  • Report:  #1310944

Complaint Review: Ramada Inn - Jackson Mississippi

Reported By:
brad5028 - Hawaii, USA

Ramada Inn
341 Airport Road Jackson, 39208 Mississippi, USA
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Avoid Ramada Inn in Jackson, MS like the plague.  I stayed for only one night in Room 204, and I came away with no less than 60 bites.  They itched for over two weeks!  it was awful--welts, blisters, sores contributing to many follow-on sleepless nights.  I never realized how bad bed bugs were.  I emailed the hotel, and they never replied!  I emailed the Ramada national chain, and a week later they asked for details, but then dead silence. I never heard back, no apologies, no word of corrective action. I'm never staying in a Ramada again, period.

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