  • Report:  #68191

Complaint Review: CIC Credit Monitor Service - Internet

Reported By:
- North Charleston, South Carolina,

CIC Credit Monitor Service
consumerinfo.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I opened up my Discover card bill and saw a 79.95 charge from CIC. I did not order a credit report, and I would like to get my money back.

I am trying to pay my credit card off and slimebags like this make me very angry.

They are not going to get away with this. But, I need help on what to do.


North Charleston, South Carolina

5 Updates & Rebuttals


call this # for a refund....it works...... 1-888-888-8553

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 03, 2003

hey dude, i had the sam problem as u did.. all you have to do is call 1-888-888-8553 and tell them that u want to cancel the service and tell them that u didnt know about the charge of 79.95 , and that u want that $$ refunded back on to your card. most likely they will say that they will, but if they say they cant, tell them that you are going to be put on the list for the class action lawsuit against the company, and the will refund the $$. The $$ should be refunded into ur accout in 7- 10 business days. yeah it sucks they cant do it now, but its better than nothin... good luck with the phone call... peace


call this # for a refund....it works...... 1-888-888-8553

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 03, 2003

hey dude, i had the sam problem as u did.. all you have to do is call 1-888-888-8553 and tell them that u want to cancel the service and tell them that u didnt know about the charge of 79.95 , and that u want that $$ refunded back on to your card. most likely they will say that they will, but if they say they cant, tell them that you are going to be put on the list for the class action lawsuit against the company, and the will refund the $$. The $$ should be refunded into ur accout in 7- 10 business days. yeah it sucks they cant do it now, but its better than nothin... good luck with the phone call... peace


call this # for a refund....it works...... 1-888-888-8553

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 03, 2003

hey dude, i had the sam problem as u did.. all you have to do is call 1-888-888-8553 and tell them that u want to cancel the service and tell them that u didnt know about the charge of 79.95 , and that u want that $$ refunded back on to your card. most likely they will say that they will, but if they say they cant, tell them that you are going to be put on the list for the class action lawsuit against the company, and the will refund the $$. The $$ should be refunded into ur accout in 7- 10 business days. yeah it sucks they cant do it now, but its better than nothin... good luck with the phone call... peace


call this # for a refund....it works...... 1-888-888-8553

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 03, 2003

hey dude, i had the sam problem as u did.. all you have to do is call 1-888-888-8553 and tell them that u want to cancel the service and tell them that u didnt know about the charge of 79.95 , and that u want that $$ refunded back on to your card. most likely they will say that they will, but if they say they cant, tell them that you are going to be put on the list for the class action lawsuit against the company, and the will refund the $$. The $$ should be refunded into ur accout in 7- 10 business days. yeah it sucks they cant do it now, but its better than nothin... good luck with the phone call... peace


Here is a telephone number and a suggestion for the future.

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 03, 2003

Get in contact with CIC at (877) 513-4175, if that doesn't work call your credit card company and dispute the charges to your credit card. A suggestion for the future. Don't go to these rip-off artist (CIC) for a credit report, go straight to the three major credit reporting agencies and get your credit report from each of them about $9.00 each may be plus tax and a little more if you want your credit score. Equifax.com, Experian.com and TransUnion.com, get the information straight from the real source. By the way you can't really do anything with the CIC report as all the account numbers are encrypted and you can't contact any of the credit reporting agencies without a file number from each agency. The information you get from CIC is incorrect and incomplete as I found in my case. I would have never solved any of my problems if I had not gone to the credit reporting agencies.

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