  • Report:  #46779

Complaint Review: Credit Source - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Redding, California,

Credit Source
Nationwide, U.S.A.
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On February 20, 2003 at 11:59 am I was contacted by a man named Adam Jordan offering me an unsecured VISA card with a $2500 credit line that I supposedly applied for. The conversation was recorded and all of my questions were verified to be correct as posted by Perry from Cottonwood,CA. He even gave me a little credit counseling offering me debt consolidation with my current credit cards and offering to send me a packet along with my credit card through certified mail. He took my routing number and account number saying the $297 would be deducted from my account on March 15, 2003. He offered me a confirmation # which was FX and the last four digits of my social securuty number and his employee# which was FX330. Pretty convincing until I thought of how much it was costing me to get credit. This man automatically assumed I had bad credit and told me that is why the fee was so large. The creepy and at the same time convincing part was he already had my address and phone number at a residence I have been at for only three weeks. I had applied for a few credit cards online the weekend before and decided to look in my history to see if I could find this company. When I failed to locate them I used a search engine and found that Credit Source is a real Credit Card Counseling service and posted on their site is a notice stating that They do not offer credit cards and if you are contacted by a company posing as Credit Source they are a SCAM. My suggestions is to log all of the comapnies you apply for online. This company has recieved my information which has obviously been shared my another company. Needless to say I closed my account and they got nothing but my privacy and time. Sheila Redding, California

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