  • Report:  #46302

Complaint Review: Buyloud.com - Nationwide

Reported By:
- bothell, Washington,

San Fernando California 91340 Nationwide, U.S.A.
818-717 2200
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Let's put these guys out of business .....

I bought an alarm paging system for $179.99 They said I would receive my stuff in a week or so. After waiting two weeks, still no alarm. I contacted then again by calling and emailing. They now said the alarm was back order.

After one month, I'm still waiting, try contacting them to get refund. but could not reach them until weeks later. (by email only. Impossible by phone) Cancel my order. They said they would refund me in a week or so. Waited again for a month. Never heard from they.

After 2 month. I contacted The Better Business Bureau. They investigated. I told The BBB I wanted a refund they tried to contact Buyloud but Buyloud somehow avoided them. Now Buyloud have a bad rep from the Better business Bureau.


bothell, Washington

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