  • Report:  #1521979

Complaint Review: royalcanvas.com - Internet

Reported By:
Street Artist - Bloomsbury, United States

Internet, United States
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Royalcanvas.com pain.

In over 35 years of having prints made I have never had a printer who cared so little about customer service. I have every right to expect what I paid for. Offering me a reprint, and conditioning it on the destruction of the misprints, without any compensation for the time and lost sales is unacceptable. How hard is it for royalcanvas to get the border right? Impossible apparently. Not the fist time they made the mistake, same thing a year ago. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, thinking it was an isolated mistake and ordered 9 canvases. Repeatedly and explicitly asked for a white border. They sent 9 canvases with a black border.

For royalcanvas.com to not see the negative monetary impact their mistake has on me and to expect me to destroy the misprinted canvases without any compensation for the inconvenience, delay and loss of income is as mind boggling as the printer's consistent inability to get the border right. 

Ripoffreport Report Image

What difference does it make if I destroy the canvases? I didn't trick royalcanvas into making a mistake to take advantage of them. If I sell them at a discount as "printer errors" that hardly compensates me for the inconvenience and loss of income.The error cost me time and money with only a handful of good weekends to sell before the end of the season. Why should I destroy the misprinted canvases before they send what I paid for? I am under no legal obligation to do so, under no obligation to correct their mistake. They however are obligated to give me what I ordered and to honor their satisfaction guarantee. They have no honor, and judging from their inability to follow simple and explicit instructions, no brain cells.  

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