  • Report:  #322903


Reported By:
- Tucson, Arizona,

5549 East Lee Street Tucson, 85712 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This bxxxxxx staff, run by wicked, dysfunctional and incompetent women could not even be persuaded to give an 80+ year-old woman a ride to the Pima County Superior Court in downtown Tucson, AZ to make sure that her husband's will was probated correctly...there seems to be a five mile limit to possible rides from the $2300 per month community. It's about six miles to the courthouse. No, this is the part of the facility for regular apartment residents...not even the extended care section. If you stay there may God help you from the sadistic and disgruntled - and underpaid - bitter "minority" employees.

Some of the women who have managed to exterminate their husbands and live here are so continuously sadistic and have so very little to do in their despicable, wicked, evil and meddlesome little lives that I am practically readly to defend my mother by physical intervention from these wicked witches. But it's not only the residents.

Ineffective security which allows utter non-residents on the property, ineffective maintainence personel, friends and relatives of residents who have absolutely nothing better to do than degrade and humiliate the children of inmates, ill-maintained air-conditioning, heating, bad showers, very noisey grounds keeping, the inevitable continuously barking b*****d little poodle next door...you might really prefer an apartment near a decent restaurant.

After my mother lived in this community for about five years, and having visited my mother frequently, I returned from the hospital with a chest stabbing wound from a violent attack in another Tucson neighborhood to find that the staff would actually not even allow me to sign for a single meal in the restaurant. If you happen to be a vegetarian, the staff will actually begrudge you a descent piece of cheese!

The real issues that might interest the elderly are not discussed here - good lawyers for estate planning, for example. Instead, guests are treated cheaply like childhood idiots except that they are indulged with alcohol at the excuse of utterly vain excursions and phony, evil parties. Please, particularly do not stay here if you are a man...I really do love you more, truly.

No class, no graciousness, little privacy...I recommend another location and another facility...some very clearly have better security.

In Tucson, that equivalent apartment and food would not possibly cost you more than half of what you pay at the Atria, where you are paying for you and your children who visit to get dysfunctionally abused by staff and female residents in a way that is clearly sexist against men. Clearly.


Tucson, Arizona


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Fasting Can Save Your Life...and make you feel much younger...

#2Author of original report

Tue, September 02, 2014

The writing below implies that you as human beings and all you are is over-extended because you are not good enough to fast and be frugivores, and redirects your reading and writing assignments. 


Peaceful, Legal Democratic and Global Revolution - Fasting
Now that your courts, all wars, and the evil of money and vanity of advertising has been reviled the whole world over, writing for you to consider fasting as a much more efficient solution to medical, social and behavioral problems than drugs and surgery.
"Fasting Can Save Your Life", a book supported by the Natural Hygienic society, whose author, a doctor, once fasted for 80 days, puts forward this view and has doctors that supervise fasts and encourage vegetarianism, veganism, frugivorism, exercise and natural living to promote health.  It's author was good enough to be reincarnated to me twice on earth as a physical man long after the apparent death of his body!  No, stop here.  Just for this one paragraph...try fasting for at least seven days and reconsider the action you get on earth.
Humans are biologically vegetarians.  Despite ice age shortages and climate change that forced humans to consume anything available for food, they have not grown claws or protruding canine teeth to rip apart animals.  They evolved and were created to be frugivores, for hundreds of thousands of years before they could forge weapons and even manage to put two rocks together.
Your teachings in theology, religion and economics....
In Genesis, Gd wrote that He saw how it would be and said He was sorry.  That means the whole of the rest of this book and related, and all their stories, are covered in apology for all that would happen...then if you are religious, what did the first two humans really eat?  If humans were correctly religious, they would only eat fruit and avoid the apples!  And what humans call God actually came to earth to show me how he stores extra virtue, now in the 21st century, for those who, given the apparent choices and freedoms available today, are good enough to be frugivores!
Pearls of very, very great price....
And your rabbinical teaching for today is, "Thou shalt not kill."  This means do not kill anything, do not support war for any reason...and if you use this one commandment as a shield against all war, violence and murder, you get a better version of Hashem, God, Allah personally.  Support state executions for any reason?  No, Thou shalt not kill!  Support any wars in any nations at any time for any reason?  No, Thou shalt not kill!  Support abortions and eat animal flesh?  No, Thou shalt not kill!  Waste your sperm with birth control?   No, be fruitful and multiply, thou shalt not kill!
And the Hebraic who over a billion have dysfunctionally made pretense to worship and serve these thousands of years came back to this writer personally to apologize for not being vegetarians 2000 years ago!  That's right, apologizing for eating those sheep instead of being good enough to be frugivores and vegetarians as His Father first intended!  No, stop here.  Just for this one paragraph try being a strict frugivore as long as you...just drink carrot juice, available in your local supermarket, instead of beer and wine and alcohol.  Fast for at least seven days on only distilled water and reconsider all that you have done, and how to make it right.
And the God that humans have so very dysfunctionally related to these thousands of years with heinous and intolerable holy wars, murder and violence was reincarnated on earth publicly to me variously, once standing completely naked behind a teenage girl using a cell phone and talking continuously, reporting on what I was actually doing on earth as a physical man!  No, human, not for churches and all of theirs, not for so-called world rules and leaders, not for religious organizations of any kind, but for a vegetarian and a peaceful, legal, democratic socialist!
Socialism and communism have never existed on earth, not in any nation, and are a global form of economy that eliminates money, the root of all evil, the whole world over.  Socialism is only rightly understood by a very small group of people on earth that have never supported any war or violence or illegal acts for any reason.  What existed in Russia, China and Germany, that was so inaccurately termed socialism or communism, was state capitalism under the despotic dictatorship of the state.  Socialism is not established by the control of the elite to emerging feudalist society of peasants that did not rightly understand capitalism, primitive communism, feudalism and related societies, let alone world socialism.  Socialism was not possible until the means of global mass production techniques developed in what was called the industrial revolution, mass production techniques.
Read about it in, "World Without Wages, Money, Poverty and War!", whose author fasted seven days a year for decades, as practice, on only distilled water, a book supported by the World Socialist Party and its companion parties throughout the world.  Know the truth about wasting your lives with less in "The Futility of Reformism" demand reprinting on the Internet.
And if all the world's armies and economies completely eliminate global poverty, starvation, malnutrition and disease in efforts exceed all preparation for war, with sustainable economic infrastructure to earth's worst and most impoverished areas, and if we provide free education, housing, clean water and vegetarian food - 20 times as efficient as feeding animals grains and eating animals - and if these are all peaceful, legal and democratic changes where not a drop of blood is spilt and not a single act of violence is perpetrated, and if the military is deployed to assure internet marketing of wares and real estate and services in the most impoverished areas to prevent hardship in winters and summer drought, and if this is practically paid for with mining and oil contracts, eliminating unemployment and creating tens of millions of inspiring jobs both here and abroad, and if this eliminates supposed physical and mental conditions and suicides caused by war and the frustrations and lack of freedoms under capitalism, all heaven, hell and earth and their economies will be redistributed to gain more jobs and fulfill the dreams and hopes, the aspirations and visions of thousands of years....and avoid another thousand years of wars and compromise and evil bad deals on earth, and in heaven and in hell....
And even all this, if it fails to educate the majority of the world's population so that they rightly comprehend capitalism, history as the history of how people make their living first instead of leaders and rulers and owners, and peacefully and legally votes socialism into existence, is merely reformism!
You have your news stories and reading assignments and corrected action now not only for the rest of your lives, but for the rest of this planet's history...without having to pay for a thing, and without even a "who" for your stories, pridelessly, and you do not have to spend a lifetime on your knees or pay an educational institution and go into debt.  It's truly not only a once in a lifetime opportunity, it is a once in a planet's history opportunity where God and gods, one most credited for wisdom and he that over a billion made claim to serve, worship and admire come back to earth...and for just one human, so very precious, sacred and holy are your lives and your existence.
I have seen some 1000 humans reincarnated in 16 nations, commanding all earth to peacefully, legally and democratically engender a World Without Wages, Money, Poverty and War!, with not a single financial contribution, and vote for nothing less...and that includes watching what you call God do much of what He did for the entire Hebrew nation - showing me His hind parts, pillars of fire to guide, biological relatives and friends and professors and the Hebraic Einstein reincarnated - just to go shopping and fill up his cart at a health food store!  No, REALLY effectively reconsider all the action and investments you have made on earth and fast for seven days...I more than wanted the best for you. 
Of course all this does not a really good planet make, this does not save the 40,000 humans who starve to death each day...fast seven days with only distilled water and be vegetarians and write those stories about how to eliminate poverty and make a world that is free in every sense of the word....Please let that be enough of a recommendation to you...to look up three books on the Internet and write about fasting and ending all wars from every angle that you can.
Then you are being very, very wrong, and acting in a way that demonstrates you are unworthy of you father and brother and mother, and in ways that you do not possibly comprehend.  In good cultures, rather than be your brother's adversary for ANY reason, it is literally a delight to take care of your brother, regardless of finances, and see to it that he gets the very best of everything, and not only in the compromised economies of earth....
"World Without Wages, Money, Poverty and War!" - the World Socialist Party
"The Futility of Reformism"  - the Socialist Party of New Zealand
"Fasting Can Save Your Life"  - the Natural Hygienic Society


Unresponsive to maintainence problems; Thieving from tenants; Ignorant staff

#3Author of original report

Mon, January 12, 2009

How long do you think the managers and maintainence staff should take to fix broken doorbells? A day, a week, a month, perhaps? My 85-year-old mother has resided at the Atria for over 5 years. Rent is currently $ 2300 per month, which includes two meals per day, an occasional maid and some field trips. She has now had jewlery which she claims is stollen - a gold/diamond ring which she always has on her finger. She has told me that various staff have gone into her apartment without her request. Neither the front doorbell nor the rear doorbell has ever worked consistently, and now neither work at all. I have complained to the management at their office. The female manager AND a male staff member have come by the apartment, not knowing that I was there, to inform her of supposed medical appointments that never existed, that my brother was to have taken her to. She has purchased various expensive medical response equipment that she has long had that she still does not know how to use. It has been months since my first complaint about her two broken doorbells, and over a week since showing two staff member that the doorbells still do not work at all. They still do not work. The staff still do not even know if a relative who is not on the lease can stay overnight. Unless you would like your parents/relatives stollen from or live in an apartment that is not legally maintained as a rental, or would like your relatives abused and questioned wickedly and classistly by other "guests", I surely recomment you stay somewhere else, or, if you are a relative, find another place for you loved ones to stay. No matter what kind of funding you have available, please take care to put the elderly in a home where they will be respected...not just for the short time you are there, but for the rest of their lives.


San Antonio,
Point By Point

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, April 01, 2008

If there's a 5 mile limit, THERE'S A 5 MILE LIMIT. IF they broke the rule for you, they'd have to break the rule for everyone. THAT'S why it's called a RULE. ALL retirement homes have more women then men. MEN die at a younger age then women. Maybe the women kill off their husbands. I know, I'm married. In retirement homes AND everyplace else, old folks talk about their kids AND everyone else's kids. It's a fact of life. When they aren't talking about their kids, they're talking about each other. I don't EVEN want to get into how you got stabbed. IF they let you eat, they'd have to let everyone's relatives eat. They'd be over run by NON-PAYING relatives muching off the system. That's why it's a rule. See above. Find a retirement home that doesn't accept pets. I hate dogs barking all night. If you're not staying there, what does it matter? They have nothing better to do then sit around and drink. I could go on and on. I deal with a number of the homes in my area. They're all the same.

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