The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Las Olas ward Address: 1100 SW 15th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Mormon church
This is my review of this ward, church service people are nice where it gets shady. In the bible study on Wednesdays it became a flirt fest and hypocrisy. also info on possible finances for the church. and what may be going on behind the scene. Truth tellers vs truth hiders. All the lies and finances they are after. As a whole the church on Sunday is good. That is where you have the pillars of the church, the solid Mormon members, where it gets weird is on Wednesday night bible study. This is my review of this ward, church service people are nice where it gets shady. In the bible study on Wednesdays it became a flirt fest and hypocrisy. also info on possible finances for the church. and what may be going on behind the scene. Here is the reality of my situation, in life details matter.
Only serious people with no malice were the elder boys, those guys were the genuine article. The bible study was fine until a drifter from the southwest US, came in, this guy was a wolf in sheep's clothing, a player, shady character that post his pics on facebook like he is a male stripper but in church he acts like he is holly mormon, he will scam the church and the people there at some point unless the leaders wake up and put him on their radar, he was manipulating the sisters and they felt for it with their lust, like a peacock, sucking the energy out of the room and controlling the room. Time frame around 1/25/23 The sisters at the bible study had plenty of malice but the only ones that did not have malice was the elder boys they were the real deal, ward needs an adult to supervise, started with a 20 year old missionary called Emma Rae Hardy from Utah, 1st bible study she starting flirting coming over and rubbing elbows/arm maliciously and in a conspicuous manner from others then the head games of nice and cold behavior, of course she has a right to change her mind but is the lack of take responsibility of one's actions and transfering that blame onto others, tof course any grown man is going to fall for the charms of a young adult pretty woman, specially in my case since I was vulnerable trying to find my spirituality however in this situation one flirts back and hopes for more, but I take responsibility for being more mature and letting this person play with my head even if she did it innocently, flirting on a mission and then turning around and demonizing the other person when you change your mind is not taking responsibility for her actions. Of course sister Emma Hardy will deny this because she will not be honest with herself and it is easier to blame things on the other person and manipulate the situation is just immaturity and the church will manipulate her/ Then her companion Jayden Bevan was probably the bad influence on sister Emma Hardy as she put it she was the wild one, Emma was a bit innocent until her companion came along. Then the games started, Bevans herself can be flirty with other guys in the group but was the influencer for sure. Is a flirt fest on wednesday sister Bevans even flirts with the married guy in the bible study.
The church should have the elders visit people instead you get these 20 year old girls using church resources to serve their own purposes. I told the missionaries many times via text and in person that they needed to give up but the church turns these young people into aggressive recruiters because the church is desperate for new members at any costs. Everyone from the sisters to up to the Bishop have a hive mind so there are no secrets and there is no confideality what they say to your face is way different to what they say behind closed doors, humans are humans regardless of religion and human nature takes over, they are super secret but they will not keep your secrets the mormon church is a secretive society, there is also a young married guy in the church from Salt Lake city in the church who is a big gossiper he will demonize you, he is a future ward leader he is 26 six years old blonde guy but with in 8 years his wife will cheat on him no doubt. The Mormon church is a good place, however always do your research before joining people and human nature can take over, but definitely no missionary should be flirting on their mission. You can always see this youtube channel from ex members of the church on this you tube channel
Unfortunately like all religions the Mormon church has been losing members so they basically take anyone these days to fill in the church I saw people in these bible studies that were just warming up the seat. A warm body with a heartbeat, came in once and then never came back again. However on Sundays there were really nice people there, mostly the adults, the married couples, generational Mormons, people who are mature enough to run the show, I don't discourage anyone from attending the Sunday service just do your research and see what your heart tells you.
I do advise the church to put an adult on Wednesday nights especially if the 20 year old sister missionaries are running the show, if you get a guy like the drifter then he is running the bible study, a real con man, he can fool some people but not everyone. Humans make mistakes but people who are in the church needs to behave the same in the outside world keeping up a good image of themselves , go to sunday service is nice everyone seems to be warm, of course Jesus was very humble man needs churches and money the vanity of man, God is underneath a rock and everywhere but I see the social need for people to gather and worship God together. The LDS church is worth about 100 to 250 billion dollars by 2030 it will be a trillion dollars for the rainy day fund ++++ this is very confidential so is not released to the public church can be good at hidden things from its members, currently owned by the The Deseret Management Corporation (DMC) group,of course in order to be fair the church has a lot of expenses,not sure how much they give to the poor, their wealth is accumulated thru tithing, in which members are required to give 10 percent of their entire income, all of the positions in the church are non paid all the way up to the bishop except for the general authorities and CEO of the church they get paid a good salary that comes from the Church's investments more info on youtube here
Only the top 6 men in the leadership in Salt Lake city know the true financial values of the church. The sheep or flock of the church is ignorant of these facts; only the very top of the Mormon leadership know this info. This is the most organized religious group I have ever seen, this is why is so successful an army of members do voluntary work free labor to help the church grow, they are great at marketing including great social media, if you hit a like on facebook they will respond almost immediately and invite you to the church, same reason the US military hires 20 year olds to fight wars the LDS recruits 20 year olds to recruit people because they will not question anything and do what they are told they run their program effectively, after all the brain is not fully develop until the age of 25 so that is why 20 year olds are a great asset for the church they can manipulate them.
Whether the church is for you or not, make sure you do it for the right reasons and do your research, this is my personal opinion based on life experiences., but remember Religious group use Jesus for power and financial gain, meanwhile Jesus was a super humble guy not a rich guy or powerful so men need money and fancy buildings but God's is everywhere underneath a rock all over but going to church is important, I do feel with the mormon church there is very membership oriented not like alot of Christian churches where you can come and go without being a member on paper with records, the church can kick you out or you can resign your membership but coming back is a pain and might have a long waiting period so they can see if you are serious about coming back. At the end of the day we are all humans and make mistakes. Just being honest and transparent is the key and admitting when a person makes a mistake, no religion group or person is perfect just do the research and follow your heart. Research and analysis on the state of wealth in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The mormon church has a long way regarding social issues in society but in some ways has not evolved still stuck in the 1950's You can always see this youtube channel from ex members of the church on this you tube channel Facebook channel The bishop at the church Bishop Lieber Sister Emma Hardy (14) Emma Hardy | Facebook [email protected] Sister Jayden Bevan (14) Jayden Bevan | Facebook The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Phone: (954) 812-3925 1100 SW 15th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
fort lauderdale,#2Author of original report
Mon, September 02, 2024
Being in the Mormon cult is a temporary illness which can be cured by leaving the LD$ cult, their missionaries suffer from anxiety and mental illness.
This case was buried by the the mormons in Utah Utah father Michael Haight kills wife, 5 kids in murder-suicide after wife files for divorce
On January 4, 2023, a familyicide occurred in Enoch, Utah, United States when eight members of a single family, consisting of three adults and five children, were fatally shot in their home in a mass shooting.
The fact that their doctrine is that in order to attain exaltation (highest degree of celestial glory) a man or woman must be married and also fulfilling all of their temple covenants. If someone is not married then they can only qualify to be a “ministering angel” and serve others within the celestial kingdom who are worthy of a higher glory (i.e. exaltation).
I’m not justifying this disgusting human being’s actions and if there is a hell then I hope he’s stuck there forever, but the Mormon church creates dangerous psychopaths like this. His wife divorced him, so on top of being heartbroken, he also genuinely believed that he had forfeited his place in exaltation. No spouse and no place in Heaven and then we all wonder why Mormon people are so extreme and so messed up in the head! Anybody who tells me that the Mormon church isn’t dangerous either knows nothing about its history or pays no attention when tragedies like this one happen.
Joseph Smith Jr. | Founder of Latter Day Saints | Mental Health & Personality
Report: Utah Suicide Rates High, Including for Girls and Women
fort lauderdale,#3Author of original report
Mon, September 02, 2024
The Olas ward is full of dishonest people there is a millionaire there he is a top council men his wife is stuck up and looks like from the show Utah house wife, this ward brings alot of money the bishop is highly involved with the youth in sports basketball etc so they can lure young people there. They are not Christians this is a demonic cult.
Powerful message ex missionary Elder Powerful message ex missionary sister missionary Ex-mormons over 300,000 members CES Letter
My Search for Answers to my Mormon Doubts by Jeremy Runnells
CES Letter is one Latter-day Saint's honest quest to get official answers from the LDS Church on its troubling origins, history, and practices. Jeremy Runnells was offered an opportunity to discuss his own doubts with a director of the Church Educational System (CES) and was assured that his doubts could be resolved. After reading Jeremy's letter, the director promised him a response. Utah has long ranked as the worst state for women. Here’s the latest research Survey shows most Utahns agree girls need more educational encouragement and opportunities, but perceptions are disconnected from reality as women continue to lag Report: Utah Suicide Rates High, Including for Girls and Women The REAL Story of the Mormon Church
fort lauderdale,#4Author of original report
Sun, August 11, 2024
Look at Mormons Sexual abuse cases by the LD$ mormon cult see the list here ( Resign from the LD$ cult, free service from an Ex mormon Utah lawyer, your life will be better. Las Olas ward phone 561-310-3857 and their email (561)310-3857 5613103857 [email protected] The Exact Moment I Lost My Testimony in the Mormon Church
Leaving the Mormon Church to Save My Family - Elisha Lee | Ep. 1925
Mormons Explain Book of Mormon Racism - Skin of Blackness | LDS Discussions 56 | Ep. 1924 Mormon Church Fires Educators for Opposing Racist Doctrine | Ep. 1923 My Mormon Mission Traumatized Me - Rian Anderson | Ep. 1922
High-Ranking Leader Leaves Mormon Church: The Second Anointing w Hans & Birgitta Mattsson | Ep. 1919 The Secret Report That Shattered Mormon Racist “Doctrine” - The Bennion Report | Ep. 1918
Why was Joseph Smith put in Carthage Jail and “martyred”?
The Dark Side of Mormon College Towns (Rexburg, Provo) - Courtney Kimpel ft. Hayley Rawle | Ep. 1914
Black Mormons Respond to Brigham Young’s Racism | Ep. 1916
Top Mormon Leaders Supported Racial Segregation | Ep. 1921
Mormon Professor Confronts Church on Racism - The Lowry Nelson Story w/ Matt Harris | Ep. 1913 Lawyer Explains Tithing Lawsuit Against Mormon Church - Kolby Reddish | Ep. 1920 A Nashville Mormon Story: Darian and Jennifer Ellsworth Rogers | Ep. 1912 Mormon Temple INSIDER: Sealer Martin Lock | Ep. 1909 Heather Gay TV Project - Seeking Mormon Stories | Ep. 1903 LDS Relief Society Presidents Speak Up | Ep. 1900 Satan in Mormonism w/ John Larsen | Ep. 1870
Mormon Church Bought Her Silence While Protecting Her @bu$er - Chelsea Goodrich | Ep. 1846 Escaping the Kingston Polygamy Group w/ Amanda Rae | Ep. 1837
fort lauderdale,#5Author of original report
Sun, August 11, 2024
Resign from the cult, free service from an Ex-mormon Utah lawyer
The Mormon Church Is Accused of Using a Victims' Hotline to Hide Sexual Abuse Claims (HBO)
How David Broadbent Used Mormon Premarital Exams to Sexually Abuse Patients
Why I Resigned as a Mormon Bishop - Nick and Amanda Jones | Ep. 1861
Tennessee Mormon Bishop Confronts LDS Stake President - Nathan Hinckley | Ep. 1899
The God Makers: Mormonism Exposed (Original Classic) Part 1
The God Makers II: 1992 Documentary & Bill Cooper Broadcast Links Part 2
Top 15 Evidences of Deceptive LDS Leadership
How I Lost My Faith While Serving as a Mormon Bishop
BYU Racism Goes Viral - Black Menaces’ Nathan Byrd | Ep. 1731
FOX 13 News 360: The Black Experience in Utah
Duke volleyball player allegedly targeted by racial slurs at BYU l GMA
Good Morning America
Banned Mormon Cartoon - EXTENDED VERSION
Mormon stories podcast Ex bishops, ex missionaries ex members over 260,000 members Why a former Mormon bishop was excommunicated for criticizing sexually explicit youth interviews The Twisted Polygamy of Joseph Smith with Lindsay Hansen Park (Joseph Smith: Part Three)
Blacks and women are second class citizens in the Mormon cult women are baby making machines
Ex bishop Stanley brown was convicted in Broward county for fraud, do a background report on him, this guy is full of s**t and a sell out to his people, the mormons were against civil rights and also denied the priesthood to blacks till 1978 to this day the Mormons are super racists, their scriptures talk about a dark skin curse. He makes himself important and thinks he knows the hearts of men better than God, an ex Baptist came here to follow JS steps another con man who was a phedophile, polygamist he married girls as young as 14 years old.
The elder who is married said he also saw bad signs about sister Emma hardy he said my statements were consistent with what he saw and although he was married sister annie bateman was flirting with him, it was a meat market, remember hottest is modest, The Bishop was asleep and was not running a tight ship.
Brother McGee that works at the courthouse in Miami, careful not to use your powers as an officer of the court to benefit the Mormons checking up on people or trying to get others in trouble could land you right in jail, the FBI could Look into it, you are not above the law, jail time and you could get fired.
Ward email [email protected] ward phone
there is a guy with a beard there lives on state road 84 marina mile seems dangerous at that ward
There is a millionaire councilman assistant to the bishop you do not see to many of those
There might be some funny business with the money in that ward. The council men would go back to count money and were happy when they did like little girls smiling laughing, I wonder why the Bishop does not want to leave after 5 years and maybe someone is taking money from the tithing remember some it comes in as cash, maybe some money is being stolen, the thieves stealing from the thieves??? That ward is like a mafia, I always got the feeling they are stealing tithing money or using the money to help each other get ahead financially with tithing money. like the food contract was given to the guy who does activities for companies instead of helping the local economy and helping others.
The black guys in that ward want to be white and delightsome, odd ducks.
fort lauderdale,#6Author of original report
Tue, July 09, 2024
black men and women are second cass citizens to the mormons women are just babie making machines and blacks can but not too many interracial marriages mormons are super racists secretly Young elder married guy in bible study always talking about killing people in bible study for 15 minutes, everyone in the US has a gun but you do not talk about killing people, this proves these mormons are not christians, they have no love or compassion. If you have to defend your family is understood but kiling people is something that should not be taken lightly in self defense. The guy likes free stuff off other mebers he is a parasite. Ex Bishop in Las Olas ward has a charge for fraud in Broward county just do a background report, he thinks he knows the hearts of men better than God, he is a black guy a uncle tom to his people because he sells out knowing that mormons are racists to blacks secretly, they just want themj there to pay tithing and do free labor, he sells out to trips to Salt Lake. The black men in this ward wants to be white so bad they kiss a*s to the white men even though they know they are in a racist cult. Black men could not enter temples heaven or become priests before 1978. Most racist cult on earth they are not Christians, they are a demonic cult, pyramid. Dr David Farley and Dr David Broadbent both sexually molested 100 plus women each the cult did nothing it protects them, women are second class citizens baby making machines in the LD$. 800+ reports of sexual abuse in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Temples are for paying members only, homeless and poor people not welcomed, satanic rituals at the temples, JS was a phedophiac, con man poligamist, JS copied all of the rituals and secret handshakes from the free masons. Satan rules the LD$ organization and they will gop to hell someday if they do not repent. Mormon Bishop Resigns from Pulpit | The Mormon Newscast 004 | Ep. 1849
fort lauderdale,#7Author of original report
Wed, March 13, 2024
Subject: Phedopiles Mormon church is worth $265,000 billion dollars thieves liars greedy, sexual predators toxic culture
Mormons abuse children and women, they are the Mcdonld's or religion. The leaders are super rich but morally bankrupt. The ideology in the church is cultish, aggressive, revengeful and the leaders are bullies.
Mormom Jesus only cares about money, the Mormon God is money. The Bishop Lieber at the ward has a healthy ego; he likes to play God over people's lives.
Missionaries are programmed to be aggressive and push the numbers of new members. They harrass people through unsolicited messages, they traumatize the new members and they also become traumatized if they want to help humanity they should join the peace corps. They teach them aggressive harassment and predatory behavior.
In Las Olas ward we also had another sister missionary Annie Bateman from Salt Lake flirting with members of the church including a married guy not with me but with other people.
And we had a sister Esther Barron from Missouri who was Emma's Hardy's puppet Emma was a sister missionary master of manipulation, she manipulated the leadership and other sisters.
Utards mormons are a cult, their leaders have one God which is money, called the mormons always they are trying to change their name to LDS that is to rebrand themselves to get away from their evil negative past do not let them, scammers use this tactic mormons for life.
Mormons are white collar rednecks, low class some of them racist white collar trash
Protesters demand Utah require clergy to report sex abuse
Mark Naugle Ex Mormon - He is an attorney helping people resign from the church free, make sure you donate he does this for free to help people and cheaper than giving the cult 10%
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 30,000 people leave the church fast in 5 days with no further harrasement
Mormon Stories Podcast you tube
over 200,000 members stories by ex Bishops, Ex MIssionaries EX everything ithe the church tell the dark secrets the mormon cult does not want you to know
Best info on the web to open to eyes to the LDS lies stories
Several states have revised laws to either remove or extend the statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims in civil court. If you or a loved one has suffered from sexual assault connect to the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) as a minor, the time to file a lawsuit is now.
It’s time to hold those at Latter-day Saints religious institutions accountable for the heinous abuses that took place at what was supposed to be a safe place for youths.
If you experienced abuse or assault at a LDS religious institution, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Click below to see if you qualify
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has become a "safe harbor" for pedophiles and a "very dangerous place" for children
Lawyer blasts LDS Church
Former Sugar Land bishop says Mormon Church policy allows children to be groomed by pedophiles
7 Reasons Why Mormonism and Christianity Are Not the Same
Mormon Church to pay fine to settle charges it hid an approximately $32 billion investment fund
Mormons Aren’t Nice People
The LDS Church Protects and Recycles Pedophiles
How the Mormon church protects itself from pedophilia claims: Daughter 'abused by her bishop father' was paid $300,000 - but is speaking out as he remains working as a dentist with access to children
Category:Documentary films critical of Mormonism
Multiple Generations of Mormons Become Born-Again and Leave Mormonism!
For ex mormons
Mormon Secrets Exposed - ex mormons
Greed, Prison & Apostasy | All The Mormon Scandals of 2023
ExMormon members
Mormon Bishop Resigns at Pulpit in Mississippi Sacrament Meeting
The GOP has a glaring Mormon problem
Mormonism is in decline
Hundreds of women accused mormon doctor, church protects him Women suing ex-doctor for sex abuse allege Mormon church inaction Dr David Farley Case
fort lauderdale,#8Author of original report
Wed, February 21, 2024
subject for ripoffSexual deviants, child molesters, Greedy and stealing money from members
The Bishop Lieber at the ward lies right thru his face to members very corrupt, these guys at the ward only care about money coming in makes you wonder if they take money under the table or just suck the members dry of their money so they can give it to the leaders in Salt Lake, The bishop and his councilman get very happy when is time to count the money from the envelopes.
Former mayor, Mormon bishop gets prison for child sex abuse
A recent report from the Associated Press tells the story of Chelsea Goodrich, who alleges that her father, a former Mormon bishop, sexually abused her as a child.
The LDS Church's Playbook for Hiding Child Sexual Abuse
Mormon Stories Podcast over 200,000 members stories by ex Bishops, Ex MIssionaries EX everything ithe the church
Best info on the web to open to eyes to the LDS lie stories
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 8,000 people leave the church
Mark Naugle Ex Mormon - He is an attorney helping people resign from the church free
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 8,000 people leave the church
Study: Utah is no longer a majority-Mormon state
With more nonmembers moving into the state and smaller Mormon birth rates, Utah is no longer a majority-Mormon state.
Mormon Stories Podcast over 200,000 members stories by ex Bishops, Ex MIssionaries EX everything ithe the church
Best info on the web to open to eyes to the LDS lie stories
A majority of Utahns don't identify as Mormon, study says
David Nielsen case whistleblower
Whistleblower: Mormon church investment fund stockpiled money, masqueraded as a charity
Harrisburg lobbyist, LDS church leader charged with not reporting child rape allegations
Mark Naugle Ex Mormon - He is an attorney helping people resign from the church free
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 8,000 people leave the church
Ex-bishop of Mormon singles ward charged with investment fraud
A Mormon Bishop Stiffed Investors Of $400,000 In TARP Ponzi Scheme
Mormon Lawsuits and Tithing — Can Churches Just Invest Funds Members Believe Are for Charity?
It’s hard for donors to win a lawsuit against their church — or any other charity — when they demand a refund for their donations.
Mormon Church Agrees to Repay $150K in Tithes Linked to $25M Fraud Case
Feds: Mormon bishop ran Ponzi scheme
Former Mormon bishop sent to prison for scam
Fraud • Many Colorado victims were LDS members.
Mormon Stories Podcast over 200,000 members stories by ex Bishops, Ex MIssionaries EX everything ithe the church
Best info on the web to open to eyes to the LDS lie stories
Former LDS bishop sentenced to prison for $20 million Ponzi scheme
When she was a child, her father, a former bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, had routinely slipped into bed with her while he was aroused, she said.
Recordings show how Mormon church kept child sex abuse claims secret
Former Utah mayor, Mormon bishop accused of sex abuse of children
Mark Naugle Ex Mormon - He is an attorney helping people resign from the church free
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 8,000 people leave the church
Empowered Former LDS
Sex abuse victim says Mormon church failed to protect her
Woman claims father, an ex-Mormon church bishop, abused her
Prosecutors dropped charges after second bishop declined to testify
Woman's father was excommunicated from LDS church
Ex mormons group
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 8,000 people leave the church
Mark Naugle Ex Mormon - He is an attorney helping people resign from the church free
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 8,000 people leave the church
Mormon Stories Podcast over 200,000 members stories by ex Bishops, Ex MIssionaries EX everything ithe the church
Best info on the web to open to eyes to the LDS lie stories
fort lauderdale,#9Author of original report
Sun, December 24, 2023
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 8,000 people leave the church
Why Is the Mormon Church Protecting Sex Abuse Offenders?
Law firm
Hundreds of women accused mormon doctor, church protects him
Women suing ex-doctor for sex abuse allege Mormon church inaction
Dr David Farley Case
Mormons Grapple With Church's History Of Discrimination Amid Wider Racial Reckoning
What is the lamanite curse in the Book of Mormon?
In Second Nephi 5, the original wording was the following: "Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cursed, receive a skin of blackness, and become a scourge unto the Nephites." The phrase "skin of blackness" and the passage was changed to "Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cut off from the presence of ...
How to Remove Your Name from the LDS Records
ex-mormon group
Families speak out against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints over sex abuse allegations
Michael Jensen case
MormonInfoDotOrg - YouTube
Joseph Smith Lied
We challenge you to question Mormonism.
Free form from an ex mormon lawyer in Utah for leaving the church fast removal he has helped over 8,000 people leave the church
Mormon No More
Mormon Stories Podcast over 200,000 members stories by ex Bishops, Ex MIssionaries EX everything ithe the church
Best info on the web to open to eyes to the LDS lie
sexual abuse cases mormon church news article by lawyers
Women suing Mormon church doctor over alleged sex abuse |
Recordings show how the Mormon church protects itself from child sex abuse claims
The Mormon church helps keep child sex abuse cases hidden ...
Recordings reveal Mormon church response to sex abuse case
greed to the max
Mormon church now owns $2BILLION of US farmland, with more acreage than Bill Gates and China combined: Huge land grabs in Nebraska and Florida spark backlash from local farmers
Whistleblower David Nielsen speaks out after reporting the Mormon church to IRS in 2019
David Nielsen caser whistleblower LDS case tax evasion
Australia tax evasion and Canada
Mormons walk away from major multinational tax evasion scheme
Feds fine Mormon church for illicitly hiding $32 billion investment fund behind shell companies
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints engaged in the scheme for more than 20 years.
fort lauderdale,#10Author of original report
Sun, December 24, 2023
The Bishop at the Las Olas ward lies, white lies and straight up lies to your face he ius a coward will not tel you the thruth to your face and hides everything bad about the church or when a member does something wrong
fort lauderdale,#11Author of original report
Sat, December 09, 2023
There is a snitch to the Bishop at the church in Las Olas his name is Troy Guevarra trash from Salt Lake City 25 year old kid low class individual.
If you have children becareful the church doe not run background reports you can have a pedofile child molester wife beater amongs you,.
The church just wants numbers they do not even ask for ID they just want people paying tithing giving money to the church so when people join they do not check as long as they pay money monthly they are considered great members and as long as people do free labor for the church.
I was at the ward and at least one leader had fraud charhges on his background report, remember LDS church is constantly accused of sexual abuse just google it even a mormom Doctor.
The church covers it up
David Farley - of sexually abusing them. Three of those women: Nicole Snow, Lisa Pratt and Katie Medley are in this video. News.
MORMOM LEADERS PROTECTS SEXUAL PREDATORS do not trust anyone in the church
fort lauderdale,#12Author of original report
Sat, December 09, 2023
ANTI MORMOM WEBSITES MormonInfoDotOrg - YouTube Mormon Stories Podcast SEXUAL ABUSE CASES FROM CHURCH MANY MORE TO COME hundreds of women accused mormon doctor Women suing Mormon church doctor over alleged sex abuse The Mormon church helps keep child sex abuse cases hidden ... Recordings reveal Mormon church response to sex abuse case
fort lauderdale,#13Author of original report
Mon, October 02, 2023
girls at BYU watch your boyfriends a new predator has come to town Emma Hardy watch your man she is a true predator super aggressive, she studies marketing at BYU Her accomplice has domestic violence in South Florida [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
fort lauderdale,#14Author of original report
Mon, October 02, 2023
For an LDS missionary to have pictures of her instagram provocative pictures showing flesh in bikini to tempt men knowing darn well that satan tempts men thru immorality only shows that Emma Hardy has super low self esteem and she is sick and makes other people sick she is immoral and disgusting the pictures were up the whole time she was on a mission thru a FB link none of of the other missionary sisters did this/ She never partook of the sacrament although she could have asked for gluten free bread she was a phony and did not get up and give her testimony. By the way someone you know in the church betrayed your trust and told some of your secrets, God allowed this to happen for a reason to take off the fake mask you wear, you are a demon Emma Rae Hardy remember that Satan was an angel so are you a fallen angel possessed by demons to look sweet and innocent but cause trouble to people. Emails of the church [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Provo, UT 84602
Brigham Young University, Address
fort lauderdale,#15Author of original report
Sat, September 30, 2023
Please see Emma's Pics here
The pictures of her in bikining showing flesh and provoking man were on her FB link to instagram during her whole mission this is 1000% true no other woman missionary did this wake up mission president turn your brain on this is indicent behavior the morality bar is low these girls on a mission are supposed to be more holly than that, most girls moderated themselved not Emma Hardy she was super liberal that speaks volumes of what and who she really is judged people by the actions not their words.
To other members of the church Bevan etc sorry I misjudged you Emma was a false church member that clouded my judgement and other people payed for her evil actions I saw this later.Emma loves to gossip about people especially those who she taught lessons to she turns the sisters against a person to defend her image she is nothing like Jesus at all she is fake is all talk in action she is different is just mask she is good this is called the Halo effect she pretends to be good but she is evil is the quiet ones you have to worry about, she is a bully manipulates the other sisters to see her point of view because they look up to her as a leader, she did bully another sister who interrupted her, she is the puppeteer pulling strings.She is a very eager missionary she threw herself at me to make physical contact and I foolishly took her seriously she is all reptile brain a monkey with a bible a dumb animal that causes problems for other people using the lord as a shild to navigate her way into getting things she has hidden agendas.If anything she is possessed by satan and a demon she only creates chaos in the church.Mission president wake up and look at these girl's facebook better while Emma was on a mission she was selling herself not the church she had a phone number listed on her FB she had an instagram link that had plenty of bikini pictures her email address this girl was on heat desperately looking for a husband super hard all of the other girls had decent pages on their FB pictures of their families while Emma promoted herself hiding behind the Jesus image, Mission president you guys dropped the ball and the rules in the church with people like her are declining the decency rules are falling pay attention to details she was all about self promotion using the church as a front she was trying to gain as many followers on instagram and facebook as possible but she is conniving and deceitful she has tons of malice but everyone thinks she is an angel but she has two sides to her actually three faces one that she shows the church second the other she shows her friend and family and her third face is the one she hides from everyone.She is got a great head start on malice and deception she will be an expert as years go by, Emma is super liberal with daddy issues, when she was in bible study she used her body language to flirt sometimes putting her hand behind her head pushing out her chest so the man could see the outline of her breasts thru her dress, her body language spoke volumes she spoke very little but with her body language she said a lot she hit the ground running on malice.Do you know what afflictions are Emma? you think you are smarter than most people, Emma your underdevelop brain gets the best of you, you get in your own way and this is the consequences of your actions.The dumb redneck does not live by the moral she teaches about Jesus and compassion she is a wolf in sheep's clothing very racist, you are a dime a dozen in Utah average looking I just thought you had a great heart you fooled me I was a victim of your deception, she likes to play with people's feeling you grew an air of superiority not at all what Jesus would do, you were nothing but a prostitute of the church working the numbers trying to get converts so you can inflate your ego amongst your peers you had all of the other sisters fooled and they looked up to you, you played them like a chess game. In Utah you are less than average but you came to Florida to reinvent yourself. I don't even think you love your own family, you will marry, become a baby machine and then get divorced years later, your family was not even important to you, your actions demonstrated that you had other agendas.
I saw thru you at the end but take responsibility for your actions please you started this thing tell people the thruth do not wait 27 years to open up start now and say yes I affected the life of a person that took me seriously for something I should not have done on my mission and ask forgiveness, world works with action reaction.
47 E S Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT 84150
201 Presidents' Circle
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
United States
1780 East South Campus Drive
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah 84112-1101
United States
fort lauderdale,#16Author of original report
Thu, August 31, 2023
So the church is racist black priesthood was given to black men in 1978 none of the 12 apostles are black but if you are black you are supposed to give money to the church. Emma Rae Hardy the fraud missionary the racists self absorbed, high maintenance self entitled narcissist gluten free with a weird looking nose that requires surgery has a leg scar she plays the guitar speaks french airhead bimbo that runs over things while driving had her $700 bike stolen in Fort Lauderdale because she could not turn her idiot brain on and use a lock for a bike very stupid she could not gather enough brain cells to think of a lock, in 20 years old dob 11/29/2002 she will look like an old witch she will not age well specially with that nose, and she cannot concentrate or focus on anything, her parents are divorced and she will repeat the same thing in a few the bad energy karma she carries she is an idiot and cannot get over herself she is a piece of garbage/thrash. When she thinks like smoke is coming out of her ears she cannot gather the brain cells to form a complete thought/. She alegetaly studies marketing. Aggressive as a man dumb as a rock In bible study she was aggressive to initiate physical contact I was shocked. Flirting with men to get them into the church so she could look great back home. Your buddy Miriam Young from Idaho who loves BYU because it is a party school should not be a missionary saying that people men and women are creepy OMG was Jesus like that? ask yourself what Jesus would your place, church is losing discipline the whole thing is a joke instead they sent her on a cushy assignment in Wellington. Hurricane Emma came and went please leave our state and go back to your racist state and make more racist babies you will be a good baby making machine stop causing trouble go back and brag about your mission people do not really know you there is two sides of you one is really evil you faked your whole mission, you fooled everyone pretending to be this great missionary playing the parts going thru the motions you are nothing like Jesus not humble you said the building you lived on 441 it was an old building basically you were too good for everyone Jesus was humble you are not you aspire to be Utah"s housewife on a tv show someday but you are too weak for that. 990 Big Blue Trce, Wellington, FL 33414 280 S Cove Dr, Cedar City, UT 84720 3251 E 3760 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 Seventh Ward Chapel, 116 West Fifth South Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, UT 8017083069 (801) 708-3069 8012783848 (801) 278-3848 [email protected] [email protected]
Fort Lauderdale/Wellington/Weston,#17Author of original report
Sun, August 13, 2023
The evil missionary Emma Hardy broke church rules
Event at Las Olas ward Fort Lauderdale
#1 First time she came to my house, she came in without a chaperone, instead of waiting outside for 10 minutes for the chaperone who was delayed by 10 minutes she led her companion in the house breaking a major church rule not to be alone in a house with a male without a chaperone #2 First bible study she made physical contact by placing her forearm next to mine for a period of at least 30 seconds before I moved it away because I thought it was odd and then she got in my face telling about her parents being conventers. She was very determined to do this to make contact in a way no one in the room would see or find out, very clever but However she is very manipulative and told the other sisters I was the one pursuing her and leaving details out on how she aggressively flirts when she wants to. She is aggressive and moves quickly and decisively, she manipulates all the other sisters to do what she wants. She is an extremely self serving manipulating individual. The malice in her heart is big and she fools everyone but she is no angel, then she blames others for the consequences of her actions. At first I thought sister Bevan was the bad influence but I figured it out and it was the other way around. Emma influences people to serve her purposes, very shady and corrupt, always playing the victim and causing problems.
fort lauderdale,#18Author of original report
Sun, August 13, 2023
this is the the false person spreading lies about Jesus Christ
her facebook
her instagram
emma (@em.hardy_) • Instagram photos and videos
fort lauderdale,#19Author of original report
Sun, August 13, 2023
This is Emma Hardy the one spreading the word and recruiting people via nefarious means, her companion Miriam is like talking to a 7 yeard olf really inmature and spoiled.
fort lauderdale,#20Author of original report
Sat, August 12, 2023
She pretende to be sweet and innocent but she is Eve full of malice do not believe anything she says at all, she is a demon remember the devil was an angel so people thinks she is an angel but I know better she is the cause of alot of problems
Fort Lauderdale,#21Author of original report
Fri, August 11, 2023
You can thank Emma Hardy for this article she was the catalyst for this article
Please visit The truth about the mormon church full story about the church mishandling of the money 60 minutes interview I did go there looking for God and to follow the rules and also prayed for some things in my life to change and this is what I saw. Emma Hardy's google voice number (385) 276-5224
I did go there looking for God and to follow the rules and also prayed for some things in my life to change and this is what I saw.
Emma Hardy cannot focus goes from ward to ward flirting she cannot focus very ditzy, scatter brain and moody, better run a background test/report from past criminal activity on some of the guys you flirt with just because someone puts on a religious posting on social media does not mean they are living the clean life people like to wear masks like maybe the guy in Wellington, maybe some domestic abuse issues there.
She is the only sister missionary that outs her instagram and phone number on her facebook during a mission which in the instagram Went to Skyline High, salt lake utah 20 years old date of birth november 29th 2002 DOB 11/29/2002, so she is the only sister with a link to her instagram on her facebook a mission at the same time so she is selling the church and herself at the same time
Even though she is on a mission she posts pictures of her instagram some of them in shorts bikini showing quite a bit of skin like to provoke men and this is the link she has on her mission page during her mission no other sister missionary does this. She might have a little fake and phony air about it, maybe she is trying to collect members on instagram and be popular and use religion as a front, she might have white savior complex wanting to go to Africa and save children but she might be secretly a racist, she is a racist hides behind closed doors, she is just like Eve full of malice in her heart but makes people think she is an angel, the whole thing is a an act.
Maybe Emma is just doing this robotic mission so she can go home and have bragging rights and said she did a mission but the way she portraits herself is someone who will not be faithful to any guy or will end up in a divorce she is the flirty type with guys but is an expert on hiding things from other church members and playing the innocent girl card and just blame the guys when she flirts leads them on and then show interest is part of her games, the whole mask of being a loving missionary is just a mask that she loves Jesus, her true identity will come out after the mission, her mission is something to brag about to her friends so she can find a husband but she is shady fake and phony if she was any good she would have gotten married before her mission she is just a left over, she needs the mission experience to attract a mormon husband.
Emma is great at playing the victim manipulating the situation and making the other person look bad, demonizing the other person, 20 years so now when she has made many mistakes in life and life gives her some tough lessons only then she might be honest about what she did on her mission and the heads she played with flirting in her mission, she knows who it is. I also realize that the mission president and the Mormon church towards the end of the sisters mission pressure them to, in their talk, to find a husband quickly and have children, so maybe that explains her behavior, she always has a hidden agenda very secretive and she poisons the minds of other people by given her side of the story and covering up her wrongdoings super manipulative, super secretive.
Emma had plenty of malice in her as a missionary flirting and even hiding this behavior from her mission companion and the rest of the church she would only do it in a way that the other person would know but she could still cover her back.
Emma definitely had a hidden agenda that contradicted the teachings of the LDS church, Her behavior that she does secretly is unbecoming of a true mormon, like the flirting in bible study where she told me her parents were converts to the church and rubbed arms elbows in a secretive way that no one in the room can tell now even her companion and later came the head games and shields up, when she came up to me to rub arms my left arm with her right arm I actually flinched after a few seconds I said excuse me and move my arm away thinking maybe inappropriate but afterwards I figured it out what she was doing.. Emma started flirting before her new companion sister Bevan came but she very carefully hid it. Maybe I got it wrong. I used to think sister Bevan was the less good one but maybe it was the other way around. Bevan was good and Hardy was bad.
Emma is a big hypocrite. She judges others for what they do but she does the same thing she just cleverly covers her tracks, she is very very smart to cover her tracks and ends up looking like a good girl but it is all window dressing, she causes problems for a lot of people indirectly by her actions but pretends to be sweet and innocent, she is a huge hypocrite she does things why are not appropriate then blames them on the other person for her actions and is very secretive about her actions, dubious in nature, does not take responsibility for her actions, very self serving., there is something wrong with this girl she does not like her own family she comes from a single mother and she will become a single mother herself and get divorced she is no good that is her karma, all the evil she does will come back to her God knows her heart, but she is great at fooling people, she is a huge hypocrite in many many different ways, she feels is ok to do things to people that she does not like people to do to her when she cares about something.
elma self serving person spoke to another woman she crossed her arms, self serving person just wants more instagram followers, she is the devil like Eve in the garden of Eden tempting people, in Las Olas ward and In Wellington she started flirting with a guy called Michael Alejandro Manzur with a history of recent domestic violence and tons of traffic stops even recent just do the background test, another guy in social media looking holly but putting up a façade, I mean people make mistake but sometimes they overcompensate with religion to atone for their sins or put up a front behind closed doors might be a different issue, even though the guys might have made mistakes and has kids he puts up a strong religious front to cover up his tracks
In a way Emma is a victim of the church as well of their systemic problems where they tell these young girls to be aggressive and recruit members at the same time they get a patriarchal blessing where they told as soon as the mission is over to find a husband and have as many kids as possible 6 or more, this is to increase the membership of the church and compensate for the lose of members the hemorrhage of leaving members, so mentally after the mission these girls have a mental clock that most of the find hard to overcome and most succumb to the beliefs and brainwash the kool-aid
Emma is just a dizzy super racist b***h who likes to play mind games, she is evil, a true wolf wearing sheep;s clothing with time people will see it.
Court Date 10/21/2020
Court Case Number B20006438
Court Disposition NO ACTION Status:CLOSED 20201021
Court Statute 741.31(4)(A)
Court Fines -
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Identifying Info on Record
Name on record MICHAEL MANZUR
Offender's address 5100 SW 64th Ave Davie, FL 33314
Date of birth November, 1990
search the case in the records of Miami public records
case B20006438case number b branchyear 2020then the rest of the digits 006438
Founder & CEO at Flood Me Social
As With A Flood
Studied Social Media Marketing at Ensign College
Lives in Wellington, Florida
From Cartagena, Colombia lived in Hialeah,Miami,Wellington
In February, the SEC fined the Mormon church and Ensign Peak a total of $5 million for using shell companies to obscure the size of its investment portfolio. SEC investigators found the church "went to great lengths" to hide $32 billion in securities over nearly 20 years.May 14, 2023
In February, the SEC fined the Mormon church and Ensign Peak a total of $5 million for using shell companies to obscure the size of its investment portfolio. SEC investigators found the church "went to great lengths" to hide $32 billion in securities over nearly 20 years. It created 13 shell companies that were "assigned a local phone number that would go directly to voicemail" in case regulators checked in.
Emma Hardy secretly is a racist huggin black children and talking to black people and other people of color does not make you a non racist , go marry a black person like Troy and then I will believe you are not a racist but a keen eye can spot this, details matter.
Emma Hardy secretly is a racist hugging black children and talking to black people and other people of color does not make you a non racists , go marry a black person or person of color outside your race, like Troy and then I will believe you are not a racist but a keen eye can spot this, details matter. The church is still very racist Utah is a racist state with no diversity.
she is a rebel missionary, she wore Jeans to bible study where all sisters wear dresses, also the married guy at Las Olas ward had a crush for her and still has future plans with her, she might get involved with the married guy or one of his friends maybe that is why he moved to Orlando the timing was impeccable, this guy has a lot of hidden agendas and angles had the hots for emma since bible study, his body language was very obvious, he has short and long term plans for emma.
Emma Hardy is a huge hypocrite, she does things to people she hates being done to her, people see her as a good missionary she is the most likely to go Rogue and leave the faith everything about her is an act with time people will see that.
There was another self entitled sister Miriam Young from Idaho, I am sure the feeling was mutual but I couldn't stand her hypocrisy, that was down in Las Olas ward but she said people in Fort Lauderdale were creepy so she got preferential treatment and got sent to the cushy ward in Wellington because she is was too good for Fort Lauderdale of course had she been black they would have sent her to Miami or a rough area or just tell her to stay put and tough it out,she used her white privilege card student at BYU, she was very immature and made a lot of gossip about other people very judgemental, all other sisters did their part in Fort Lauderdale she just wanted preferential treatment is the double standard.
Mission presidents: when was the last time you had a black girl doing a full 6 month mission in wellington? Your racist views and preferential treatment got in the way.
Emma goes around hugging black children even though she is a racist, would she marry a black man, not in a million years because we know there is no diversity in Utah or the church, that is one of the elephants in the room, pay tithing but no mix marriages see people talk by actions not words and plenty of evidence to back that up.
Emma Hardy is a great manipulator of people; she manipulates the other sisters around her ro get her way to serve her self serving purposes she is very clever she has plenty of secrets that go against the church.
Troy Guevara is a 25 year old kid from Salt Lake city that like to gossip and spread rumors about people he is programmed to be the snitch in the church and tell on people to the Bishop, he thinks people do not know, but it is extremely obvious.
Emma was desperate to find a husband that is why she was doing the aggressive flirting during her mission, she is the leftover. She might even have been on a dating app during her mission; she was on the prowl looking really hard for a husband.
She initiated physical contact with me at bible study in Las Olas, she touched my arm with hers and held it there for a while.
fort lauderdale,#22Author of original report
Sun, March 19, 2023
The catalyst/reason for writing this article was Wade Hansen. the 26 year old. On our last meeting he gave me bad vibes, he has no compassion, immaturity loves gossip and reflects all the values of the church from the 1950;s, his heart is full of malice, so he thinks everyone else is as well, he demonizes people and acts on secrecy to the leaders of the church, wade thinks people do not knw what he says behind close doors but by actions people can tell very clearly.. Wade the wolf sits next to you in church but because of your ignorance you misjudge others and do not see things as they are, I can see people exactly for who they are even when they wear a mask, that is life experience. Wade stop demonizing people behind their backs so just talk to them face to face brutal honesty. Wade is a prime example of leaders in the church not living by it's own morals that they teach/preach. Just because you are educated does not mean you are smart, don't be morally bankrupt, I could have been the church great ally instead your behavior turned me away from Mormonism, please . don't go to the mision president with lies and gossip without knowing the facts/evidence, people can read your actions wade, don't manipulate the church leadership., wade you are quite a puppeteer. Is unfortunate the church does not give women higher leadership roles instead they have to be submissive to guys like wade 1950's mentality, let's evolve so the exodus of members in religions. There is a reason why church membership is dropping and missionary dropping on going to missions, many of them see a therapist on a mission and suffer from anxiety and depression there has been a few cases also of missionaries thinking about suicide on a missions and 1/3 of all missionaries come home early, many come home after a mission and loose their identity. see video: Mormon Stories Podcast youtube The Great Mormon Missionary Decline? This missionaries not only volunteer 18 to 24 months of their life in addition pay $500 to serve as well, this is an LDS empire with 250 billion dollars in their bank. that Ensign Peak Advisors have created. Because guys like Wade in the church and his backwards mentality. of super micromanagement and control. The Wednesday meetings always need an adult supervisor and a dress code, of course the sisters and the elders dress in a decent manner. For example the drifter who is friend with the 26 year old guy from salt lake, always is flirting with the sisters and wearing skimpy shorts trying to temp the sisters and get their attention, I mean unless you are playing basketball at church gym or have an outdoor activity, you should wear decent clothes like pants or shorts that go reach your knees, be church appropriate clothing at all times when you are in the building unless playing sports. Even at bible study you could wear casual clothes but church appropriate clothing this is why a chaperone hopefully over 35 - 40+ should be there to monitor interactions between people after all the devil tempts people and the flesh is weak which leads to other things, is church not a bar, keep up with the decency dress code even for attendees. Also the 20 year old sisters need to have a chaperone with them when they visit people or an elder with them at all times, not just in church, for safety reasons sometimes they go to sketchy parts of town and for moral reasons as well.
fort lauderdale,#23Author of original report
Fri, March 10, 2023
Hearing His Voice
By Elder David P. Homer
Of the Seventy
In a world with so many competing voices, our Heavenly Father has made it possible for us to hear and follow His.
Earlier this morning, my wife’s brother gave her a note that she had written to her mother many years ago. At the time, Sister Homer was just a little girl. In part, her note read, “Dear Mother, I am sorry I did not bear my testimony today—but I love you.” As we went to lunch, I thought that was an interesting thing. So I sat down, and I wrote a note that said, “Dear President Nelson, I am sorry I did not give my talk today—but I love you.” Somehow that did not feel right. So here we are, and I am happy to add my words to those that have been spoken in this session today.
Many years ago, I traveled on a small plane with a newly certified pilot at the controls. At the end of our flight, we were cleared to land. But as we neared the ground, I heard an alarm in the cockpit warn the pilot to “pull up.” The pilot looked to the more experienced copilot, who pointed in a downward direction, away from the runway, and said, “Now!”
Our plane rapidly moved to the left and down, then climbed back to an appropriate altitude, reentered the landing pattern, and arrived safely at our destination. We later learned that another aircraft had been cleared for takeoff. Had we followed the instructions of the alarm, we would have veered into, rather than away from, the oncoming plane. This experience taught me two important lessons: First, at critical moments in our lives, we will hear multiple voices competing for our attention. And second, it is vital that we listen to the right ones.
Competing Voices
We live in a world with many voices seeking our attention. With all the breaking news, tweets, blogs, podcasts, and compelling advice from Alexa, Siri, and others, we can find it difficult to know which voices to trust. Sometimes we crowdsource guidance in our lives, thinking the majority will provide the best source of truth. Other times we “halt … between two opinions,”1 1 Kings 18:21 choosing to be “neither cold nor hot.”2 [See Revelation 3:15–16 Still other times we follow what is convenient, focus on a single voice or issue to guide us, or rely exclusively upon our own ability to think.
While each of these approaches can be helpful, experience teaches that they are not always reliable. What is popular is not always what is best. Halting between two opinions brings no direction. Convenience rarely leads to things that matter. Fixation on a single voice or issue can impair our ability to see. And relying solely upon our own thinking can lead us into a hyperintellectual stupor of thought. If we are not careful, the wrong voices can draw us away from the gospel center to places where faith is difficult to sustain, and we find little more than emptiness, bitterness, and dissatisfaction.
Listening to the Wrong Voice
Let me demonstrate what I mean by using an analogy and a scriptural example. Mountain climbers commonly refer to altitudes above 8,000 meters as the “death zone” because at those heights there is not enough oxygen to sustain life. There is a spiritual equivalent to the death zone. If we spend too much time in faithless places, seemingly well-intended voices deprive us of the spiritual oxygen we need.
In the Book of Mormon, we read of Korihor, who had such an experience. He enjoyed great popularity because his teachings were “pleasing [to] the carnal mind.”3 Alma 30:53 see also Alma 30:18 He said that parents and prophets teach foolish traditions designed to limit freedom and perpetuate ignorance.4 [See Alma 30:14, 23–24, 27 He argued that people should be free to do whatever they choose because commandments are nothing more than conveniently contrived restrictions.5 [See Alma 30:17, 23, 27 To him, belief in the Atonement of Jesus Christ was “the effect of a frenzied mind,” created by belief in a being who could not exist because He could not be seen.6 Alma 30:16 see also Alma 30:13, 15, 26, 28
Korihor created so much unrest that he was brought before the chief judge and the high priest. There, he rose “up in great swelling words,” criticizing the leaders and demanding a sign. A sign was given. He was struck so that he could not speak. Korihor then realized he had been deceived, and thinking of precious truths he had abandoned, he lamented, “I always knew.”7 Alma 30:31, 52 see also Alma 30:23, 28, 43, 50, 53
Korihor then begged for food until he was trampled to death by a group of Zoramites.8 [See Alma 30:56, 58–59 The final verse in his story contains this sober reflection: “And thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell.”9 Alma 30:60
The Right Voice
Because our Heavenly Father wants better for us, He makes it possible for us to hear His voice. Most often, we hear Him through impressions given by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He witnesses of the Father and the Son,10 [See 2 Nephi 31:18 was sent to “teach [us] all things,”11 John 14:26 and will “show unto [us] all things what [we] should do.”12 2 Nephi 32:5 see also 2 Nephi 32:1–4
The Spirit speaks to different people in different ways, and He may speak to the same person in different ways at different times. As a result, learning the many ways He speaks to us is a lifelong quest. Sometimes, He speaks to our “mind and in [our] heart”13 Doctrine and Covenants 8:2 in a voice that is small yet powerful, piercing “them that … hear to the center.”14 3 Nephi 11:3 Other times His impressions “occupy [our] mind[s]” or “press … upon [our] feelings.”15 Doctrine and Covenants 128:1 Other times our bosom will “burn within [us].”16 Doctrine and Covenants 9:8 Still other times He fills our souls with joy, enlightens our minds,17 [See Doctrine and Covenants 6:14–15 11:13 or speaks peace to our troubled hearts.18 [See Doctrine and Covenants 6:22–23
Finding His Voice
We will find our Father’s voice in many places. We will find it when we pray, study the scriptures, attend church, engage in faithful discussions, or go to the temple. Surely, we will find it in conference this very weekend.
Today we sustained 15 men as prophets, seers, and revelators. Their spirituality and experience give them a unique perspective that we desperately need. Their messages are easy to find and spoken with absolute clarity. They tell us what God wants us to know, whether it is popular or not.19 [See Doctrine and Covenants 1:38
Seeking His voice in any one of these places is good, but seeking it in many of them is even better. And when we hear it, we need to follow the direction that is given. The Apostle James said, “Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.”20 James 1:22 And President Thomas S. Monson once taught: “We watch. We wait. We listen for that still, small voice. When it speaks, wise men and women obey.”21 [Thomas S. Monson, “The Spirit Giveth Life,” Ensign or Liahona, June 1997, 4.]
When Direction Is Slow to Come
Early in my professional life, Sister Homer and I were asked to accept a change in job assignment. At the time, it seemed to us a huge decision. We studied, we fasted, and we prayed, but an answer was slow to come. Eventually, we made a decision and pressed forward. As we did, we felt settled and soon learned that it was one of the best decisions we had ever made.
As a result, we have learned that answers are sometimes slow to come. This can be because it is not the right time, because an answer is not needed, or because God trusts us to make the decision ourselves. Elder Richard G. Scott once taught that we should be grateful for such times and made this promise: “When you are living worthily and your choice is consistent with the Savior’s teachings and you need to act, proceed with trust. … God will not let you proceed too far without a warning impression if you have made the wrong decision.”22 [Richard G. Scott, “Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 10.]
We Must Choose
And so, we need to decide which among all the different voices we will obey. Will we follow the unreliable voices advocated by the world, or will we do the work required to allow our Father’s voice to guide us in our decisions and protect us from danger? The more diligently we seek His voice, the easier it becomes to hear. It is not that His voice gets louder but that our ability to hear it has increased. The Savior has promised that if we “hearken unto [His] precepts, and lend an ear unto [His] counsel,” He “will give [us] more.”23 2 Nephi 28:30 I testify that this promise is true—for each of us.
Nearly a year ago, we lost my older brother in a tragic automobile accident. John’s early years were full of promise and accomplishment. But as he grew older, a broken body and uncooperative mind made life very difficult. While the healing he hoped for didn’t come in this life, John nonetheless held to his faith, determined to endure, as best he could, to the end.
Now, I know that John was not perfect, but I have wondered what it was that gave him such endurance. Many voices invited him into the cynical fringe, but he chose not to go. Instead, he did his best to anchor his life at the gospel center. He lived his life there because he knew he would find the voice of his Master there; he lived his life there because he knew it was there that he would be taught.
Brothers and sisters, in a world with so many competing voices, I testify that our Heavenly Father has made it possible for us to hear and follow His. If we are diligent, He and His Son will give us the direction we seek, the strength we need, and the happiness we all desire. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
fort lauderdale,#24Author of original report
Fri, March 10, 2023
Welcome to the Scripture Citation Index. This index, found on the right side of your browser window, links from scriptures to the general conference talks, Journal of Discourses speeches, and writings in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith that cite those scriptures. So, for example, suppose you want to know who has cited 1 Ne. 3:7 in general conference; tap on the First Nephi button followed by the 1 Ne. 3 button; there you'll find the answer. Who has quoted Matt. 5:48? Use the New Testament index to find out.
The panel on the left side of your browser lets you read the scriptures, including the King James Version and Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. This is not the official version of the standard works. Go to for the official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Among the differences between this version and the Church's official version are that we do not include their footnotes, chapter summaries, and study helps such as the Bible Dictionary and Topical Guide.
The products (services) offered by Stephen W. Liddle and Richard C. Galbraith are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the goods (services) offered by Stephen W. Liddle and Richard C. Galbraith are solely those of Stephen W. Liddle and Richard C. Galbraith and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We have indexed the scriptures cited by speakers in General Conference between 1942 and the present, and those cited by speakers recorded in the Journal of Discourses between 1839 and 1886. The citations in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith come from the special edition, Scriptural Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, edited by Richard C. Galbraith and published by Deseret Book in 1993 (ISBN 0875796478).
To begin, click on one of the books and chapters in the index and you'll see a list of references for verses in that chapter. A reference looks like this: 2 Pet. 1:4. When you select the 2 Pet. 1:4 item, you will see a list of citations for 2 Peter chapter 1 verse 4. Citations occur in three forms.
The Scripture Citation index was first created in paper form by Richard Galbraith while serving as a faculty member at BYU (now emeritus). The index was made into a web site and corresponding mobile apps by Stephen Liddle, also a BYU faculty member. We've had help from many great BYU students through the years working on various aspects of this project. We appreciate the help of our research assistants, particularly Brad Humphery, Jeremy Knudsen, Allan Bond, Will Jensen, James Anderson, Dan King, Thomas Packer, Rosie Liddle Sadler, and James Delorey, who have been instrumental in building the database and programming elements of this site. Brandon Petersen is the graphics designer who created the art work shown at the top of this panel. We also gratefully acknowledge funding provided by the Rollins Center at BYU.
Scripture Citation Index, Copyright © 2010-2019, Richard C. Galbraith and Stephen W. Liddle. All rights reserved.
Please note that this is not an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although we link extensively to to display the text of scriptures and conference talks, this web site is our own personal creation and does not represent any official views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We also link to the first edition Journal of Discourses from the L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University. The library provides further access to other important scanned texts and manuscripts at the Lee Library digital collections.
Welcome to the Scripture Citation Index. This index, found on the right side of your browser window, links from scriptures to the general conference talks, Journal of Discourses speeches, and writings in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith that cite those scriptures. So, for example, suppose you want to know who has cited 1 Ne. 3:7 in general conference; tap on the First Nephi button followed by the 1 Ne. 3 button; there you'll find the answer. Who has quoted Matt. 5:48? Use the New Testament index to find out.
The panel on the left side of your browser lets you read the scriptures, including the King James Version and Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. This is not the official version of the standard works. Go to for the official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Among the differences between this version and the Church's official version are that we do not include their footnotes, chapter summaries, and study helps such as the Bible Dictionary and Topical Guide.
The products (services) offered by Stephen W. Liddle and Richard C. Galbraith are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the goods (services) offered by Stephen W. Liddle and Richard C. Galbraith are solely those of Stephen W. Liddle and Richard C. Galbraith and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We have indexed the scriptures cited by speakers in General Conference between 1942 and the present, and those cited by speakers recorded in the Journal of Discourses between 1839 and 1886. The citations in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith come from the special edition, Scriptural Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, edited by Richard C. Galbraith and published by Deseret Book in 1993 (ISBN 0875796478).
To begin, click on one of the books and chapters in the index and you'll see a list of references for verses in that chapter. A reference looks like this: 2 Pet. 1:4. When you select the 2 Pet. 1:4 item, you will see a list of citations for 2 Peter chapter 1 verse 4. Citations occur in three forms.
Missionaries are pretty aggressive because the church pushes them for new members one of them told me that they show up to people's house announced God forbid if you do the same check the texts messages for the church phone, they push you to become a member even when you tell them verbally and via text that you need time to think about it they only back off when one of their leaders tell them to stop, however these kids are nice even though they are immature. Actually ironically the only person I really trusted in that church was Emma Hardy because she has a good heart is that she acted as a human in impulse and actions create reactions, everyone else there from missionaries to Bishop wears a mask and they will not tell you what they are really thinking but want you to be transparent, is not what they say to your face is what is being said behind closed doors that should worry people joining the church. I hope the leaders of the church someday share the wealth of their investments with members, for example if you pay your tithing depending on how much you contribute you should get dividends at the end of a full year , the mormon church is #2 in wealth in religious groups in the world #1 is the Greek Orthodox church. dividends would be a good way to give back especially struggling families in the church who pay tithing have a lot of children and just get by unless they have two household incomes. Also the married guy at the bible study flirts with the sisters he will cheat on his wife and be divorced in 4-7 years no doubt.
fort lauderdale,#25Author of original report
Thu, March 09, 2023