  • Report:  #45473

Complaint Review: AMR LD Service Plan - LosAngeles California

Reported By:
- big stone city, South Dakota,

AMR LD Service Plan
St.Monica Blvd, No.7 LosAngeles, 90046 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I noticed some monthly charge of $48.79 from AMR LD in my credit card statement last month. I called the 800 number showing on the statement and asked what is this company and what did I buy from them. Nice lady told me that I was supposed to be receiving calling cards. I told her that I never buy calling cards or receive them. She put $48.79 back to my account for January which was nice but ....it wasn't all the charge from AMR !

To my surprise i found that it started in the way back in April which is 9 months ago. I have any idea how they got my credit card activated. I called the AMR and talked to a nice girl and requested the whole refund of $395. She said i will get a check for it in 8 weeks. I am really curious to see if it happens for real ! I want everyone read this report to be with me to see what i have to say by the end of April !!! Keep in touch everyone !


big stone city, South Dakota

CLICK HERE: Rip-off Report uncovers who's who and who you need to contact to get a refund

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