  • Report:  #1505454

Complaint Review: bikesonline.com - Petaluma California

Reported By:
Angry Anonymous - United States

1450 Technology Lane, Suite 100 Petaluma, 94954 California, United States
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1: Bike took 3 months to arrive with no updates throughout the process

2: Bike came in the INCORRECT size

3: Bike was only taken out for inspection and was repackaged exactly the same way it came after discovering the bike was labeled with the incorrect size.

4: BikesOnline receives the bike and charges me $65 for damages due to "improper" packaging. The bike was packaged exactly how it came.

5: BikesOnline refuses to honor their "Free 14-day Returns" policy.

Avoid BikesOnline at all costs. The frame for their Polygon bikes are very subpar and this company should be avoided at all costs. The whole process was, and continues to be, a nightmare!

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