  • Report:  #1501653

Complaint Review: Yelp - San Francisco California

Reported By:
Donald Trump - District of Columbia, Washington D.C., United States

Who Cares - They suck San Francisco, California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Do you have Zero Moral Compass?   Post a review on Yelp!  Use a fake review.  Be a chicken sh*t coward.  Allow China, Russia, Iran or God knows who built this site .... let them win.  Tear America apart from the inside out!   This site is not about free speech.  It's about hurting someone like a coward.   You can't compete so you tear down a highly rated company with your fake review.   The U.S. Government allows this?  How stupid has our country become to allow this fake crap all over the internet.  

Yes - you can post that the President is a ________   whatever you want to say.  

What does this mean?     It means nothing on the Yelp site can be trusted.  It's a meaningless useless site.   Go f*ck yourself Yelp.

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