  • Report:  #2192

Complaint Review: AAMCO - Corpus Christi Texas

Reported By:
- Portland, TX,

4440 S. Padre Island Dr. Corpus Christi, 78411 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My 1988 Toyota Corolla FX Hatchback would not go into gear. I asked AAMCO to repair it on 4-21-00 as soon as they could as my wife needed it for work.I finally got Mr.Cox of AAMCO to give me an estimate of repair on 4-24-00 for repair of the clutch.

He quoted $860 and I told him that I felt that the estimate was very high for a clutch job and could he give me ALL my replaced parts and prices for each part replaced? He told me that he used only factory parts but that he would give me ALL my parts.

I needed the car for my wifes' job and told him I would pick it up on 4-26-00 after work only to be told it would not be ready until the next day 4-27-00.

I feel Mr.Cox misrepresented his work on my clutch because ALL the invoice says is AAMCO Clutch Service $582.78 and AAMCO Repair Service $281.59. No breakdown of parts replaced. No returned parts as requested. No breakdown of labor. No tax.

This is a gross misrepresentation of automotive repair services and this should not happen to anybody in the future.

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Tue, November 27, 2001

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