  • Report:  #66792

Complaint Review: Consolidated Media Services - Kennesaw Georgia

Reported By:
- Owings Mills, Maryland,

Consolidated Media Services
200 Chastain Center Blvd.,Suite# 200 Kennesaw, 30144 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
CMS has charged me a massive amount for magazines I did not want. When I realized I needed to cut it off because the price was rediculous, it was too late. I was not informed of only having 10 days to cut it off. Now I'm stuck with a magazine subscription for 3 years. Also,I was suppose to get a free watch and etc.

CMS keeps sending me letters saying if I don't pay them I will most likely be taken to court. My credit is going to be messed up because of them.

They say I owe $463.80 for 3 months worth of magazines and that it is due in 30 days.


Owings Mills, Maryland

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Don't let them initimidate you, with harming your credit report.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 15, 2003

They have to prove you consented to a subscription. Did you sign a contract and mail it to them? Did they clarify what you agreed to? I am unclear as to whether or not you agreed to the purchase, but even if you did, you would have to understand that completely, without being subject to deceptive selling practices. They would also need to provide print information and/or an audible tape recording of your aggreement. Even so, in this situation, with this corporation specifically, you need to collect a refund and cut your ties, if refunding is necessary. I don't know if you've paid anything out, but I would not recommend it. Their potentially illicit practice of alleged price gouging is a part of their corrupt reputation. Now I want to give you some background and contact information. Some may be more of use to law enforcement, which views this site, and may read your report. Consolidated Media Services Inc. started in 1968, and became a member of BBB, in 1997. Their report is available at http://www.atlanta.bbb.org/commonreport.html?comid=3115 If that link does not work for you, just access the onlineBBB--onlinebbb.org They have their own search engine. Type in Consolidated Media Services, Inc. The Principal CEO is Mr. Ronald Altbach. Your customer contact is: Mr. Clay Hurst. Mr. Hurst is also the Director of Compliance. His number is: 1-770-955-2715. I don't know if you're familiar with their websites but they are: www.cmsmags.com and www.mosmags.com The phone numbers are a little more important as well as the address. For the record their email is: [email protected] This specific email belongs to Mr. Chris Hornaday for what it's worth, who is additional management personnel. This coporation publically claims to negotiate and respond to customer complaints. I'll let you be the judge. They are also known as CMS and Media Outsourcing, Inc. If you have a genuine valid reason for a cancellation of your subscription they will grant it, even if it is outside their standard refund/cancellation policy. Call Mr. Clay Hurst at 1-800-527-4392 and you can email him at [email protected]. I would recommend a phone call and typewritten letter, with his name in the salutation. Mail that letter certified, with a signature required, so they will not be able to denigh your communication. Make Mr. Hurst specifically sign for it. While that letter runs through snail mail, call him by phone, confirm your identity, account information, and that there is a letter in the mail. Negotiate that cancellation. In the past 36 months they have received 1,233 customer complaints, just through the BBB alone. There are other consumer organizations, who also have complaint records. Make sure they do not have any of your credit card or bank account information of any kind. If they call a credit reporting agency, you can dispute the charges placed on your report. IF they are unable to prove 100%, that you really agreed and subscribed, the credit agency is not allowed to include that information on your report. You can also provide your own case evidence to disprove their claims, and to detail your situation as a victim of deceptive selling practices. When you write them your letter address to Mr. Clay Hurst make sure they are aware that you are NOT a subscriber to their magazine, and that you never agreed to any purchase for $463.80 or any other fee of any kind. They are not authorized to gain access to your personal account information. Specify that they are not allowed to include your name on any mailing list of any kind, and to remove your name immediately. Now I have important information that you can use for reference in your letter: Government Actions "On April 9, 2002, the Unitd States Department of Justice, at the request of the Federal Trade Commission, asked a District Court Judge for the Northeren District of Georgia, to file a complaint against Media Outsourcing, Inc. (also known as Consolidated Media Services), Cross Media Marketing Corporation, Richard L. Prochnow, a principal of DSI, and two executives of Cross Media and Media Outsourcing. This complaint was filed for civil penalties and injunctive relief. According to the company's For 10-K for the Year Ended December 31, 2002 filed with the Securities and Exchange commission, on March 28, 2003, Cross Media and Media Outsourcing signed a settlement agreement with the FTC and the DQJ resolving all of the claims made in the government's complaint without any admission of guilt or liability. However, the settlement aggreement must till be reviewed and approved by the FTC and DQJ, and thus not binding on the parties until this approval process is completed. For further informatin regarding this actio, consumers may contact the United States District Cort for theNorthern Distruct of Georgia or the Federal Trade Commision". http://www.atlanta.bbb.org, page 4 of 4, date: 9-11-2003 You can access the Federal Trade Commision site at: www.ftc.gov or call 1-877-382-4357 At the end of your letter place a list of cc's--correspondance copies addressed to: The Federal Trade Commission, and Attorney friend, [email protected] and anyone else. There is another article you might review throught this link: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news02/ This should at least get you to the site. The article is titled: "Prosecutors Target Magazine Telemarketers". Just to give you an idea here is the first paragraph: "United States Department of Justice, at the request of the Federal Trade Commission, has asked a U.S. District Court judge to stop the allegedly illegal sales practices of magazin tlemarketers Cross Media Marketing Corp., Media Outsourcing Inc. (Consolidated Media Services, Inc.) and three principals of the corporations". http://www.consumeraffairs.com, page 1 of 2, date: 9-14-2003 The address you posted matches perfectly. Well, I'm sorry to lay all this on you. Get back to us, and let us know how this turns out. Hope this helps. Consumer Advocate Rip-off Report Volunteer

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