  • Report:  #44657

Complaint Review: Al Collins Art And Graphic Design School -aka- Collins College - Tempe Arizona

Reported By:
- alamogordo, New Mexico,

Al Collins Art And Graphic Design School -aka- Collins College
http://www.houseofedu.com/cc/index.jsp Tempe, 85281 Arizona, U.S.A.
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i moved to Phoenix to visit with a friend of mine, and to make a new start for myself in March 2001. I saw the ad for Collins College on the telivision, and discovered it was around 45 minutes from my home. I have been talented in drawing since I could remember, and my dream used to be to work for Disney so day.

I went to the school ,and had an interview right then and there. I saw a counselor about transfering my financial aid from New Mexico, and she said that it wold all be taken care of, since i had previously already been approved for financial aid, I could start the classes the next week, as they were coming into a brand new semester.

I pondered the idea for a few days, submitted my beloved artwork for them to put into my folder, and turned in my paperwork stating that i would ONLY pay with financial aid. No loans, NO cash. The school was expensive, but she assured me that my financial aid would arrive in two weeks to cover all the expeses. So i decided to attend.

I completed two classes successfully making A's in both of them, all the while checking with the financial aid office there to ensure that my aid arrived. Over and Over they assured me that "everything was in order, and that my financial aid was covering all my tuition costs. The supplies were already perviously added into the tuition costs, so there was othing to worry about. My check would be in in another week for me to sign, but there would be nothing left for me to recieve." My counselor had been "terminated" and was no longer there. I saw about 3 different counselors while i was there, each one being replaced with another.

I began to not like the fact that my leg was getting pulled one way or another, so I withdrew from my third class the second day, and informed them that I was moving back to New Mexico. This was getting rediculous. I was informed that everything was fine, they would foward my work to my new address in New Mexico, as well as the picture of Jesus that I had submitted into a scholarship competion to recieve a full scholarship to the school. I have NEVER recieved my drawings, nor my work.

now, i am trying to attend a school here in town that i had been to before, but does not have animation, just graphic design. I can not go to it, nor can i recieve any financail aid, because Collins College is stating that I owe them $3,000 and some odd dollars. I finished 2 five week courses, and was promised that everything was fine!! My SAR has Collins College on it as being sent aid, and the report also states thatcollins college recieved 70% of the tuition.

So, where is my money, and where did the financial aid checks go? Also, why was i promised and assured OVER AND OVER that EVERYTHING was in order and i had nothing to worry about.

i cant attend another school ,because they will not release my transcript, , i can not recieve financial aid, because i was told that Collins College was the last to recieve my benifits.

i have tried to call this school and get everything staightened out, everytime I call these people to speak with my counselor at that time, "either they are no longer there", or "they can not tell me anything over the phone at this time".

i went to see the social services head at the school here in town. i explained to her the situation, because my father had the same thing happen to him a few years back as well. the university he wanted to go to, wrote that college off of his transcripps because of the incident, and he was able to attend with out the transcripts of that school, with a progress report.

she told me that there are several cases that this has happened with beofre, and didnt require me to have the transcripts to go back there. I was accepted back with exallent standing, only I can not get any financial aid because of this.

i need help with this matter. how can a college get away with such crap? to assure people over and over of things, then charge them with oweing them money? i was promised my financial aid, and NO ONE can explain to me where it went, or WHY it hasnt been applied, or WHERE this outstanding balance came from!!!!

that college is a scam. they will lie to you, and rip you off. do NOT believe them. they are too eager tp get you into classes to take advantage of you!!


alamogordo, New Mexico

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crokedness doesn't only imply financial aid problems, but intense psychological game playing and the pains associated with such

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 22, 2004

Hi, I've taken classes at major art schools, and believe most, not all, tend to be crooked in their dealings with students. Such crokedness doesn't only imply financial aid problems, but intense psychological game playing and the pains associated with such. You see, they don't really want you to succeed, what they want is your money, and then for you 'not' to be able to compete effectively with them. If they take your money away, and then your pride, you'll likely have no foundation to stand upon, and will ultimately fail as an artist. However, art is worth the education and attempts at further trying. Don't quit, just because other artists and such, out there in the world are less than ogres. Educate yourself at schools, but more particularly, at home. Read about everything you can, not just art, and 'produce' art, lots of it, the more the better. It doesn't have to be fancy either, just do it! Pencil and paper if you have to. You'll do superior work along with the less than adequet. Just never look down on your 'precieved' failures. Find ways of turning such things to your advantage, but not by conforming to the way bad or indecent people act. One loses when that happens. If you do nothing, you'll produce nothing. You can still be an artist and have an ipact on life, even if you never get paid to do it. Also, once you lose the fun of art, you just best quit. Art must remain fun, or at least pleasurable. What can you do for yourself to attain those things, fun and pleasure. Please do yourself a favor, and think closely on these things. I'm not implying you are ignorant, you get more credit from me than that, but you can always become better, and the odds out in life ain't all that good, when the people you might be dealing with have 'no' scrupples whatever, and they may not. They may not look at your art as favorable, even if it's the best. They 'may' only care about their advantage, not yours. What can you do now to make your life better? Take your time and 'think, think, think.' Don't quit, love what you do, have fun, and seek pleasure in the work you chose, remembering that work dosen't always imply a paycheck.

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