  • Report:  #1522809

Complaint Review: The Assurance Group - Dexter Missouri

Reported By:
Carol - Dexter, Missouri, United States

The Assurance Group
Dexter, 63841 Missouri, United States
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Report Attachments
Her response to Medicare.

This woman came to my house and said she wanted to tell me about my benefit increases. I asked her repeatedly in anything elses about my current policy would change and she assured me it would not. I should have known that I shouldn't have had to sign paperwork just to acknowledge a benefit increase. She slid a book on my coffee table on the way out. I called my healthcare agency and found that the paperwork I signed, according to the benefits she described would switch me to an HMO. This would have been devestating to the procedures that I have lined up. Thankfully I got everything taken care of. I turned this woman over to Medicare, UHC and the Board of Insurance. Medicare sent me her reply letter where she tried to make me sound mentally incompetent and out right told lies. 

Senate Report Decries Medicare Advantage Plan Marketing Deception — Frustrated, confused, embarrassed enrollees often delay care after being "scammed," report notes

by Cheryl Clark, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today November 4, 2022

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