  • Report:  #66949

Complaint Review: Clear Choice Solutions - St. George Utah

Reported By:
- wyandotte, Michigan,

Clear Choice Solutions
334 West Tabernacle Suite J St. George, 84770 Utah, U.S.A.
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Subject: Clear Choice Credit Solutions

I had a telemarketer call my house and get my husband on the line(about 3 months ago). My husband did not understand what the man wanted and explained to him that "my wife handles everything you must call her" and he gave the man my work number.

When the man called me I told him we did not need his services and to please remove us from whatever list he had there. He then called my husband back and told him that I said yes, and to give him our checking account number because I was to busy at work to do this. So my husband did.

When I arrived home that night I went crazy. I found the number for the place and called them and told them what happened. She said she could not trace who did it because it was a new entry but nothing would be deducted from out account. Two days later $249.00 was deducted from my account. I sent letters, made threatening phone calls and finally 2 months later I received my money back.

Well today I went to draw money out of my checking account and it said it wasn't available, so I looked up my account on the internet only to see that they took money out of my account again, this time will be the last. I now have to change my account which I have had since 1992. Now my Utility bill check is going to bounce, and I can not find a good number for this place.

I am having surgery (10th in 10 months)Tuesday and how am I going to pay for my prescriptions now? This is just one of the many problems I am facing because of this company. Another small problem is how am I going to feed my family? Please post this and see if someone can help me find these *&^%@$%#.


wyandotte, Michigan

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Call State Attorney General Mike Cox 1-517-373-1110

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 15, 2003

This is a very difficult situation you are enduring, but no matter what, you must explain the situation to your Attorney General in a calm manner. You have every right to be angry. This is nothing short of theft. Your State Attorney General Mr. Mike Cox P.O.Box 30212 525 W. Ottawa Street Lansing, MI, 48909-0212 1-517-373-1110 http://www.ag.state.mi.us I pray that you have changed all of your account information by now. I want to give you a combination of contact and background information. I can't remember if you have this address already, but I'm posting it just in case: Clear Choice Credit Solutions 334 West Tabernacle Suite J St. Goerge, Ut, 84770 Customer Service Phone: 1-866-463-3421 Fax: 1-435-673-6552 Licensing information: "As of August 22, 2003, the St. Goerge business licensing office confirmed that this firm did not have a license to operate". http://www.saltlakecity.bbb.org/commonreport.html?comid=11000039, 8-30-2003, page 1 of 2 If you were considering a lawsuit, you might use this person, additional company management personnel: Mrs. Jeri Hale I also want to give you this Help hotline for the Federal Trade Commission 1-877-382-4357. Their website is: www.ftc.gov. However, in your situation, you need to move fast, and I really think you should call them. The website is huge, and you're under a lot of stress right now. Weeding through the maze of that site, might be too much. Confront these people and demand a refund. The best way is in writing to the address posted. Tell them you are well aware of their operating WITHOUT A LICENSE. Specify the amount stolen from your account. In the letter specify an unauthorized withdrawal of $289 was taken from your account. You sound familiar with credit plans and offers, so I won't go into any more detail. It is just terrible that you will be going into surgury, and they show up to pull this stunt. Be sure to tell your Attorney General about that surgury. You have to confront them first with that Certified Signature required letter, and a 7 to 10 day time limit before your Attorney can help you. I would go for 5 to 7, with a phone call to customer service in tandem. Tell them that letter is on the way, and they can beat the due date specified with immediate compensation. Here I go again, you already know what to do. I'm just dying a thousand times--ignore me. :) Well, I hope this helps. Get back to us, if you have a problem with this contact information. Hope this helps. Consumer Advocate Rip-off Report Volunteer

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