  • Report:  #1491780

Complaint Review: mobile monkey - Mass. Boston

Reported By:
john - richmond, United States

mobile monkey
359 newbury st 5th floor Mass., 02115 Boston, United States
they don't furnish it
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mobile monkey has been debiting my checking account since July 2019 when i cancelled it, they will not respond by phone, they will only tell you a ticket has been created and nothing else happens with ticket except they will send you an email saying ticket resolved w/out even talking to you.

i have sent over 10 emails, i have submitted complaints with there in chat bot, but to no avail, they just ignore you, so i called my bank and reported fraud, and a demand of all money the stole last 7 months.

stay away from this company, there support is non-exsistent, there is no way to cancel your subscription, on there webiste they have nowhere to cancel account, they just hide behind this support ticket sh*t.

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