  • Report:  #25970

Complaint Review: Consumer Service Center - Bellaire Maryland

Reported By:
- New port richey, Fl,

Consumer Service Center
PO Box 21302 Bellaire, 21285 Maryland, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was called by a telemarketer and offered what I was told was a Mastercard with a $1000.00. They have a tape recording of me asking if it was $1000. Unsecured credit card. They repeatedly told me that it was an unsecured card. They were authorized to take a one time fee of $229 from my checking account. I later learned that it was not an unsecured card and wasn't even a real mastercard. It was for an offer to win a free computer and cell phone.

I called the company and they told me they would refund my money back into my account within 30 days. It has now been 65 days and still no money. Whenever I try to call to find out what is going on they will not let me speak to supervisor or even give me the address of phone number of their corporate office.

I would really like some help in getting my money back please. I live in Florida and am having a hard time finding any information about this organization


New Port Richey, Florida

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Tue, November 19, 2002

Listing your complaint on many Government links sometimes are no better than the BBB and are most likely just a waste of time, giving you false hope. Many government sites (like the BBB) just collect all information from you, the consumer, but never make that information available for all to see, so consumers will NOT be educated as to what exactly they should be looking out for. By these agencies not letting you see these complaints, making them public, you never know how bad the company or individual rip-off really is. On the other hand, many government agencies have and do come to the Rip-off Report for information. We have been assisting many government agencies for some time now, including the FBI and Attorney General offices from around the country.. Now that all these Rip-off Reports are out in the open for everyone to see, in a way, this embarrasses these agencies into doing something when they see so many reports on a Company or Individual, because they are now out in the open for all to see. Unfortunately, many (not all) Attorney General Office's and government agencies will not move against a rip-off unless you are well connected, or there is going to be some sort of publicity on the rip-off. By reporting your experience on the Rip-off Report, is the next best thing to getting your story on TV or in a newspaper. Most national TV networks and many local TV stations from all around the country also come to the Rip-off Report for information they will not get from the BBB, Attorney General office's or any other government agency. Rip-off Report has instigated many local and national stories, resulting in help for victims' world wide, in one way or another. Most government agencies will never even bother with rip-offs unless it involves $50,000 or more. Now that government is cutting back even more dollars for these types of programs, this number will even get higher and we can expect even less to get done, by even less people to work on all these rip-offs. Additionally, by filing a Rip-off Report, you might be contacted by us notifying you to contact a law firm that has shown interested in your case. We get requests now every week; bringing victims together with lawyers willing to sue the company they field a Rip-off Report on.



#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 18, 2002

I too have filed a report against CSC. I suggest that you file a consumer complaint with the FTC and also with the Maryland Attorney General, and the Florida Attorney General. Although it isn't an immidiate solution to the problem, it can help.

My suggestion on how to avoid this in the future, is to not submit your credit card or bank information over the phone to a telemarketer/salesman, period. Ask them to send you information to look over so you can make an decision. If they do send you information, then do some research on the company. Basically just make sure that it is a legit establishment.If they refuse to send you info or insist that it is necessary to make your decision at that time, then it is likely that it is a fraud or that they are feeding you lies about what they are selling to make it more appealing to you.

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