  • Report:  #1109712

Complaint Review: A&E - Select State/Province

Reported By:
Irate Customer - Alabama,

Select State/Province, USA
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Report Attachments

 A&E is an Anti-American television channel. The rationale behind calling them as anti American is simple: They censor those who have religious beliefs. They censor those who oppose homosexuality. A&E fired Phil Robertson simply because he said that he believed that homosexuality is a sin. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether popular or not. Since it is American to be able to have free speech, and A&E is against free speech, then they are against America, or, anti-American.

A&E brazenly broke the law by firing Phil because of his religious beliefs. They quickly fired him simply because he voiced his opinion. In America, all opinions are allowed to be said, no matter what they are. Apparently A&E thinks hates freedom of speech, and therefore is anti-American.

This freedom hating company is jointly owned by Hearst Corporation and DIsney-ABC. They have cowardly declined to answer calls about their discrimination tactics.

 Companies that currently sponsor the Anti-American TV network A&E:

Bass Pro Shops (which carries Phil Robertson merchandise)






International House of Pancakes (IHOP)





 It is stronly recommended that you refuse to do business with these companies until their cut their ties with A&E. I will post here if and when any of these companies decide to permanently detach themselves from A&E.

Infringement on free speech will not be tolerated. Some will argue that private enterprises can censor free speech. Well think about that for a minute. The government grants you the right to free speech. A company that you work for says, no, you don't have that right, and if you speak freely, we will fire you.

They are intruding on your Constitutional right to free speech by using your job as leverage to force you to keep quiet. So if employers can do that, then we can put them out of business by boycott. And that is exactly what we intend to do. The blog protectfreespeech.wordpress.com has up to date information on free speech matters. A blacklist will be put up on there. Any company who retaliates against an employee for voicing their opinion will be put on the "Do Not Do Business With" list. If they hate free speech, then they hate the fundamentals of our Constitution, which means they hate America, which makes them Anti-American. Don't do business with anti-American companies like A&E.

6 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Sun, December 29, 2013

Not sure why my first comment wasn't posted but let me try again...with the update that A&E did "reinstate" Phil as of a few days ago.

The First Amendment...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

- A&E is NOT Congress.  Not only that they at no time said that Phil couldn't say what he said, they just in effect said they couldn't say it on their network.  He(and anyone else) is still free to spout what ever comments they want..well not quite.

Because "free" speech also comes with responsibility.  You can not yell "fire" in a crowded theater.  You also can not expect an employer to continue to employee you, if you spend all of your time "bad mouthing" the company you work for.  This is why many employers have "responsibility" clauses and rules.  That basically state as an employee you can say or do what ever you want as long as it does not reflect negatively on the company.  But again to just keep in mind Phil was NOT an employee of A&E, at best he was what could be considered an Independent Contractor and as such being under Contract.  That contract had specific terms..most likely pretty close to what I just stated.

Now, I am not saying if suspending Phil was the smartest thing to do(although based on the reaction I think that the answer is pretty easy to see), I am just saying that A&E did NOTHING illegal in the action they took.

As for your suggestion of Boycott's.  They may make a good news story, but historically they do not change anything and tend to hurt the "little people".   For example, take IHOP.  If you "boycott" them what happens.   The local store gets less business, as a result it needs less staffing.  So now you have several people with either reduced hours or just not working.  Say it only goes on for a week so you can make your point.  Okay just about every business has enough "reserve" that they can function for a period of time...but that waiter or waitress is not going to get that lost pay back.  Oh but you say...well we will just stay there until they "cave in".  Buzz..wrong answer, nice try and thanks for playing.  Because again historically after a period of time people loose interest and go on with their daily lives.  You want a recent example of this..well tell me where this 99 Percent movement is today?





#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 28, 2013

 So let me get this straight. Youre mad at them and post a negative review about them because they wont give you the "price tag" amount. That they will ONLY give you what was paid for it like EVERYONE else. Exactly how stupid and shallow are you?? The person who gave yopu this gift spent $4.00 on it.


its not illegal...

#4General Comment

Sat, December 28, 2013

 No it is PERFECTLY legal for A&E to fire him. NOT over his beliefs, but in most "stars" contract there are clauses that state that they CANNOT embarass the parent company. Its in MOST contracts that as an employee, what you do while not on the clock STILL effects your job. A prime example was a previous job I had that had that same clause. I may not have been "at work" but I was still a representative of my company.

Phil feel into the same catagory. I find it amazing the row over this. You have one side saying Phils "rights" are being violated, then the other side is claiming Phil is violating THEIR rights. Well let me be the one voice of reason. BOTH ARE WRONG!!!!! Phils rights have NOT been violated. Phil is suffering from WHAT he said. Yes speach is protected but certain speach is not acceptable. If someone yells "FIRE" in a crowded room and someone gets hurt or dies that speach is not protected. You wouldnt be able to stand up in a court of law and use your first amendment rights as a legitimate defence.

GLAAD and the associated groups rights have not been trampled on. All Phil did was state his OPINION!! Nothing more. Its a comedy of errors here. Phil is suffering from "open mouth insert foot-itis" and the gay groups are suffering from PMS. Both sides are wrong and both sides have the right to be wrong.

It still doesnt address the underlaying issue. Its one of INTOLERANCE on BOTH sides. Phil with his "dislike" of homosexuals. And his HIGHLY antiquated views on the state of African Americans. And the LGBT group not allowing Phil is right to make an a*s of himself. This is America. you CANNOT just single out a group or two and speak negativly about them with hurting THEIR feelings. And it boils down to just that. How each feels about the other. There has been no "Rights Violation" by the people DIRECTLY involved in the situation. Just people being people. Imperfect, flawed creatures. There has been MORE rights violations from the people who are upset over the issue then the people directly involved. Try reading ANY of the posts by the american people all over the web on this situation.

You have the bible ppl thumping away quoting verse and scripture all the while believing that their "magic book" was written by an invisible all knowing all powerful entity and NOT by MAN. Then you have the LGBT groups SCRATCHING back with their, and pun definatly intended, butthurt views and opinions. I find both sides to be completly crazy and both sides are right and wrong. In fighting for what they percieve to be their "rights" they discount the rights of everyone else. That is not American. In fact thats about as Anti American as it gets. Its OK if THEY fight for their rights, but god help ANYONE who wishes to fight for THEIR rights around either group. BOTH ARE INTOLERANT!!


Irate Customer

Response to rebuttals

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 27, 2013

It isn't even worth responding to the first one. Notice how in my report, I don't resort to name calling at all. I state my opinion without putting anyone down. Your use of the word "idiot" says a lot about you. I am not sure why you are such an angry person, I'm not your psychiatrist. But I hope that one day you can learn to grow up and speak to people the way that you would want to be spoken to.


To the second rebuttal: Phil didn't "bash" anyone. He simply stated his opinion. People seem to be very confused on this matter. Opposition is not synonymous with hatred. If I say " I don't agree with homosexuality, I feel marriage should be between a man and a woman", that's not bashing. That's stating my opinion, and I am entitled to it, just as you were entitled to use the derogatory term "homo" in your rebuttal. You are free to use that word, but it certainly doesn't help your image.

"Political correctness" is nothing short of censorhip. In America, people should be able to say what they want, even if that opinion is unpopular. The Constitution protects our right to do so. Further, Phils comments were directly related to his religious beliefs. As a result of his beliefs, he was fired. That's illegal.

The homosexual community has weaponized the words "hate" "bigotry" and "intolerance"   ... Note how they are incapable of having a conversation without using at least one of those words in every other sentence. I feel bad for gay people. They don't know that they have a sickness. I have compassion for them. But I can't condone their actions.

Bottom line: You should have your right to speak for our against homosexuality, without having to fear retalation. AMERICANS SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WALK AROUND ON EGGSHELLS.




The way to solve your "problem"....

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, December 27, 2013

Is to watch another channel/channels.  You're an idiot.



#7General Comment

Fri, December 27, 2013

 I understand why you would feel this way over this one individuals rights, but what about the rights of the people he is bashing? Do they NOT have the very same rights? You say they are stiffeling his first amendment rights, but what about the rights of those that are not his religon or sexual preference? They have the right to LIFE,LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. So it seems to me that in defending just one individuals rights you have COMPLETlY discounted the rights of the people he was bashing. Real American of you.

Phil was fired because he wasnt PC or politically correct. Yes he has the "right" to say what he does, but A&E ALSO has the right to NOT allow him the media venue to spout his beliefs. You say A&E is Anti-American, I say A&E is ensuring ALL AMERICANS can watch their channel and not feel insulted by some red neck hick who spills his first amendment bile.

Phil needed to take his OPINIONS to the appropriate venue. GQ magazine WAS NOT the appropriate vehicle for Phil to say as he did. By his own words, he may have tanked the entire series. Yes the antics of Phil and his clan are entertaining, but that entertainment should never cost ANY segment of American viewers any comfort.

Nope dont work for A&E, Nope not a homo, but EVERYONES RIGHTS NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED!! The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.

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