  • Report:  #1277

Complaint Review: Compaq - Huston Texas

Reported By:
- Ventura, CA,

Huston, Texas, U.S.A.
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I also am a rebate ignoree, this time with Compaq. I purchased a 5200 presario 3/27/99 just because I knew little about computers at the time and trusted a radio shack store. The rebate R.S had me send in was outdated and since that time, i have been lied to misdirected to numbers that go to places like Johnson and Johnsons, and web sites with 35,000 forms. Just try to find expired rebates at this site WWW.compaq.com/expiredrebates.

Right-on for your site and lets here from everyone who corperate america tries to ignore. Thank you for this site!

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