  • Report:  #129093

Complaint Review: LISA MARTIN TAPLEY - SANDOWN New Hampshire

Reported By:
- brighton, Massachusetts,

PHILLIPS WOOD RD SANDOWN, 03873 New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Be where of this individual she has misrepresented her self to government agencies who sole purpose is to protect children. To maintain her relationship with her boyfriend now husband who impregnated a 16 year old child. This woman should be jailed or fined for her actions that used child protection service vital time having them investigate her unfounded claims of child abuse against the young girl who was impregnated by her husband. So if you every come by her name beware. She is a ruthless angry person who will devastate anything and anyone in her path.


Very Conserned child avocate


brighton, Massachusetts

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Jane Damelio is no longer Jane Tenaglia

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, February 28, 2024

 Change of name from married name Jane Tenaglia to maiden name Jane Damelio from Brighton MAssachusetts


New Hampshire,
United States of America

#3UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 09, 2012

Barb, you are a liar, the real story is sitting in front of me in black and white. If you would like, i can share this "real story" to help clear things up for anyone who may be interested. However, you and i both know that, if i were to do so, it would not be Lisa dragged through the mud, it would not be Lisa whose professional career could be at risk if these reports were to be made public knowledge. Because, none of the evidence supports your story. I however have plenty to support mine. What you did by starting this post is disgusting. and i am ashamed to know you.


New Hampshire,
United States of America

#4UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 09, 2012

Here is some indisputable evidence of the events that transpired. These are meant to dispel any uncertainty that people may have regarding my previous rebuttal. i would like to retire this report, and persue it no further, but let it be known, i will defend my family tooth and nail, i will do whatever it takes. on top of this, i have a pile of evidence that some people may not want to be made public record on ripoff reports.

I would prefer to not have to defend my family further and not post anything more, but if it comes to that, these documents are my property, records of my life, and photos of me, and i will allow them to be used as evidence in the defense of Lisa Tapley. Please don't make me do that. 

From recent meetings i believe that the relationship between myself, and some of the posters here (you know who you are) has just begun to repair, has just begun to be something possible. Things like this, assaults on my family, show me that you have NO regard for me. so lets kill it now, before any chance of a future relationship is gone. Or, you can continue to think your pathetic version of pride is an acceptable motivator for how you treat others, and continue to hurt me.

These events transpired 25 years ago, i am grown now, and going through custody battles of my own, and i DREAD the thought that i could still be dealing with this 25 years from now, and hope that my Daughters family, no matter what side, puts her best interests first. i hope that her mother, and aunts, etc. will never berate her father, or her (soon to be) step mother, in a public forum. i hope they are smart enough to know that calling someones father a rapist, is not an appropriate course of action. I hope they care enough about my daughter, their daughter/neice, enough to not fight for 25 years, and are intelligent enough to know that any fighting will have a negative impact on her.Most importantly, i hope her mother realizes that, any berating of her step mother, who loves her, and is always there for her, will push her further away from her mother. and potentially do irreversible damage to their relationship.

Report Attachments


New Hampshire,
United States of America

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 09, 2012

It is time for the truth to come out, there was no misrepresentation of government agencies, These reports of abuse were not unfounded, and, I, as well as remembering several of the incidents reported, have a mountain of evidence sitting in front of me regarding the situation. Also, i am the child who incurred this abuse. The origional claim of child abuse was filed by Franciscan Children's Hospital in Boston Massachussetts, on 6 April 1989. in several placed the claim exists, "boyfriend held hands over childs face" with the intent to silence childs screaming. The second claim, came after the child (me) informed Lisa about being locked in the closet by the boyfriend mentioned above.

An event, that, STILL, to this day, i remember vividly. I remember being allowed to play the nintendo, as Jane left the house (i believe for work). I was left there with the boyfriend, who, decided differently as soon as she had left. He shut it off, and did not allow me to use the tv in the living room. then being grabbed and taken to my room, which had no door, coming out of my room, i remember yelling, and running from him, through the house, in to janes room. then i remember being grabbed and thrown into the closet in my room, My closet, which was elevated above ground level, and had two or three drawers build in below it. The closet that barely had room for a child to stand, because there were shelves built in to it, that almost extended to the door. ( i describe how i remember it to add a little credibility to my memory)

This event definitely did happen. Lisa had done nothing but what she feels is in the best interest of that child. It would be in the best interest of anyone reading this report to disregard all the preceding posts, they are riddled with misinformation, and fuled by vengeance. To base an opinion off of the previously provided information would be very inappropriate, and stand to do nothing but justify the use of this site to personally slander people, and you would be contributing to the effectiveness of this sleazy practice.

I do not plan to post more information on this subject, whereas you have already violated me by forcing me into this discussion, and bringing up personal events from my life, and people from my life, and slandering them in a public forum for the world to see. Now to end this i have to put my story out here. So, i would like to thank the original poster, you, in your quest for vengeance, have done more to hurt ME than anyone else. I hope that was your goal, because that is what you accomplished. I hope we can let this die, and i will accept the omission of further posts, as concession that the posts preceding this one are, for all intents and purposes, to be disregarded. Please, for the family which you try to hurt, my family, let this die, do not post any more. If there are further posts, then i will decide who i believe posted them, and remove them from my life entirely.


United States of America
Back off

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 07, 2012

Take your 2 cents some were else and dont  start this garbage back up. My sister and nephew has a woulderfull relashonship and needs no dramer so back off and find a happy place!!! thank you Paula


United States of America
16 year old get pregnant by a 20 year old, Statuatory rape

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, June 06, 2012

TECHNICALLY, because the girl is under the age of CONSENT, it would be considered STATUATORY RAPE in the eyes of the law.


New Hampshire,
United States of America
Sad,to disgrace a good family good mom and good father

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, June 01, 2012

Just have to add my 2 cents. I am also a adult who was adopted. Leave him alone!!! He  has a life a family and is all around a great person. Sandown is a small town and we all know who the special and great people are! This is something that happens its called LIFE! Please dont try to destroy a family's reputation. This made it sound as if Lisa coerced something?? Nothing but love and compassion. This is why she became a nurse takes a devoted  selfless person.   Lisa you know the truth and everyone your family has helped knows this. Whoever started this makes it seem like you helped your husband do something wrong! This is so far from the truth! He is a great man good father and all around good man. Lisa you know the truth and this is just so??? Please don't judge a family No one knows is so good.....



#9Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2008

I am glad you are giving Anthony some kind of closure-this is what he has always needed. Now, hopefully, you can leave the bitterness behind you and let everyone move on. Lisa


Looking for Closure

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, February 16, 2008

A mother looked the other way and ignored the cries of her child for help 19 years ago. Now, it seems you have had a change of heart-I don't know if it will make a difference but its a start. My actions have always been to protect Anthony and keep him safe and I did. You have attacked me on so many different fronts for this that it is hard to keep track of all of them. But your newest attacks, which hurt just as much as the first ones 19 years ago,that you have now told to Anthony, Hana, Hana's mom, sisters, husband - basically anyone that will listen and it needs to stop now! I believe someone you trust has recently told you Anthony needs closure-let this be the begining and let everyone move on. Lisa



#11Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 27, 2006

As usual Jane is polite and complementary in regards to the situation. But Lisa again chose to slander your name telling everyone she is going to sue you. You may forgive and forget by those who know what really happened will never forgive Lisa. She should be ashamed of what she has done and continues to do. B



#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 23, 2006

Although I appreciate the support from who ever filed this claim. I do not need defending. Lisa and I have been threw a lot in the past and have worked very hard to put things behind us. No one will ever be able to get the true story of what really happened between us and why we chose to hurt each other rather then take the easier path and accept things for what they were. Both of us have worked very hard to be the best mothers, wives, sisters and friends. Our goals have always been similar. Maintain a happy and healthy home and strive to be successful with the career path we chose to follow. It is my understanding that Lisa has finished nursing school and is working at a Hospital in Massachusetts. I am glad for her! She moved on and so have I. Who ever published this report I ask that you please do you best to get it removed. I am very fortunate to have such a great family and work for an amazing company. I have been able to met if not exceed most of my goals I thank everyone who has supported me and could see thru the lies and deceit. But, I do not wish to go back in time and argue the past any more. I also do not wish to hash out my personal issue on a public forum such as this. Sincerely, Jane Tenaglia


New Hampshire,
Jane tenaglia and her reputation/Is now successful business woman at Right Toyota Scottsdale Az

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 21, 2006

Hi Barb, What you wrote was incorrect. Jane tenaglia gave birth 19 yrs. ago. The age difference between her and the father was 3 yrs. I am sorry you didn't know but the child was removed from janes custody by the vermont courts and custody was given to the father. Jane moved to arizona at that time with boyfriend tony tenaglia and has lived there since and started a new family. The child you speak of was given up for adoption at age 10 by jane and adopted by his stepmother, Lisa Tapley So I don't know where you got your info but it is incorrect. Jane Tenaglia is now a successful 37 yr old business women at Right Toyota in Scottsdale Arizona. She just mailed us a copy of Arizona Women with an article written about herself, with picture and all. She and her husband just recently built a brand new house on East Cielo Grande Ave. Phoenix AZ. which is worth almost $400,000.00. Hope this clears things up.

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