  • Report:  #76107

Complaint Review: CAMCO - Capital Acquisition And Management Company - Rockford Illinois

Reported By:
- Southgate, California,

CAMCO - Capital Acquisition And Management Company
P. Rockford, 61125-5087 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On December 19, 2003, I received a phone call at my employers from CAMCO. They stated they are a collection company and were working with Bank of America to collect unpaid debts. They stated I had a unpaid debt from Bank of America from 1988 in the amount of $5,943.01, but were willing to settle for $700, which was strange to me.

First of all, I knew I didn't have any unpaid debt and second of all, why were they waiting 15 years to tell me.

I take my credit status very serious and therefore requested more information from CAMCO. They did threaten to report this collection to the credit companies if I did not cooperate. Also, they had a credit report in front of them, because they were able to tell me my credit status.

I needed to see proof that this debt was mine. They sent me a fax, but were not able to provide this information. The letter they sent me simply stated I would settle the collection for $700 and if not, the contract is null and void and the full amount is due. Again, all this sounded strange to me, so I went into the Internet and put their name in, and this website pops up. I was relieved to see this website exists and was amazed to see how many other people went through the same thing.

After I realized what was going on, I called them back and gave them a piece of my mind. I never heard from them again. It is scary to know this is going on and they have your personal information.

Because they have my personal information, such as my Social Security, I called Experian and reported fraud, which puts a security alert under your name. If someone tries to open an account with your information, which can easily be done over the phone if they have all your personal information, they will have to provide proper identification, such as a ID.

In addition, Experian passes this information to the other credit companies, such as, Transunion and Equifax. They will each mail you a free credit report. If you feel, fraud has been committed, call 1-888-397-3742, put a security alert and protect yourself.


Southgate, California

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Aaron, Camco was not able to provide me with any proof stating otherwise

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 28, 2004

Aaron, From your response, I am under the impression you did not read what was stated on the incident with Camco. First of all, this is not a debt I owe or have ever owed to Bank of America. Second of all, Camco was not able to provide me with any proof stating otherwise. So WHY should I pay them??? Just because they brought it down from $5000 to $700.....wow what a deal, I do not think so! Camco is obviously a rip-off company.Even if I was in this situation, I would expect Camco to provide me with some type of proof, especially after 10 years. Thanks but no thanks!


Maple Grove,
Aaron, you are sadly mistaken. You don't know your law very well. A federal court will not hear individual civil cases regarding debt collection.

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2004

Aaron, I was surpised to see that you are not from Rockford, Ill. I would ask you to state the historical case(s) (ya know, JoBlow Collection Crooks, Inc. vs. John Doe, etc) which have upheld collection agencies right to collect on debts that have exceeded the "statute-of-limitations" of 7-years. There are many laws protecting consumers regarding debts that fall into this category (which most of the people posting here seem to have) and it is virtually impossible for collection agencies to collect on such debts even if they are still outstanding. Another mistake you made is stating that "Federal Courts have upheld the right...". You don't know your law very well. A federal court will not hear individual civil cases regarding debt collection. This is the realm of district courts only. Go spout your unhelpful rhetoric elsewhere.


Maple Grove,
Aaron, you are sadly mistaken. You don't know your law very well. A federal court will not hear individual civil cases regarding debt collection.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2004

Aaron, I was surpised to see that you are not from Rockford, Ill. I would ask you to state the historical case(s) (ya know, JoBlow Collection Crooks, Inc. vs. John Doe, etc) which have upheld collection agencies right to collect on debts that have exceeded the "statute-of-limitations" of 7-years. There are many laws protecting consumers regarding debts that fall into this category (which most of the people posting here seem to have) and it is virtually impossible for collection agencies to collect on such debts even if they are still outstanding. Another mistake you made is stating that "Federal Courts have upheld the right...". You don't know your law very well. A federal court will not hear individual civil cases regarding debt collection. This is the realm of district courts only. Go spout your unhelpful rhetoric elsewhere.


UGH! Terrible consumer advice from Aaron! Secured debt vs. Unsecured debt.

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2004

Aaron has the common debt-collector mentality and advice for consumers. It is good advice for the collector, terrible advice for consumers. NEVER, NEVER turn unsecured debt into secured debt by mortgaging your home in one of the "cash out your home equity" scams so highly touted today. It is possible to file bankruptcy on credit card debts and keep your home. If you take out a home equity loan to pay off credit card debt, you turn that unsecured debt into secured debt. Any further financial problems could cost you your home. Just another attempt to get consumers to jump into the meat-grinder of what passes for "the American Economy" today. I call it the "Let's Screw the Little People for All They Have" plan.


Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
Once Again, Another Illiterate sCamco Employee Sounds Off

#6Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 27, 2004

Let me start by saying I just love when you sCamco clowns take a break from your illegal activities and show the world just how smart you really are!! For the love of God, go back and get an education. Better yet, hire a good attorney and sue the school(s) that allowed you to graduate!! A quote from Aaron: "Use equity IS you can". Yeah, Aaron, I'll do that. Thanks for your valuable advice...MORON!! You settled $13,000.00 debt for under $8000.00? You should've taken your own advice...use equity IS you can.


Another Scamco Employee spews

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2004

Aaron, How long does it take you to commute to Rockford from Lake Geneva? Your information stinks of the BS that the rest of the Scamco employees spew. Get your facts straight or better yet, get a real job. BTW what is a reposseded car?


Don't pay if not yours, sCAMCO could not prove the debt was valid

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, January 26, 2004

I think you missed something on the first post. There were no unpaid debts and sCAMCO could not prove the debt was valid. Just because someone sends a letter or makes a call claiming an unpaid debt and asking for money does not in any way, shape or form mean the debt is real. If the debt was legimate, the original debtor would have made all possible attempts to collect and the person would certainly remember it. The major problem here is that sCAMCO has never been able to validate any of the debts they try to collect. That means they cannot prove that the debt in question ever existed, if the person they are calling ever entered into any kind of contract with anyone concerning the alleged debt or anything else about it. Quite often, they don't even know what the supposed debt was for. These guys are crooks, plain and simple.


Lake Geneva,
Read the fine print plus, Federal Courts have upheld the right to collect credit card and similiar debts

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, January 25, 2004

Having read the posts I would like to illuminate the law for a few souls. Credit Card contracts and the attendant agreement to pay the debt until satisfied is a common practice and is firmly rooted in law. Each State defines what, if any, restrictions apply to such contracts. Over time, Credit Card companies, like Banks, charge off non performing accounts...When you see a Charge Off on your credit report it simply means that the issuing company has removed your account from their active file. This does not mean that the debt, or the right to collect the debt have expired. Some states require companies to stop all activity after a statutory period has been met. Most do not... Federal Courts have upheld the right to collect credit card and similiar debts after the expiration of judicial remediation has occurred> So, the Collection agency call you up ten years after you lost your job, the spouse left you dry or you broke your leg, whatever. The right to garnish and foreclose have most likely expired, the right to collect the debt has not. People complain of not getting documentation for long term debt. The papers you have in your secretary are the records you may have forgotten. Armed with the knowledge that you can be approached for the payment of a long held debt, you now must stand up the plate and hit the ball.... I lost my job in 99, the Nasdaq crashed not long after. Use equity is you can, downsize if you must...pay off your debt, don't wait until you are 65. There is nothing more pitiful than a person of retirement age still paying on their credit cards or reposseded car... If someone from Camco offers you $700 on a 3k debt, settle dude, dudette. I settled $13000 debt for under $8000, mine had not expired.... Don't fret the small stuff, end the phonecalls, pay the man.

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