  • Report:  #9051

Complaint Review: Western Family Food Inc. - Portland Oregon

Reported By:

Western Family Food Inc.
P.O. Box 4057 Portland, 97208 Oregon, U.S.A.
not listed
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Western Family Dog Food is so bad that my dogs would not eat it, so I tried feeding it to my geese, who refused to eat it as well, so I filed a complaint with Western Family several months ago & told them that my dogs have all ways loved their dog food, but now for some reason they bury it rather than eat it, so

Western Family had their dog food manufacturer call me on the phone and the manufacturer promised me a full years supply of dog food to make up for the several bags that the dogs would not eat,

I said this was very good of them, some months went by and not word or any dog food from western family, so I e-mailed their customer satisfaction person, a Ms. Nancy Pickett who claims none of this ever happened,

this is the same Nancy Pickett that the dog food manufacturer claimed forwarded my dis-satisfaction to them in the first place,

now neither Western Family nor the Manufacterer claim that they ever heard of my complaints as to their poor excuse for dog food,

I've also had bad experiences with many of their food products, like frozen juice bars that taste like they were made with raw sewage to put it mildly.

Maybe the sewage meant for the dog food got in the juice bars or vice versa.

Western Family Claims to Guarentee their products, this is a gross misrepresenation and it is the opinion of this consumer that one would be best to advoid their products entirly.

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