  • Report:  #1529418

Complaint Review: Birchbox - New York New York

Reported By:
RICK - United States

28 E 28th St. New York, 10016 New York, United States
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My wife had a Birchbox account several years ago.  Now, after almost a year since she cancelled the service, Birchbox took it upon themselves to reopen the account and took $222.00 from our checking account!  I called their "customer service" number repeatedly, but always get a busy signal or a dead line.  I finally got someone in their chat service to talk to me.  I was told that "the company changed hands last fall and they were redoing the customer accounts".  Funny that her account that had been closed for over a year was repoened. This bunch of theives is not to be trusted.  I am now fighting for a refund and had to get a new debit card to stop them stealing any more money from us.


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