete fraud and I'm glad people are starting to see that.  We have been waiting for three Tape "Full Life Readings" and can now confirm that even though these tapes were sent to differnt people in differnt parts of the States they contain EXACTLY THE SAME INFORMATION. Literally the ONLY differnce is that he changes the name.  That's it! Of course he has been challenged on this and became rude and abusive as did Terrania.  The so called "Cosmic Coders" that are most active on his website are all his former and present "playmates" who are acting as shills and stooges.  Keep well away from him and his Cosmic Code.

40 Updates & Rebuttals


Beverly Hills,
I agree that the guy has narcissistic traits. He is a horrible human being lacking in both empathy and psychic ability

#2General Comment

Sat, January 31, 2015

Louis Turi conducts himself in an extremely unprofessional manner. His childish insults suggest that he is not spiritually aligned with the cosmos and is motivated purely by his own greed and a place of ego.

If he truly believed in his own abilities, he wouldn't feel the need to try to belittle and intimidate his critics in the crude manner in which he does. This in itself tells me that Turi knows that he is a fraud and his poor personal conduct is causing undeniable harm to the psychic community as a whole.

I too have personally been at the receiving end of this tainted soul's twisted words and I advise others to get as far away from this toxic manipulative person as is humanly possible.

I hope the FBI starts investigating his miserable self sooner rather than later.


Why is this Mike guy so vulgar on behalf of Mr Turi?

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 13, 2013

I am so surprised that someone would call out Mr Turi for his crazy behaviour ( who did not go to med school by the way folks) and get hit by "Team Turi" as they call themselves and he would sit back and allow these attacks. This is not civilized behaviour. It seems to me that when one has a decent vocabulary they would use it but commoners can only rely on these four letter foul words, and I have seen this from Turi'scamp from men and women alike, (notice I did not say ladies as I have not seen the written word from a lady yet on that "team".) I just can't understand why a man and his wife who is rumered to have once been a man, not that it matters, could get so nasty, down and dirty instead of simply saying we are all entitled to our opinion. and leave it at that. What on earth could possibly be making you all so vulgar? It's projecting your own passive/agressive bahavior onto others, and why on earth are you all being so filthy towards this gemtleman and throwing out these insane accusations that he is a stalker? You sound ridiculous. Call the police Mr. Turi, I myself have planty of evidence from my cc statements and would gladly show them your so called work on paper that matches at least 17 others I am in contact with. I have a feeling they would be loolking for stacks of acorns on your lawn as you and your wife who now with no background education is also doing readings are coming across as squirrels and there is not a trained officer on US soil who would not see that. You Mr. Turi yourself announced several times in writing on the internet Its easy to look up, how the FBI ignores you. Squirrley? You betcha. Do I need to use four letter words to make my point? No, I am a decent educated conscious being whoi does not feel the need to exploit people dressed up as Nostradomus to make a few bucks, That outfit, more squirrley behaviour? Well, how many people have you seen lately dressed as Nostradomus? hhhmmm? Look around, only you Mr Turi, only you. Mike, get a vocabulary, you have come across as a child.

Report Attachments


More dishonesty from "Michael"

#4Author of original report

Fri, July 26, 2013

And once again we have a dishonest response where instead of addressing the actual issues this person is trying to cloud and divert matters with irelevent points.  Then in true Turi style "Micheal" finishes off by making a statement that anyone who dosen't support Turi must have something wrong with them.  To illustrate please look at the article below for how "Michael" and Turi operate, I'm sure you will find it very interesting.

The best scams are built around conspiracy theories. They afford the ultimate shell game, and read much like a legal thriller novel.


Because these give the scam artist "cover." They fortify him with an automatic defense against his critics. They exonerate him from past failures. And, importantly, they provide an excuse for future delays, give him time to run for cover when everything collapses. In other words, they create the perfect stage setting from which to operate.

The con man closely follows a sacrosanct principle: Lie in good faith. Whichever tool best enables him to distort, exaggerate, disguise, or confuse is one he wants to add to his tool kit, and, by closely following the "conspiracy theory" approach to his cons, he accomplishes this.

Overall, a well-developed conspiracy theory is a great rallying theme. It blends like minds, mutual resolve, shared purpose, goals. It breeds collective paranoia. There is, therefore, a set of basic rules the scam artist follows in producing this highly-desired atmosphere of "communal harmony" to embellish his "pitch. Accomplishing this enables him to fully exploit his scam in all of its ramifications. Hence, these are those rules-of-the-game he follows, rules to watch for, in order to protect yourself to the fullest.

1. Get your sucker-audience to focus on some elaborate conspiracy, one dedicated to stomping on courageous visionaries like yourself--you, the scam artist, being the one who is able to cut through the enemy's monopoly and use his investors' funds wisely to bestow benefits upon them--earn money, save money, attain awards, merits, fame--never before dreamed possible. If the victims fully subscribe to your hogwash, they will earn Brownie points along the way. Good mind game. 

(The con man has a different view of people in general than you might: If you feed a man a fish, you will feed him for a day; if you teach a man to fish, he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.)

2. Now, get your foot in the door. Light a fire under your sucker-audience. Get them, as a group, so excited that they would be ready to go bear hunting with a stick, should you so command. Talk about your valiant battles with some government bureaucracy or private organization. Get them stomping mad and eager to join you in your crusade against "them." 

3. Dispensing learned counsel in rapid-fire bursts, talk bravely about your battles with the bad guys trying to steal, or bury, your ideas. Fearlessly claim that you will shred,

obliterate, destroy your records before you will permit the indignity of allowing these to fall into "their" hands. Whip your flock into a frenzy, figuratively ready to chase a tornado in a convertible with the top down.

4. In addition to your "base" enemy, faceless government agencies of many types also make good whipping boys. These must also be made out to be "the enemy" you must bravely fight. Cite examples of their misdeeds. Cite the Law of Bureaucracy they follow: Nothing is ever accomplished by being reasonable.

5. Don't fear investors who defect. There will always be some. Most will feel they've been suckered, and be too embarrassed to make a lot of noise about their misfortunes (of dealing with you). With the few who will protest too loudly, call them agents of the "Big Conspiracy" operating against you.

("Do you see how they infiltrate?" you will ask of your loyal followers.)

6 Bury all attacks against you in a wave of minutia. Create enough distractions to mesmerize these people, put them to sleep over endless, meaningless detail. Tire them to the point where they will do anything to avert further debate, if only to stay awake. (Here you can well adapt another Law of Bureaucracy, this one to your own advantage: No amount of genius will ever circumvent management's preoccupation with detail.)

7. Freely and frequently threaten your detractors with lawsuits. It will make a high percentage of them run for the tall grass, shut their mouths in fear. To many of your suckers this would be equally as shocking as watching the news on TV and unexpectedly seeing their attorney being accompanied from the court house steps in


8. Be the true crusader in every way. Stick closely to the Scam Artist's Parable: To thine own self be true, and lie like hell to everyone else. Say you are not in this for the money. Piously proclaim your altruistic intent: to save humanity. 

9. Make your pitch to groups of people who have had faith, trust, and American Way values instilled in them from birth. Many groupings of senior citizens, religious types, family farmers fill this bill. These are your primary targets. 

10. Among other preferred groups are those already pre-conditioned to accepting conspiracy theories, like those who believe in the Flat Earth Society, in UFO cover-ups, and in JFK assassination plots.

11. Always get your victims to focus on theory and abstractions. When their minds stray from this, fog their attention, get it away from any kind of evidence which can be measured. (This is especially important when trying to pawn off worthless, hi-tech junk.)

12. Be bold, loud. Make your claims and proclamations to all who will hear. People tend to think something so transparently out in the open could not possibly be a fly-by-night operation.

13. Shoot for only a small, initial amount of up-front money. Maybe $69, say, for a tape, DVD, and / or an information kit of some kind.. This, on the premise that, once the sucker has paid a bit of his required dues,, it's easier to squeeze more out.

14. You must get your investors to forfeit their rights to legal action any way you can. Give them a--"h*o hum, just routine"-- document to sign. Pull this out from under a pile of documents, as if it is so insignificant it almost got lost. Or, hide your disclaimer in a nondisclosure agreement, in the smallest of small print you can arrange with your printer to crank out. Object being to make your victim think his eyeballs would bleed if he tried to read it.

15. Enlist a small sub-group of the most gullible to help you recruit more suckers. (If you, as a potential participant, pay heed to the urgings of these discombobulated people, it would be like listening to a rap group which could easily be named, Insane Clown Posse.)

It's all a head shaker. Trying to cut through the haze and figure the con man's' psychological approach is much like being forced into making a choice between having double vision and hearing a constant echo. But, it's worth the effort. Once you do sort it out and finally understand how to zero in on all of these traits and mannerisms, the working pattern of the scam artist will be clearly spelled out for you. It is only then that you will be in the best position to protect yourself from any kind of curve ball he will throw your way.

If you'd like to have more self-esteem, but don't think you deserve it, look at it this way: This is a circumstance under which there is never a better time to procrastinate.


Again Laurie Shaeffer - Please address the actual issues

#5Author of original report

Fri, March 29, 2013

Thank you for the response but again you are attempting to cloud the issues with irrelevancies.  Nobody has mentioned "Cheques" here so it isn't an issue.  

 Also to suggest that Turi cannot "Coddle your drama" is with respect a HUGE cop-out as he is the person who goes on the attack attempting to induce suicide in persons whom he believes to be mentally ill.  This goes way beyond any eccentric personality traits that can be misunderstood, in fact, it is deliberate and calculated sadism Laurie and well you know it.

Turi is behaving like the generic school bully who cries "Foul" when someone comes back at them so may I direct you the out previous comments stated repeatedly on this page to deal with the ACTUAL issues here.

Thank you.

Laurie Shafer

North Carolina,
I see Improvements

#6General Comment

Wed, March 27, 2013

There was a time when Dr Turi only accepted checks and all our transactions were paid by check, then when he got the website it was only paypal and not credit or debit cards. Now there's multiple choices for payment options; but it charges each time you click, so make sure to only click once. 

He keeps making improvements to the business, the website, his writings and offers his wisdom based on his life experiences. Granted he's an audacious character, but I accept, understand him and love him enough to allow his personality to shine as his own man. Being French, 63 and ADHD he wouldn't have the patience to coddle your drama, so I can see how you've labeled each other; but there's never any harm done, just walking away... 

Report Attachments


schopfergeis - Please address the issues

#7Author of original report

Wed, March 27, 2013

Thank you for your considered reply and endorsement of Dr Turi - indeed at one time we may well have written something very similar.  However yet again, and with all due respect,  in an attempt to speak up for Turi you have completely glossed over and ignored the issues here and indeed Turi's very own words.   The evidence you "Demand" has been reproduced on this very page and we would ask you to read and respond to Turi's own words, not ours.

Please address the following issues - 

Turi has been caught lying to his cosmic coders by stating repeatedly that he does not accept Credit Cards.  This evidence you demanded has already been printed on this page with the statement from a Credit Card reproduced here.

Turi can be seen in the video reproduced here stating specifically that his Cosmic Code was given to him by the creatures that "abduct people and mutilate the cattle".  Turi's own words spoken on video.  There is nothing "Loving" about where his Cosmic Code originated from.

Turi has repeatedly (and maliciously) established that people who disagree with him are "Mentally ill" and then attempts to implant the suggestion that they are going to commit suicide.
Schopfergeis you state that you have recommended Turi to family members so please tell us frankly and truthfully - on the day that they too disagree with Turi and he condemns them publicly as being Mentally ill are you going to join him in trying to drive them to suicide or will you defend them?

Please answer the actual issues truthfully, many thanks.


British Columbia,

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 26, 2013

Dr Turi is past the point of needing his own supporters to speak out for him.

He Needs a Lawyer.

If you have not read all three of the Rip-off Reports as well as his own submissions & writings on these Matters, (inc. his attitudes regarding 'suicide' & his attacks on those he deems to be mentally un-well), Please do so, before concluding based upon Personal Impressions and experience, as this is bigger than either yourself or your opinions.            Thank you.

Finally this page is for those who have complaints - and the response of those complained against.
You can see this in the headings
The legitimacy of the "process" has been undermined by Two things: Turi's refusal to 'Honestly' and 'legitimately' rebut and all those jumping in to arbitrate without facts or any true examination of said facts.

This is not Kangaroo court these are injured parties, with issues so many of you think are some sort of bad joke or unfounded assault.  Is a hypnotherapist trying to induce suicide a joke..?just look at how loving and light-filled he is toward those who challenge him how arrogant in claiming that all who doubt him are pathetic idiots, and how hard he works at destroying anyone who challenges him.  How loving--what an example to hold up Brava !


British Columbia,
FINAL WORD-The Police Do Not Agree With You

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 26, 2013

The law does not concur and  find his acts to be both illegal and unethical, (as do other astrologers).

- To Reiterate: A THOUSAND LEGITIMATE 'ACTS' OR SERVICES DOES NOT LEGITIMIZE ONE - OR A HUNDRED ILLEGITIMATE ONES.  And as for your Demands for proof - that is up to either Turi, himself - as well as the law - should he not account for his-self.

 No-one else can speak to what Turi has done or to demand nor Deny the evidence... (without knowing).           It is for Turi, His Victims and The Lawful Authorities. 

Until then, how can you 'deny' it, intelligently? or make your own accusatins?

... you accuse someone with a legal claim of speaking without evidence - while you are doing worse.
My evidence goes to the rightful authorities.

***Many have hidden countless 'misdeeds behind a 'reputation' and few good acts..they mean nothing when someone is victimized. Feel Free to Read The Evdence that already exists before speaking out -- HAVE YOU?!

--or do you feel it is appropriate for Dr Turi to both post the private & confidential information of those who've enTrusted it to him?

His evidence has thus far been declared a matter for the F.B.I. - by the authorities; this is sufficient. We will see how much of a hole dr. Turi chooses to dig himself.


Dr. Louis Turi is Authentic

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, March 26, 2013

Dr. Louis Turi is a true blessing to human kind and the world at large.  Firstly, he is a genuine spirit of love, light and life as I can attest to by becoming a part of his Cosmic Code website audience and continually purchasing his services and products.  I have 100% trust in Dr. Louis Turi because he
has improved my life for the better. 

I have paid for a Taped Full Life Reading, Lucky Dragon Window Dates, Nostradamus Dragon Forecast and his books Beyond the Secret, Power of the Dragon, and Moon Power Starguide.  All of these services and books arrived in a timely matter to my home or electronically.  I have receipts to prove this.  (Its on paper or in electronic form)

 I do not work for Dr. Louis Turi or his wife Terania but rather, I am a proud intelligent, wise, sensible U.S. citizen who respects the law and its citizens, pays taxes, attended the university and am currently working in caregiving in Tucson, Arizona.  As I stated before, I have 100% confidence in
Dr. Louis Turi and the message he represents because he has helped me understand myself better. 

Furthermore, he has helped thousands of people from all corners of the world to achieve spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and psychic harmony and balance in their livesI am one of the lucky!  He has helped me overcome physical and mental illnesses and I am doing amazing in my career and life overall.  I also have work and personal references to further display my character and personality.  I have recommended Dr. Louis Turi to my family and friends.  Many of which would be more than happy to comment on ripoffreport.com. 

To conclude, Dr. Louis Turi is a worthwhile investment due to the positive response he receives from his Cosmic Code subscribers, the many people who join his Cosmic Code website every day, the services and products I continue to purchase, and the personal improvement in my own life as witnessed by employees, employers, family and friends. 

Anyone who says Louis Turi is a complete fraud and who have been waiting for three Tape Full Life Readings are ridiculous.  Their declaration is a hoax.  If they are so bold then I demand they let the world listen to their taped Full Life Readings that way we will see who the real deceivers are.  I demand that they allow us to hear what is truly on those taped Full Life Readings they did receive.  Also, I demand you show the public the receipts you received pertaining to the Tape Full Life Readings order(s). 

To those opposing Dr. Louis Turis credibility, I demand you show proof of all the transactions you made with Dr. Louis Turi and Terania.  These include all purchases of products and/or services ordered over the phone, by paper, fax, or electronically.  I will be more than happy to show you mine.  I have to laugh at this person or persons who are saying negative things about Dr. Louis Turis because they know that they are deceiving themselves and the public.  The truth is that they are ignorant, envious, manipulative, greedy, fearful and deceiving and will receive their just Karma from the Universe. 

Give Dr. Louis Turi a chance because he truly is a powerful person of love, light and life.  If you need to contact me to validate any content I have written and displayed here today then please do so through RipoffReport.com also known as ROR.  I will respond to all of your messages.  God Bless you all!

Report Attachments


British Columbia,

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 24, 2013

Boston if you want this info, then connect with me , now, - otherwise it's going into a different file - and venue-Now! --I'm Done with waiting for reason from a freak - and Such an Obvious freak, which is so obviously Out There, For All The Intelligent ones to see, by Now---


British Columbia,

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 24, 2013

Boston if you want this info, then connect with me , now, - otherwise it's going into a different file - and venue-Now! --I'm Done with waiting for reason from a freak - and Such an Obvious freak, which is so obviously Out There, For All The Intelligent ones to see, by Now---



#13Author of original report

Sat, March 23, 2013

Will Louis Turi like to publicly distance himself from the actions of the team member "Michael / Mike / Pitbull" shown on this page?  Will he also care to comment on why he says that he never accepts Credit Cards yet there is actual evidence to the contrary also printed on this page?

Thank You


British Columbia,
Turi --#!~~!*^

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 23, 2013

I should add that the above rather nasty response, i.e. cursing, is just a small reflection of the kinds  of personal messages I have seen sent by turi, who has no problem whatsoever to write to his own customers to go F--k themselves if they are not satisfied.  He has sent deranged e-mails  that don't relate to anything at all, just any general and unpleasantness in order to spread negativity and illness. I finally spammed them, set up a fake account so that only the authorities get to screen them, each one now deemed an illegal act of harassment as he has clearly, been told to stop.

Now if you want to pay someone who thinks it's all right to do this then by all means give him every last buck if your that inclined towards stupidity.  This is not a healthy-minded person, perhaps why he' so obsessed with the mental health of people he clearly knows nothing about. You can draw an easy parallel between the man who calls his wife crazy and it's usually because he's been "victimizing" Her.

turi fits the profile to a tee...a victimizing narcissistic bully with absolutely no decency, conscience or
awareness of his own acts or self-sabotage Not the acts or attitude of a professional - or moral man. All I can say is when a so-called professional has taken your money time & trust he shouldn't get to abuse you as well, let alone mis-use your personal information. If he at least kept to the truth about the latter - but the twisting lies he tells are a real testament to his True Nature and Real Motive. Turi helps No-one but his-self.  The rest is an act so he can continue to put gas in his Hummer and his B-llsh-t tank. He is a case of the worst type of abuser and moral indifference.
*Fortunately his obvious and extreme 'Denial' is protecting him from seeing just how foolish he is looking. I get messages from his own 'coders'-his own fan club, speaking of how "disgusted" they are getting- how "nauseating" his attacks have been how they can't read any more of it --and Mostly how -every time he speaks out against His current Victim it becomes clearer he is Describing Himself



#15Author of original report

Thu, March 21, 2013

Here we can see "Michael or Mike" in action against the public in 2006.  Hold your stomaches because this is truly disgusting behavior from the person Turi calls his "Pit Bull Mike" 

dr turi? - DailyOM - Display Discussionwww.dailyom.com/cgi-bin/discuss/displaydiscussion.cgi?did...ShareDec 9, 2006 

Sherry2006/12/09 7:31 PMDory, you're tree is lovely..how about a close up? 

Mike, sorry it was so unpleasant, I am still wondering if DT started this, or if it was you, because of the wording not in the first person on the profile. 

Just to let you know, you can unjoin Om, and I believe all Dt's posts and threads will be deleted, I'm not sure. 

Or (as if you have any choice,meaning we believe we have choices, but in reality it appears we really don't, what will be, will be, apparently.) you can stay and get to know us, just know that you are already our teacher, and we are yours, we're all in it together. 

BTW, many Omers have gotten angry at times and come and gone, ( and come back) so you wouldn't be unique if you changed your mind, you'd still be welcome. 

Next time you go to a site, I suggest getting to know the folks and seeing if they want what you have to offer before you come in like a loaded cannon. 

This just isn't the place for Dr Turi's spam, ya know? But it doesn't mean we wouldn't like you, or him personally. 

I'm sorry you're hurt, and wish you lots of love and lots of love!  

2006/12/09 6:42 PMbye mike LOVe Vulture in St. Croix .... ahhhhh... lovin' it!2006/12/09 5:23 PMAs Jesus says, "Forgive them for they know not what they do." 

Love, Light, and Peace...  
lani2006/12/09 09:45 AMi started this discussion to share with members of daily om what was sent back to me when i asked if dr. turi was REAL... 
this discussion has gone on long enough and i BELIEVE i can ask for it to end. 
please let's just put this all to rest. 
there are WAY more important ways for us to share as a cOMmUnity. 
thank you all for sharing in discussion. 
now end it. 
thank you.  
lani2006/12/09 09:36 AM"I am protecting DT's integrity and if he fires me at least I did what I felt was right against all of you losers. Mike dt team..." 
we would perhaps consider hearing from dr. turi about his approach to cyber communities and members of his team. 
if he doesn't have time that is ok. 
thank you.  
first people2006/12/09 09:22 AMHey Doc Turi - my friend in Phoenix lives a stones throw away from you - we may pay you a visit one day and see how real you are. 

Dr. Turi 
4411 N. 23Rd St 
Phoenix, AZ 85016 

(address posted by Dr. Turi so all can see)  
Sherry2006/12/09 09:21 AMYeah Turd who?  
~*~2006/12/09 09:15 AM(changing the subject) How's the weather where you guys are? 

It's cold here but sunny.  
lila2006/12/09 09:10 AMis this guy for real???!!??? 
invalid2006/12/09 09:03 AMshakti you are really UGLY, I would remove my pic if I was you, you will never get laid with such a face. 

Dory the only a*s that has been fired by many is your FAT a*s. 

Cindy the only pretty things on your pic is the mountain but it looks as big as your butt too. 

AS I said you guys are spending to much time alone on your computer f**king on ther ciberspace. Remember YOU losers and DT's bashers started the war so if you can not take the hit f**k YOU ALL! 

I am protecting DT's integrity and if he fires me at least I did what I felt was right against all of you losers. 

lani2006/12/09 08:48 AM"DT is too busy toi read yo and we also understand what jealousy and ignorance is all about and again DT has no time for you. " 
ok, mike/turi visit respectfull when you have time. we are learning..cOMmUnity.friendship. 
~*~2006/12/09 08:45 AMBoy, if I had an employee representing my business in such a crude and hostile fashion, I would fire his a#s. Does Dr. T know how he's behaving, I wonder? 

I think ignoring him is a good idea, shakti.  
shakti2006/12/09 08:22 AMmyself i prefer ignoring the guy. 
what he craves is attention. 

let him starve :-) 

LOVe Vulture in St. Croix .... ahhhhh... lovin' it!2006/12/09 08:14 AMYeah, Matt... click on Mike's profile pictures... looks like teen girls gone wild. Dr Turi is an older man, and it is hilarious that if it is true he is going for jail bait. 

As far as Mike screening DTs emails and bulletin board... soooo what! We can still flood his emails, contact page on website and MOST of all I think it would be even more impressive to call LIVE on the George Noory Show - Coast to Coast and his producers. And, even if we don't call live, we can certainly flood George's email with the enlightment that Mike has shared in behalf of DT. I'm sure he would love to hear what a genuine person and staff he is dealing with. I assure it will make him think twice about having DT on future shows. 

All your comments are hilarious... sending Mike and DT sooo much love. As Jesus says, "Forgive them for they know not what they do." This is true - obviously, NO CLUE what they do! AND, if Mike had a life he certainly wouldn't be here wasting his time on useless communication... what a joke! 

Have a great day everyone! 
Matt2006/12/09 03:33 AMDid I see word "volunteers"? People actually work for him without pay? Why should I be surprised? Pawning Girls Gone Wild and celbrity pics is a noble cause. How can I get such a gig? Does Dr. T need a Washington DC area rep?  
shakti2006/12/09 02:51 AMMIKE 
are you saying that you protect Turi from evil mails that might offend him? 
i see, it must be part of his tecquiqe for avoiding refusal...lol 
mike if you are not a joke you are not doing a good job in offending people because they are skepitical. also turi said he was not happy with you some days ago. maybe YOU need to get a life uh? life is a mirror dear. 

if you want to start to share with us ina civil way, you are the most welcome.. I can assure you of this. 


soc puppets unanimous2006/12/09 01:40 AMDr. Turi puppet. You sound irritable and cranky. Did you expect Omers to swallow your Scam Spam? They are too smart, savvy and diverse. A charlatan is a charlatan is a charlatan. You are a pain in the Astrology Department. 
Jesus and Buddah didn't sell tapes, courses, or pose with celebs or make false charts. They told it as it was. 
You is another cyber clone for a cyber clown. I know, it's my profession. Gottcha silly. 
You are neither wise nor funny, nor persuasive. Stick around and get bashed by the OMsquad. They love to flame phoneys. You are being targetted.  
invalid2006/12/09 01:25 AMlolol I am in charge of DT's forum and I SAW ALL YOUR JUNKS. Don't expect a password from me or any of our volunteers, we "ELIMINATE" your stupid notes, DT is too busy toi read yo and we also understand what jealousy and ignorance is all about and again DT has no time for you. 

For every negative comment DT gets from losers like you thousands more comes positive by the second. 

Please GET A LIFE! 


soc puppets unanimous2006/12/09 01:19 AMTuri is trying to build a cyber empire based on nouveau astrology and fake predictons. If you like him, and want to support him , it's a free country. Personally I think we'd be better to go for a walk in the woods, invite friends for potluck, and a party where everyone brings someone new. Astrology is a pseudo science, based on false assumptions, but intriguing to many gullible people, and crops up over and over. We live in chaos and reach out for gurus and systems that seem to offer help and security, but alas, they just are scams. Only we ourselves with help from accepting friends can find our true path and destiny. Anyone who claims they found it and can show you is peddling something. Did Jesus sell tapes for 19.95$, or ask you to his ashram and try and pinch your tush? I am a devotee of Dr. Tutti Fruiti.  
Sherry2006/12/09 00:50 AMTuri, Peter's not only beautiful, he is brilliant.. and he has a heart., too, and is not only a friend to everyone here, he is about 50 friends to everyone here! 

Beat that!!! 


British Columbia,
you would be correct (S. Africa)

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 21, 2013

You would be correct if Dr Turi Had actually responded, but instead he has appealed to others to speak out for him without disclosing to them what they were actually arguing for or against - a complete manipulation, using others to perpetuate and multiply the lies and abuses.  Not only has he not put anything to right, and all of the claims have gone unanswered but he has retreated to the shadows where he slanders & argues with his so-called "enemies" on his own web-site and he attaches their names to "anonymous" letters so he can have very one-sided and controlled arguments that the other party can neither hear nor respond to.

There is nothing just Or fair in his process, so your very reasonable approach can not be applied to this man's own.

Instead of using this forum to go eye to eye and toe to toe he has stolen from its pages, denied all and lashed out in a very unethical manner and is actually the one in character assassination mode.  If you read his site and postings about how he could "pulverize" & destroy his so-called enemies, you will see this clearly as you appear to be a fair and clear thinking person.  As the person above writes or suggests, do we really need to defend the so called "hypnotherapist" from the so-called "mental patient" when he's attempting to bully or auto-suggest them into suicide.  It's(this is) not an attack of sport.  No decent person Should allow it, never mind defend him.

*It is The Truth that needs to be defended here, Not Turi's ego or business.  I've put myself on the line for nothing else but, and I get abuse from the Turi camp -what else have I to gain but integrity & 'true' spirit.. but Turi only cares about his own. My Gain is Turi's Loss in that regard.

His stories have been removed from by other sites due to their defamatory and fraudulent content and copyright infringement and I have withdrawn from participation with any venue  that will publish his material.  As he has not taken the opportunity to respond with any truth, fair-play or character, here, I will utilize the next level of approach.

I will, however, resolve at least one dishonest attack against the first claimant who likely doesn't even know that Turi has accused this victim of being a Liar, in stating that they never accept credit cards, in order to discredit her claim.

here is at least one e-mailed Visa receipt from Turi at Startheme productions:

Payment Receipt #---------Clickimportant." data-tooltip-align="b,l" data-tooltip-delay="1500" role="img" id=":1hf">[email protected] --/2/12to me Your payment has been processed:


Date/Time:             ---day, ---ember --, 2012 at 0-:--:--PM Pacific Daylight Time

Amount:                $ 310.00

Form of Payment:       Visa ****************

Auth No:               AVSSALE:0-----:---------------:---:----------:D::M

Order ID:              ---------

Description:           1 TAPED FULL LIFE READING : ---1--- @ -:-- -M in ------,


I sense a personal attack against Dr. Turi.

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 21, 2013

I would like to voice my concern and objection at the manner in which the same report from the same individual about Dr. Turi is being repeatedly re-cycled on your website. I was under the impression that all reports are treated with the same degree of merit.

And that merit being once a complaint has been lodged against a person and reponses, both for and against the report have been received and published, that matter or issue should be finalised and closed. Unless of course another issue against the same individual is raised again by another source.

But in the case of Dr. Turi, Iam begining to sense that his character is being targeted here and that there's deliberate attempt to discredit him as a person and what he does.  


British Columbia,

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 21, 2013

don't under stand and no, I won't publicize my printout or credit card you need to contact me another way so figure that out - not too into the net and media so - my termswork


British Columbia,

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 21, 2013

don't under stand and no, I won't publicize my printout or credit card you need to contact me another way so figure that out - not too into the net and media so - my termswork


RE -

#20Author of original report

Wed, March 20, 2013

Can you scan a photo of the credit card printout and convert the tape to MP3 to share here with Turi contradicting himself?


British Columbia,
Turi - Crimes against Humanity

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 20, 2013

I concur. This man must now be stopped.

Not only has he permanently & forcefully attached my name to his own, bad name, for DARING to tell the truth in a free country, to protect others from the abuse I received and get as far away from his personality and practices as I could -but now he continues to increase the depravity of his attacks, and refuses to leave me alone even with clear & legitimate and legal notice that any sane person would "accept".  It's like he's trying to force the on-going connection, holding one 'hostage' in his own dark play.  It's dirty and it's immoral and I guess he'll have to find out --not only is it morally impaired but very illegal...like banging on your bedroom window all night or calling you repeatedly or taking you for a drive in his car WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT,  because he doesn't have to concern his-self with Your Will. This man is a creep  ..  He has 'uttered threats', even indirect, but vile & clear against the elderly, and women and the so-called "mentally ill".      Time to stop it.

As a true "Narcissist" he genuinely seems to think of him-self as a Victim.  Not such a tuff guy, after all.
 While Turi doesn't recognize that right for others he rampantly exercises the right to his own variety of free speech the -"unlawful" kind that re-invents the "Truth' and destroys with distortions and lies.

..all you say is true. I've gone from being(in 'actuality') a free spirited person who doesn't pursue money wealth & fame(as Turi does) or the spot-light(as turi does) who exposed my privacy(by turis force) ONLY because to tell the TRUTH holds the highest Value for me(as it Doesn't for Turi). - with a Very strong mental constitution and a so-called 'Dragon's tail in Capricorn' that he *praised in my reading for its' ability to help and serve and bring so much wealth & success.  (that he felt I should "share" with him, let's not forget) Running on a bit, here, but HE EVEN SAID HE WOULD LLOVE TO HAVE THE SAME Dragon! head and tail(it's on tape, Turi) as he'd be so wealthy with it - not MY$ emphasis - HIS. ...anyway, I'm transformed, Like Magic into a money grubbing(like Turi) mentally-skewed (like, --)   'heavy-weight' &  LIAR, ( like, well--) all with the 'help' of Turi!   Pretty much the opposite of  what or Who I am --like Turi is --and kind of like his readings on my two friends are, in which he takes their Strongest traits --- and called them the EXACT OPPOSITE! 
 There' a *Mystery, at work, here, that I won't share about why Turi sees things in Opposites, as in --"opposite to the Truth", but it's something to stay away from, and I intend to, no matter how much he keeps trying to Force his-self and his own Will onto Me --because that's just wrong, no Matter What You Follow--Deeply Wrong.

NOW - he says, it's Evil, to have this particular placement in Capricorn. HOWEVER, he can't decide - he keeps saying it's in Taurus, too(my so-called tail) and I should be warned about my emotional over-eating, but that as big as I am (105lbs., if you into the "TRUTH" at all) - he is more than able to take this big bull as he is some sort of "matador" I tell this story again because it's so clearly ins-n- We wouldn't want throw the slander around, would we Turi?

I have REAL DOCTORS, also to verify my mental health and well- being, and am one of the last persons on earth who would EVER COMMIT SUICIDE -So You Can Shut the F----up, on that count, once and for all.
Like I've said I'll Leave The DIAGNOSES To The Real Doctors, not the pretend ones -who've actually met me.  As for your claims that I "need 'medications' that (you) don't prescribe" -once again:  You Don't Prescribe Them Because You Can't Prescribe Them Because YOU ARE NOT A REAL DOCTOR!!
--as for "suicide" I have studied it - & its prevention, in depth - *as a person who IS -- in My "Helping" field- actually interested in preventing people from harming themselves -- Not trying to incite it or Push Them Towards It!!     as you seem "Hell"-bent on doing.     So -not only do I understand and Know the risks & the root causes and its Horrible Damages, better than most and know it's as far away a possibility as you can get, But I Treat This Very Very Seriously as Should You, Doctor...

and if you are having sick fantasies about my doing myself in, you can keep them to your SICK F--K SELF.
I have been informed (via copy sent) that Turi "staged" an e-mail To Me -on his own web-site even using my name - warning me of my future or impending suicide, inferring that he's only trying to 'help' me.   WHILE YOU MIGHT THINK IT DOESN'T GET ANY SICKER THAN THAT -- IT DOES!! (:he writes to me at an e-mail address he knows is closed to him and that I don't get his e-mails in, so it's like a phantom letter (or a 'fantasy' letter) to me for the benefit of --who, exactly, Turi? or what?

Keep Your Sick Fantasies To Yourself.  Boston, Let's Get Together* Dr. Turi needs a new "web-page".



#22Author of original report

Wed, March 20, 2013

As has been stated Turi responds to complaints not by answering the issue but by bullying the individual in his public newsletters.  One consistent aspect of his responses is the repeated statements that the individuals concerned are "Mentally Ill / Insecure / Prone to addiction".  Remember this.

Having used his Cosmic Code to establish to his readers that the person is indeed "Mentally Ill / insecure / prone to addiction etc etc etc" he then REPEATEDLY inserts the suggestion that they will commit suicide.

Now just pause here Cosmic Coders and THINK!

Turi believes that people are mentally ill THEN to rid himself of them he DELIBERATELY TRIES TO DRIVE THEM TO SUICIDE!!!

Cosmic Coders you should be all ASHAMED of yourselves!  Every time you answer one of his requests to speak up for him you are endorsing this man and the despicable tactics he uses, these are the cold hard facts like it or not.

You have all been very brave to come on here and speak up for Turi without looking at the facts because he is a skilled Cult Leader who plays the "Victim" card whenever anyone questions him, and yes we were once as such but started to wake up when he refused to answer these type of questions and became abusive when we pressed the matter.

So answer this now - how would you feel if a relative or loved one who is "Mentally Ill" was being treated like this by Turi? Seriously answer the question!

If you can't bring yourselves to do this then don't you dare - DON'T YOU DARE - call anyone on here a "Coward" because you are Ten times worse.  The choice IS yours.


British Columbia,

#23REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 19, 2013

Notice The Noise(from the turi camp) ended, when The Sense Began.  Is someone actually Listening ?


British Columbia,
Why Is Turi in "Damage Control"?-why not do no damage

#24REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 18, 2013

So - why is Turi in such a rampant state of damage control that he's gone on-line, in begging his supporters (I need you more than ever) to go against this guy from Boston, to make declarative statements against the guy? on his behalf,  when He-himself doesn't even know to whom he's speaking,  and Won't Speak Out for His-self?  Firstly, if he operated legitimately, he could afford to ignore his so-called 'enemies' without going into full "attack" mode.
If he were truly "above" it all he actually Could stay there, people, -- above it all.  But instead, HE HAS DECLARED HIS-SELF TO BE ABOVE ANY RESPONSE TO THE LOWLY RIP-OFF REPORT, as a fraud & so-called money web-site, AND INSTEAD, ASKED HIS 'CODERS' TO COME OUT SWINGING FOR HIM, on it, INSTEAD.    So I guess it's worth his 'attention' after all.

What's the first 'rule' of absolutely Any Helping Profession? - Do No Harm. ( the second might be, Don't Fake Your Doctorates' Degree)

 Read his more lengthy Rip-Off report and the real stories abt. him , which none of his supporters seem to be commenting on..perhaps too long for a short attention span, like Turi's, who is  far too dislexic to actually Be a Dr... funny he cites the evil & low souls who can be discerned through their poor use of the language but let me play some of his tripping-over-his-own- tongue recordings and e-mails to me !!

Terania says the post on the rip-off report fr. Nanaimo is "all lies", which Actually SERVES TO PROVE  HER TO BE LYING(and perhaps too ashamed to state her own name clearly). In fact, lets go into a court of Law and watch her state that she never E-MAILED ME TO NOT BLOW THE WHISTLE ON HER & HER HUSBAND & by all means LET THE RECORD SHOW THAT SHE AND I BOTH HAVE THE CREDIT RECEIPTS & AND THAT I HAVE THE RECORDED PROOF ON TAPE WITH TURI LYING & CONTRADICTING HIS OWN READING & SELF, and advertising --NOT TO MENTION THE WIFE LATER USING THE SAME INFORMATION TO ABUSE HER OWN CLIENT & CONTRADICT TURI, ENTIRELY!  LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW HE SHAMELESLLY "UTTERED THREATS" on line and committed multiple abuses and breaches of private people, contrary to Federal Laws. and then let's listen to her Purger herself and call it "all lies"  She has contradicted turi , making up her own stories just to be able to be abusive, as well, and THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE,PEOPLE.  I have great experiences with people every day and it Doesn't Make Them Wonderful People-Completely Innocent-nor 100% "right" --wake up Children!   have the catholic church and the American Gov't taught NOTHING, if Not To Think For Your Bloody Selves??! --or is this commentary too lengthy to bother reading?  "Do No HARM"--yet here's Turi, attacking the so-called 'mentally ill' - and BOASTING about it.  If Dr. Turi feels he has to fight , abuse & decimate AND DEFEND HIMSELF! from a 'mental patient' ( as if He's 'actually 'qualified' to diagnose one) then doesn't that establish Him as either a bit of a 'nut' himself; or an enormously 'corrupt' Bully or someone much Lower than the one in question?  READ, People.and then Think!!

How can you nuts justify that? There are stories about cyber bullying - which is just another form of "Criminal "harassment" - causing people to Commit Suicide, lately, and IF YOU FAITHFUL 'FOLLOWERS' are O. K. with that, then I really wouldn't wish to know you, anyway.  Perhaps you can all move to a 'commune' in France, somewhere where True free speech & will are not so - free.



#25Author of original report

Mon, March 18, 2013

Here in this Hour plus long video Turi states within the first Ten Minutes that his Cosmic Code was given to him buy the same creatures that "Abduct people and Mutilate the cattle".  

Seriously ask yourselves, are THESE the creatures you want to be associated with Cosmic Coders?  Think seriously about this because a poisoned well cannot produce clean water.

Dr. Turi On UFO Facts - YouTube? 99:04? 99:04www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2pz_fwus5oOct 24, 2012 - Uploaded by drturistarDr. Turi explains about his 4 solid UFOs experiences - The REAL "International UFO Congress Creator Bob ...


THANK YOU nanaimo (Canada)

#26Author of original report

Mon, March 18, 2013

The Turi camp is far from a happy family and as you probably guessed we are former "Cosmic Coders".  One of us has left but the remaining Two are still payed up members who are compiling a dossier against Turi because we are sick and tired of the way he treats people and scams them.  There are emails from Turi and Terrania that are contradictory to each-other and the complaints people are making here are just the tip of the iceberg we promise you.  When Turi prints his rebutting rants (avoidance waffling) he just shows himself to be that which he accuses others of being.

Why don't they come clean and tell people the REAL reason they were dropped from Coast to Coast?

  Why doesn't Turi use his Cosmic Code to predict actual details not just obscure generalities such as - there will be trouble in the middle east / expect changing weather patterns / take extra care driving / there will be a scandal involving a famous personality etc etc etc.

  THESE are what he keep crowing are precise, accurate, specific predictions and he accuses people of being "Stupid, Unconscious, Ignorant" if they don't agree with him.  

What's wrong camp Turi?  Take the Randi Challenge and we will make a full apology, publicly and on this page.  Turi will probably say that he doesn't need to take the Randi Challenge because his work is evidence enough.  We say then why not take it?  Turi you are very good at insulting people with words no show us your REAL manhood and take the Randi Challenge.

Your move Turi



#27Author of original report

Mon, March 18, 2013

The James Randi Challenge, yes or no?  If Turi passes the challenge we will write a full retraction and apology on this page.  What's it to be then guys yes or no? 


Las Vegas,
" Michael" is not an alias..simpleton!

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, March 18, 2013

If you are referring to me as an alias, you are a very sad ,patheitic little simpleton. I have nothing to do with Dr. Turi's establishment. I only know him through a personal reading years ago. I suggest you get your facts straight before lieing on a public forum....or maybe you are just a habitual liar, in that case ...I forgive you...LOL

Report Attachments


British Columbia,

#29General Comment

Mon, March 18, 2013

Brilliantly stated, Boston, and the only "clearly-stated" & logical case in the long string of rants, and not simply  because I'm of like mind, but--  right:   These are not "free-"thinking individuals, (nor have they read the facts before arguing, therefore can only argue in Ignorance).  Turi complains the one complaint -years old - to be false as he does not take credit cards. Not only have several complained about credit charges but  I have my own credit card print-out, as does a friend of mine,From him.  AND

-I doubt his memory is years long WHEN HE CALLS THE (anonymous) PERSON A GUY and the name shows up to be a FEMALE on another post .  In Other Words For You Non-Free Thinkers, he Doesn't know Who or What he is Arguing Against and not only doesn't recall the anonymous stranger from years ago, neither does he fill his own orders and take the credit card information.  The next anonymous complaint was taken from the rip-off pages and used to bash another person, Terania says "is all Lies" -not much of an argument, especially when they have said they wouldn't respond to the RIP-OFF REPORT since they were fraudsters wanting money from him to defend himself?

Now This person in Boston -and Turi is frantically on his pages, scrounging up "support" trying to figure out WHO in Boston had a reading-- Because he Doesn't know --and it's called "Shadow-Boxing" and it's a wonderful way to see the really pathetic side of Dr. Turi

So WHO'S LYING, here, FOLKS - if you dare to Think For Yourselves?   One good 'priest' or 'neighbor' does Not an Innocent make nor does it exclude him from indecent and Horrific acts, of which he is Certainly Guilty!!


British Columbia,

#30General Comment

Mon, March 18, 2013

Brilliantly stated, Boston, and the only "clearly-stated" & logical case in the long string of rants, and not simply  because I'm of like mind, but--  right:   These are not "free-"thinking individuals, (nor have they read the facts before arguing, therefore can only argue in Ignorance).  Turi complains the one complaint -years old - to be false as he does not take credit cards. Not only have several complained about credit charges but  I have my own credit card print-out, as does a friend of mine,From him.  AND

-I doubt his memory is years long WHEN HE CALLS THE (anonymous) PERSON A GUY and the name shows up to be a FEMALE on another post .  In Other Words For You Non-Free Thinkers, he Doesn't know Who or What he is Arguing Against and not only doesn't recall the anonymous stranger from years ago, neither does he fill his own orders and take the credit card information.  The next anonymous complaint was taken from the rip-off pages and used to bash another person, Terania says "is all Lies" -not much of an argument, especially when they have said they wouldn't respond to the RIP-OFF REPORT since they were fraudsters wanting money from him to defend himself?

Now This person in Boston -and Turi is frantically on his pages, scrounging up "support" trying to figure out WHO in Boston had a reading-- Because he Doesn't know --and it's called "Shadow-Boxing" and it's a wonderful way to see the really pathetic side of Dr. Turi

So WHO'S LYING, here, FOLKS - if you dare to Think For Yourselves?   One good 'priest' or 'neighbor' does Not an Innocent make nor does it exclude him from indecent and Horrific acts, of which he is Certainly Guilty!!



#31Author of original report

Sun, March 17, 2013

There are some interesting things to observe in these responses which i will address here.

  Firstly all have ignored the reason this article was written, that being, despite being separated by distance and birth details people are receiving exactly the same "Full life reading" which is 90% evasion waffling with some vague generalizations attached.  This is the same cheap psychological trick that all fraud psychics use.

Secondly and most telling is that people are behaving exactly as Turi does in condemning all who do not fall for his rubbish as "Unconscious / Ignorant / Lacking intelligence / Stupid etc etc etc" Turi routinely condemns and insults ALL people in his newsletters who do not think his way.  This isn't the behavior of a Spiritual person it is the behavior of a cult leader.

Even more interesting is that Turi recently made a video in which he states that he received his Cosmic Code from the very same creatures that abduct people against their will, mutilate animals and took him as a boy without his consent.  Later in life Turi walked out on his wife and young family because of these same beings.  Now let us for a moment assume that all this is correct, are THESE the sort of beings you want to be associated with?  Cold, Machine-Like Sociopaths who have no regard for people or the damage they cause?  Indeed the responses here display the same cold condemnation of anyone who does not agree with Turi much more in line with the reaction of cult members than people who can think for themselves.  Worth thinking about.


Ft. Worth,
Dr. Turi Rocks!

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, March 17, 2013

I know all of us "Cosmic Coders" disagree with your analysis of Dr. Turi's work.  I stumbled onto Dr. Turi's 5 or 6 years ago and have never stopped reading his work when it is avaliable.  He used to send out these amazing letters.  The only reason I am not subscribed now is where I live and I do not do any commerce on the internet.

I sent off for a "life reading" and the only problem I had was that I wanted more.  I am personally sorry for your disappointment but I feel your disappointments come, per Dr. Turi, from your Unque Celestial Identiry.

Ad hominems will get you nowhere.


Ft. Worth,
Dr. Turi Rocks!

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, March 17, 2013

I know all of us "Cosmic Coders" disagree with your analysis of Dr. Turi's work.  I stumbled onto Dr. Turi's 5 or 6 years ago and have never stopped reading his work when it is avaliable.  He used to send out these amazing letters.  The only reason I am not subscribed now is where I live and I do not do any commerce on the internet.

I sent off for a "life reading" and the only problem I had was that I wanted more.  I am personally sorry for your disappointment but I feel your disappointments come, per Dr. Turi, from your Unque Celestial Identiry.

Ad hominems will get you nowhere.



#34Author of original report

Sun, March 17, 2013

Take the James Randi challenge.  They are still waiting for a response from Turi when he applied before but he never followed through after he had been accepted.  We will be happy to join everyone and petition the James Randi Foundation to contact Turi again and reproduce their emails on this page.  Fair enough?



#35Author of original report

Sun, March 17, 2013

Yes "Laurie Shafer" we are perfectly aware of who you are.  You are in fact another former partner and current business partner of Turi are you not?  That is why you are just about the only person out of the "Thousands and Thousands of subscribers" that has anything to say on the Cosmic Code site is it not?



#36Author of original report

Sun, March 17, 2013

"Michael" is an alias if Turi's webmaster Tom who can often be found abusing people who disagrees with him on forums in the most vial and despicable ways. Turi has his full support and even encourages this.  Oh and why don't you tell people that the real reason you were all dropped from Coast to Coats AM was because of the sheer number of complaints they keep getting about Turi ripping them off?


Total b.s.

#37Consumer Comment

Sun, March 17, 2013

I had a reading from this gentleman and everything came true. The reading was informative, pleasant and above-all was a barometer to planning your life.

After this reading I continued to order more readings, books etc and have been happy ever since! So I highly reccommend this individual/company.

Laurie Shafer

North Carolina,
Dr Turi is honorable

#38Consumer Comment

Sun, March 17, 2013

Dr Turi is a straight shooter and always tells it like it is, so I don't understand why you'd mention "Sex Addict" in the title of this complaint unless you were offended by him saying that it's part of your unique celestial identity. You can't hide the truth of what you are, if anyone knows your birth date. 

All of his readings are two sided tapes and the information that leads up to the personal reading prepares the client for their specific guidance. He uses a software program and since the planets rotate in certain order as time goes by, the location of each of the planets progresses through the zodiac; so it's impossible for them to be identical readings. 

He also does a personal tarot reading and what are the chances of selecting 12 cards and having them all land in the same exact position? 

Dr Turi is putting all his efforts into helping people cope and understand why things happen and he's trying to make this world a better place. Some might call it being psychic, others genius, but the ones willing to delve in to learn will consider it logically; it's all in where you're at mentally and it's apparent that you exaggerate and choose to be disgruntled. Otherwise, you'd know better.   

Report Attachments


I do not agree with the accusations levelled against dr. turi

#39REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 17, 2013

i am a south african citizen and i have known about dr. turi's psychic abilities for the past five years and i have always found him to be highly professional with his work, humble, in his dealings with those who seek his help and advice. as for his cosmic code, i have used it in the past three years as a directive for both my professional and spiritual life. I think it is unfortunate that people who cannot prove their accussations are enjoying the liberty of tarnishing his good name in vain. I have always found his predictions about events, issues and people to be very accurate, how then can such a gifted man be a fraud?

Report Attachments



#40Consumer Comment

Sun, March 17, 2013

My Great Uncle help start the UFO Museum in Roswall - does that make him an expert?? Psychics are nothing but CON ARTISTS period.  Stop wasting your money on these LIARS!


Las Vegas,
Dr Louis Turi is the real thing.

#41Consumer Comment

Sun, March 17, 2013

I met Dr. Turi at a UFO conference in Las Vegas. I had a reading with him, more out of curiosity than anything else. He was very pleasant and polite and asked that I only give him my first name, which I did. He then started telling me about my life, my occupation, my problems with my business and problems with my marriage. Everything he told me was accurate about my life like he had lived it with me. I had a special feeling with him like he is very for real and a very unique individual. When he told me about my occupation, he was a little confused, not because he couldn't see what I did for a living, he just didn't know what to call it. He said he saw me with tools and electronic equipment, but he also saw me in a hospital with beds and monitors and stuff. When I explained to him I was a biomedical engineer and worked in hospitals on medical equipment , it all made sense.  All this information came from me just giving him my first name and birth date. I was amazed and to this day I am very happy I made his aquaintance. I know of many other people who have had like experiences, some of them life changing. Dr. Turi is for real and anyone who says different, is basically not ready to hear the truth..

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