  • Report:  #45747

Complaint Review: Consolidated Media Services (CMS) & Media Outsourcing (MOS) - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- Odessa, Texas,

Consolidated Media Services (CMS) & Media Outsourcing (MOS)
2559 Heritage Court, Ste. 10 Atlanta, 30339 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First off, I am on what is called a No-Call-List in the state of Texas. I received a telemarketing phone call from Media Outsourcing, so what I did (quiet stupidly thinking I would outsmart them) was said yes to everything because they told me from the onset that they would send me everything in writing and I would have to sign the authorization form for my magazine subscription to go through and before they could bill me.

I thought that when I got the "paper work" I would send everything to the attorney general's office and file a complaint against them. That was back in December 2002. I never heard from them again until today when I called my credit card company to find out a charge had gone through my credit card. I have not received a written authorization from nor have I received a magazine yet. I have had to cancel my credit card as lost and open a new account.


Odessa, Texas

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