  • Report:  #1519669

Complaint Review: General Jack Keane - Washington DC

Reported By:
Jack - United States

General Jack Keane
Washington DC, United States
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General Jack Keane is another one of those psychopathic bloodthirsty Iran-hating, Israel ball-sucking, FoxNews hosts who also sits on the Board of Directors of no less than 20 military industrial complex companies out there in Washington DC.

This means that every time a grenade blows up a Middle Eastern child’s head, he gets another couple of dollars. Every time a missile blows up a building murdering 100s of civilians, Jack Keane gets a few more thousand dollars.

And every time a plane or a tank or some other death dealing machine that this Satanist and his cohorts manufacture, this p***k gets a few hundred thousand or million dollars.

This b*****d belongs in a maximum security prison because instead of murdering innocent people with his own bare hands, he hides like a coward behind massive corporations, lawyers, by-laws and politicians to achieve his goals - for a profit.

He is EXACTLY what true Americans like President Eisenhower and U.S. Marine Smedley Butler warned the American people about - the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex.

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