  • Report:  #1529459

Complaint Review: GoCity Car Rental Dubai Scam - Garhoud Dubai

Reported By:
Pakov - Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

GoCity Car Rental Dubai Scam
Ithraa Tower unit 106 2nd St Garhoud, 500001 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971 56 411 6470
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I rented a car from Go City Car Rental Dubai and it went wrong. From the very start, there were clear warning signs. As soon as I arrived at the airport, the driver attempted to charge me an additional 500 AED in various fees. The only extra cost I paid was 100 AED for parking, which, amusingly, turned out to be only 40 AED in reality. To top it off, the condition of the car was in an extremely poor state.

Upon returning the car, the driver hastily blamed me for a damaged rim. However, when I presented a picture of the car's condition before, demonstrating my innocence, he fell silent. Desperate to charge me for something, the driver shifted the focus to the car's start button, which frequently popped off. He then sought to charge me 850 AED for the button and an additional 250 AED for not being able to rent out the car. It's puzzling because the car was perfectly drivable even without the button. The car's age and pre-existing damage should not be my responsibility. Adding to the skepticism, I found the same button online for just 200 AED. Moreover, the manager's inability to provide invoices for a newly purchased button raises questions.

This series of events resulted in a significant deduction from my deposit. When I attempted to share my experience and evidence by leaving a Google review, including pictures of the WhatsApp conversation with the manager, they reported and had it removed. I made a second review, which they also reported. Additionally, the manager attempted to offer me money as a bribe to remove or update my review. This unethical practice has likely contributed to their high number of reviews. Now I don't trust any good reviews from companies on Google

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