  • Report:  #102202

Complaint Review: Dawn Guthrie The Lying Control Freak - Marietta Georgia

Reported By:
- Marietta, Georgia,

Dawn Guthrie The Lying Control Freak
Marietta, Georgia, U.S.A.
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Dawn was asked to help my friends organize a party for my sister.

She was rude to them by taking completely over, issuing orders and bossing everyone around. When anything went wrong, she denied she gave the order and blamed it on my "incompetent" friends. She even said things to one friend to get her mad at the other one. By the time I got there to straighten out the mess, she had 4 of my best friends fighting about lies she told them about each of them. After a long look-see and speaking with all my friends, Dawn was figured out. She was sneaky, subtle, and manipulative - like she had a degree in it or something! All my friends refused to come back unless I got rid of her. We did get rid of her, everyone became friends again, worked together, and threw a great party!


Marietta, Georgia

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