  • Report:  #65984

Complaint Review: Alyon Tecnologies FTC And Unknown Judge In Alyon Vs. Badbusinessbureau.com Case - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Waldron, AR,

Alyon Tecnologies FTC And Unknown Judge In Alyon Vs. Badbusinessbureau.com Case
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Recent headlines concerning Alyon Technologies:

July 14, 2003 PR Newswire: "Alyon Technologies Fully Vindicated In FTC Dispute" . What??

July 16, 2003 WFMY News: "FTC Prohibits Alyon from Collecting Payments" .Huh?

July 17, 2003 PR Newswire: "Alyon Demands That FTC Retract its False and Misleading Press Release" .What??

July 25, 2003 PR Newswire: "Badbusinessbureau.com Found in Contempt of Court in Alyon Case" ..What? What? Why? HOW????

July 29, 2003 KUTV News: "Alyon Technology Barred From Forcing Consumers to Pay for Internet Services Never Provided".Aargh! I am truly confused now, are you?

Alyon Technologies and the FTC have succeeded in muddying the waters to the point that even our major news bureaus do not seem to know what is real and what is not.

The FTC is using doublespeak; telling everyone what they want to hear and I suppose it is now up to us to sort out the mess. One can always count on government involvement to create a SNAFU of epic proportions. Throw a few moronic Judges into the mix and it then becomes a huge cluster f**k!

The FTC will be no help here as they seem unsure of the outcome of their own investigation. What BS employees we have working for us in our government. It appalls me that we pay these clowns salaries! What a waste of capital!

Has the judge who made the insane ruling demanding the removal of Alyon posts on this forum ever seen a copy of the Constitution of the United States, let alone read it? This is all covered under the First Amendment! Let me quote:



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


This judge has no business making such a ruling to remove posts as this forum and others like it have been ruled in more than one Court to fall under the same freedom of the press rules as any newspaper. It is a platform for the free exchange of information! If Alyon did absolutely nothing wrong, they would not be in this forum to the tune of hundreds of complaints! Hello-o-o-o

Everyone who submitted a complaint about Alyon Technologies felt that they had been (censored). That is called your opinion, and it is a protected right under our United States Constitution to air that opinion. I did a bit of work myself concerning Alyon and the FTC ruling and object mightily to it being removed just because Touboul does not like it!


In re: Alyon Technologies vs badbusinessbureau.com

Dear Judge whoever-you-are,

I do now have a huge grievance that I want to redress. You do not even seem to have even a very basic understanding of what this country stands for or the laws in place.

Here is what our Constitution guarantees to the citizens of America:


Freedom from oppression by the courts or companies. Freedom to speak out in public. Freedom from people like Stephane Touboul, who has the temerity to tyrannize and terrorize American citizens by trying to dictate what we will do with our own computer equipment. Freedom from impudent judges who think they are better and more knowledgeable than our founding fathers and rule according to whim rather than law.

I was not a direct victim of Alyon Technologies. I AM NOW. Every person in this country is now hostage to Alyon Technologies. YOU have single-handedly made every American citizen victims of Alyon. I cannot bear to watch this slow, painful death of our Constitutional Republic at the hands of porn-peddlers and dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks judges trying to practice democracy.

Read your American History books, Judge; democracy was anathema to our founding fathers because it leads to just this scenario. You have squashed the rights of many to favor the rights of a few in the name of democracy. We are NOT guaranteed happiness under our Constitution, we are only allowed the right to pursue it freely AS LONG AS WE DO NO HARM TO OTHER CITIZENS.

Mr. Touboul and Alyon are happy right now; your arbitrary democratic ruling assured that. But you have created a plethora of unhappy people in the process. But it certainly seems that Mr. Touboul did harm to American citizens in the pursuit of his happiness; that he stole their money and resources. That he trespassed into homes where he was not invited or wanted. The sheer number of complaints on this site is a good indication that Alyon is not entirely squeaky-clean in their business dealings. Where there is smoke.

And now Alyon has been allowed by you to silence our voices as well. Where will it end, Judge? How long will we be bound by and forced to pander to Alyon Technologies? What will be the next company to seek and be granted a "gag" order? Perhaps we will all be forced to never say a bad word about McDonald's or Ford Motor....

This will all lead directly to the equal and opposite reaction of the other side (that is all of US, Judge, in case you are in doubt) having to rise up and raise hell until the balance in Society is restored. Then it will start all over again in the name of democracy. It will never end; this cycle will last until the end of time unless you and our entire court system return to the practice of Constitutional law.

America is a "constitutional republic" meaning that we are ruled by the law, with that law being the Constitution. It is so simple that even I can figure out what the ruling should have been in this case. Everything one needs to know is right on this page! It is called the First Amendment and I have placed it in this report for you to look at.

Thanks a lot, Judge, for setting into motion yet another pointless endless war between good and evil in our society that will take years to resolve (and will never be truly resolved, as the pendulum will swing back and it will start all over again). You will ruin some good people along the way, but I guess you do not care, do you? It will certainly keep YOU in a job at the expense of all citizens and all citizens' rights.

My unhappiness does not stem so much from the fact that Mr. Touboul was granted what he so ardently desired. My unhappiness stems from the fact that you have now ruled against my Constitutional right to speak out; not only MY right, but the right of every American to be heard as guaranteed by our Constitution. You are demanding that some of my own work be redacted and I object! You are killing the messenger here and that is called censorship.

This forum has a feature called a rebuttal form. If Alyon Technologies has addressed the problems presented on this site and resolved them to both parties' satisfaction, a notation of this fact can be made right here either by Alyon or by the original complainants. There is nothing unfair going on here; each side is granted an opportunity to speak.

America evidently can no longer trust the very people entrusted to uphold her ideals and values and protect her freedoms if you are any indicator. We will not take this lightly as freedom of speech is about the only right we have left that has not been tampered with and (censored) entirely by the judicial system. But you keep trying, don't you?

You have found this site in Contempt of Court for not removing the Alyon complaints; I find YOUR action contemptible! That order should have never been issued in this country to start with! You are attempting to suppress information. Will the court next order the burning of certain books and newspapers?

Maybe Alyon and Mr. Touboul object to the Bible or the Koran; we had better get rid of them quickly. Perhaps Alyon now thinks that the judicial system is unnecessary now since it has had some flak from there. Perhaps we should also disband the FTC since it dared bother Alyon in its endeavors. Perhaps we should just burn the Constitution as well, if it is getting in the way of Alyon.

I am only one citizen of this country and one voice. I think that you will hear much more about this issue as time progresses. I pray that you do or all will be lost. The people of this country should not be forced to become "flunkies" of Alyon or any other company; what were you thinking?

You have just driven yet another judicial nail into the coffin of this American Republic. Lay down you hammer and do the right thing; seek real justice under our law as it is written. You are wrong in this attempt to censor information. This "gag" order is illegal and immoral. You know it, I know it, and all of America knows it!


Waldron, Arkansas

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Alyon Technologies

4 Updates & Rebuttals


This is NOT real, yet it IS real. Did they or didn't they? The long journey down the Alyon rabbit-hole and we STILL haven't reached the bottom!

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, August 21, 2003

This has been a long journey down the Alyon rabbit-hole and we still are not finished! It is nearly impossible to deal in facts in this case because there is obviously a campaign of misleading press, a much-too-quiet FTC, and disclaimers by Alyon. It is an exercise in frustration for all concerned.

Fact: Hundreds, if not thousands, of people were suddenly billed by Alyon Technologies without knowing who Alyon was or even what they were being billed for in many cases.

Fact: All these people found a stealth dialer in their computer and deny knowing where it came from or how it got there.

Fact: Alyon Technologies claims to be only the innocent third-party biller for another company in this case.

Fact: the FTC went into Alyon's Headquarters and found something they did not like. What that something was has never been made entirely clear, but I assume it was something to do with sneak dialers and (censored) bills.

Fact: Judge Story ruled against Alyon Technologies.

If I were Alyon Technologies, the absolute FIRST thing I would have done would be to give the FTC the name of the party that I was doing this third-party billing for.that would have immediately taken the heat off Alyon. WHO are they doing this innocent billing FOR? I do not think there has been a name offered up. Draw your own conclusions from this.

Victims are still under stress. It is bad enough to go to the mailbox and find an outlandish bill from some entity one has never heard of and then be hassled for months. There are still reports coming in concerning this and now Alyon has turned loose the collection dogs to exacerbate the situation. I do not think these victims have had a very peaceful last few months at all.

The lawsuit is not real or enforceable and at the same time it is very real. Reality lies not in what is written in a law book or what should be; it is what actually IS.

If the ED or any member of the staff has felt stress, anxiety, anger or any negative emotion from this suit, it is real with a life of its own. It has been and still is very REAL to them. There has been interference from it as far as cash flow, aggravation, and cash outlay trying to fend off Alyon.

From my point of view, it is still as real as your mama because it is creating real problems. Judging from the ED's comments above, there is still stress and aggravation over it and it will be so for some time yet. The action cost Alyon, alright, but that was Alyon's choice. I have a feeling it cost the ED even more.

So, Dan and Dan, I wish that I could be as cavalier over all this as you seem to be. I would love to just laugh and go on, calling it a big joke. My gauge of what a (censored)is and does goes deeper than yours, evidently.

One gauge is monetary. How much did the (censored) (censored)? Many people call that the absolute surest way to measure how big a (censored)is and stop there. We will not even begin to know that for months yet.

I like to look at the whole picture. What impact on the victim's quality of life occurs EVEN IF they get all their money back? There are many miserable people over this, and the uncertainty in the press is not helping. The harassment by bill collectors is not lowering any stress levels. How many people have become ill over this? How many people have already paid these bogus bills; perhaps even borrowing the money to do it, creating hardship for themselves and their families?

We have a victim/consumer advocate who has been turned into a victim over this. This is so bizarre that I will not even begin to address it, but will leave it to you to see the irony and unfairness of this situation. If you study it for awhile, I guarantee that it will come to you.

The longevity of this pack of nonsense is outrageous and something needs to be done NOW!

First, the FTC needs to put an update on its website in simple terms that even I could understand. Step-by-step:

Step 1: Receive bill from Alyon Technologies.
Step 2: Laugh hysterically for at least ten minutes.
Step 3: Go immediately to your computer and file a complaint with us, the FTC..

Well, you get my drift. Updates are needed as there has been too much monkey-business with the press. Straight from the FTC(perhaps they will read and heed; come on, guys. This is ridiculous. CLARIFY, SIMPLIFY)

Once this is done, Stephane Touboul needs to be dealt with before he can do any more damage. For him, I suggest exile to a deserted island with NO computers. He should be amply supplied with paper, goose quills, ink, and watertight bottles. He will then be free to prepare his bogus bills the old-fashioned way and pitch them into the ocean for the tides and currents to deliver. If anyone should choose to pay one of these bills, the remittance is to be made in the same way.

And now the lawyer.Mwa-ha-ha!

Since it is not specified I will assume that this lawyer is from the US for now. This lawyer undoubtedly pimped for his mother and sisters to get himself through law school. He then surely (censored) on the bar exam because he has no conception of right and wrong, let alone the LAW!

A prime example of a lawyer who works not for justice, but for the filling of his own pockets without regard to misery caused. He is a traitor to his own profession and should be disbarred immediately.

But, then what? I am willing to tolerate this person in this country about as much as I am willing to tolerate Touboul. Should he be exiled with his master? Might be interesting to watch two (censored) on a deserted island battle it out for supremacywe could put it on Pay-Per-View
(I use the male appellation simply because gender is unknown. If it turns out that the lawyer is female, just change the appropriate words).

The total damage inflicted by the Great Alyon Technologies (censored) will never be calculated because some of the damages are so insidious that they cannot be tallied. I think it should probably go in the Top Ten of the Top Twenty Greatest (censored) List.

Dan from Ohio: we may all need a cruise when this is over, but I will make my own travel arrangements if you don't mind. And I will steer clear of Nevis, where they seem to read law from the Book of Counted Sorrows. Thanks for your suggestion, though. I think it will be a while yet before I can make travel plans. Go ahead and go without me; I'll catch up later.

Dan from Maryland: I may not be thinking straight; perhaps I am trying to see too much of this picture. I am not a person of pure statistics; I believe in looking at things from both sides.

Everyone knows Alyon Technologies' goal; make an obscene amount of money as fast as possible. Not enough attention has been given to the other side of the coin; the victims and the toll on them. Doesn't matter what the FTC does now, damage has been done to many people. It is sad and makes me angry.

As for the movie.poor Mr. Belushi! I would hate to see anyone, living or dead, playing the Touboul role. But, if it has to be done the only possible person to do it is..TA-DA. Jabba the Hut!

ED, I look forward to the promised expose. Since you are a victim as well, it is only fair that you file a report. I am glad to hear that you are not gagged. This whole thing gags me, though..

Peace, guys, and freedom from Alyon Technologies and all like them!


We are both a little right and a little wrong, but...this is as real as your mama!

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2003

I forget at times that the whole world does not enjoy freedom of the press as we do under the Constitution. Silly me; since I am reading this in the U.S., I feel that everything must fall under our guidelines. My mistake. I was not paying attention to the part of this that I should have been paying heed to.

I live here, though, and some of the Alyon material is mine. It was written on U.S. soil. U.S. citizens are being affected by Alyon. There is probably some legal recourse available, but it would certainly be expensive and time consuming. Simply disregard my First Amendment rant if it does not apply in this case.

Why do you think that this case was filed in the Caribbean in the first place? Alyon's lawyers are not so stupid as to spend money filing nonsense suits that won't count for anything.

Here is the badbusinessbureau.com legal address(which is available on this site if you had done your homework):

badbusinessbureau.com, llc
H. & F. Henville Building
Prince Charles Street -suite 2
Charlestown, Nevis Island, West Indies
St. Kitts

If badbusinessbureau.com were located in the United States, I am sure that the ED and everyone else WOULD be rolling in the aisles with laughter. However, the case was filed in the proper jurisdiction as near as I can tell. Meaning that these rulings are legal and binding. Alyon has done damage and is still doing damage to this site.

From the facts I have, this suit is neither a joke nor a laughing matter! Assets have been frozen and fines have been and are being levied. DAILY! The rulings are enforceable. It is real, Dan.a source for great concern.

So, you may get on the fleabag steamer and take the cruise yourself to check things out. While you are there find out the name of the judge so I can write a personal note to him/her. I did not put all I would like to have said in the previous report by any means. Be careful that you do not piss them off while you are there, though; you may not have any rights as you and I understand them.

I have just presented the facts available to me publicly. The ED is the only one who can tell us the whole truth of the matter and he seems to be under a gag order. From what I can see, this is as real as your mama!


Robin, you are notRobin, you are a great gal, but you are not thinking straight

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2003

Robin, you are a great gal, but are not thinking straight. Why are you taking Alyon's PR garbage for the truth? It is the art of the lie.

They had to go to some make-believe court in a dinky little Caribbean island that my Rand McNally had trouble finding to get a decision that doesn't mean a thing. An American judge would have tossed Alyon's clumsy ,ludicrious attempt to change the the First Amendment out in a milli-second. It appears they had to pay $15,000 for this dopey, useless decision in order to get some PR material out of it.

It was so farcial that I almost choked on my morning onion bagel. Mel Brooks could do a whole movie involving Alyon. The late John Belushi would have been a great Stephane.

"Alyon Demands FTC Change its Press release" I spoke to the Information Officer at the FTC who laughed. "We get this all the time,"he said, "the FTC wins in court and the losing company's PR firm tries to spin it into some sort of victory."

Judge Story threw out Alyon's "Demands"


No worry man, US Judges haven't gone insane yet , just judges in & ...*EDitor's Comment below

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 20, 2003

Save your rant about the US Constitution. They don't use it in the Caribbean.

Read the actual press release, it's a great laugh!

Badbusinessbureau.com Found in Contempt of Court in Alyon Case

NEW YORK, July 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Alyon Technologies Inc. ("Alyon") announced today that the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in the High Court of Justice, Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis has found the company "Badbusinessbureau.com, LLC" in contempt of Court for failing to comply with a Court Order issued after Alyon brought a lawsuit against the company alleging defamation and seeking damages.

The Order, issued on March 28, 2003, stipulated that Badbusinessbureau.com not publish or distribute defamatory or derogatory material about Alyon on any of its Web sites, including http://www.ripoffreport.com/, or . In addition, the Court granted an injunction against Badbusinessbureau.com to freeze its assets of up to US$10,000,000.

Badbusinessbureau.com failed to disclose its assets, and on April 15, 2003 was found in contempt of Court. It was further ordered to pay attorney's fees and fines totaling EC$15,000 and EC$1,000 per day until compliance. A further contempt order for not removing the offending postings is expected to be issued shortly.

"We were very pleased with the Court's decision to order Badbusinessbureau.com to cease publishing defamatory statements about Alyon," said Stephane Touboul, president, Alyon. "Alyon is committed to delivering a safe and viable alternative to consumers for online billing services, and our policies and procedures are in full compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations."

So who gives a rats a*s what scumbag (censored) court in the Carribean says? That's how desperate and (censored)this company is - getting a little flea bag court on some crap hole island that's run on laundered drug money to issue an injuction. Like that has any weight anywhere. Its actually a good laugh. What moron at Alyon thought this was going to get them anything. You think the FTC even cares. Can you imagine bringing this up in any US court? The judge would fall off the bench laughing. Is BadBusinessBureau going to surrender its assets now to the "Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court". Here's an idea - book a criuse with Ramada Plaza Resorts on thier Fleabag tramp steamer, maybe they have a port of call in Nevis and you can go bow down to the authority of the mighty "Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court" . Just don't piss off the "Western Caribbean Supreme Court" - you don't want the entire weight of the Caribbean justice system after you.

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