  • Report:  #14303

Complaint Review: US Navy - Norfolk Virginia

Reported By:

US Navy
Norfolk, VA Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Did you know that the US Military turns it's head to the law breaking memebers of the military? This is true.

I am a mother of a young teenage mentally hanidcapped child who was molested by a US Naval officer. He is 26 yrs old and she had the mind of an 8 yr old.

I filed charges against this guy and then contacted the USNavy. They refused to talk to me about it. ..I am also a Navy wife.

We were put off over and over. Instead they moved him onto base and furnished him with a place to stay rent free, and a lawyer !!!

We had to go through the State of Virgina, who doesn't reconize mentally hanidcapped children in cases like this. They only charged him with carnal knowledge !! He should have been hung up and kicked out of the Navy.

I ask, how much longer will the military keep letting these people break the law and turn their backs?

This guy got no time.... he still has his career, while my child can't understand what happened.

I was told by the prosecutor in Norfolk, VA that there are just as many law breaking people in the military as is people who are NOT in the military. This isn't right. They should be held up to a higher standard.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Rancho Palos Verdes,
This person is claiming the judge did things beyound his power

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, August 04, 2006

First off I would like to give my deepest apology to the person who wrote this if in fact this is a complete and true statement. But because of things she said and because of myself being in the in the military I do truly believe this person has a personal problem with the military and wants to ruin the name of all military personnel. For one the judge would not be able to change the charges against the person at time of sentencing since. Each and every defendant by law has to know what they are being charged with. After the verdict the judge can say how long the person gets within the lines of the law. You cannot sentence somebody who is arrested for a misdemeanor and has a maximum sentence of 16 months to a felony with a minimum sentence of 5 years. It does not happen and if it does this person would already be free due to the appeals. And would have went with a new trial if they tried him again. It is not the judge that decides what the defendant is going to be tried with it is the States attorney or distract attorney what ever it is called in the state. A jury might find a person guilty for a crime if he is looking at a year in prison but might find that he is not guilty if he would be spending 10 years in jail this is why it is decided before the trial what the person will be charged with. Now for the Navy or any branch of military not investigating and prosecuting crimes in the military is 100 percent bullshit. What this person claimed happened just does not happen. Yes the military does back up their own. We are one big family. But every one is held to a high standard will be prosecuted under the UCMJ (Uniform Code Military Justice) if we violate any laws. If he was in the Navy it would be investigated by JAG. If any evidence was showing he could be guilty of a crime it would then be set for a Article 32 hearing. At the hearing the evidence would be presented and motions would be made. At this time the acting JAG would decide if it has enough evidence to proceed to trial. If it is a felony charge the officer would be incarcerated just like in a civilian judicial system. Each and every person in the military takes a oath to uphold the constitution and this includes judicial as well.


Virginia Beach,
I'm Sorry About Your Situation

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, March 16, 2006

I can only tell you from my past experiences what worked for me. I had a problem getting my children in to see a Speech Pathologist when my husband was stationed overseas. I did my homework and found an email address for both the Vice President and the President. I emailed the Office of the Vice President. I told them what I thought, where I thought the problem was, and how I thought the situation could be solved. A few weeks later I received a letter from his office stating that the matter had been sent to the Department of Defense for review and I should be receiving their report shortly. And a few weeks later I did. I would suggest the you email the Office of the President and see what you can make happen. Put in names, dates and anything you can to make them understand what you and your child are going through. But remember in a letter like this not to "rant and rave" be concise, short, and to the point. That will get a better response. Good luck and I wish you all the best. God Bless our men and women in uniform and the families they leave behind!


That is Criminal... How can they sleep at night?

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, November 06, 2003

Your situation is a terrible one. Unfortunately, just like the civilian world, there are defense lawyers in the military, as well. They just did their job. How can they sleep at night? Of course, I can't answer that. I'm curious as to whether he is now a registered sex offender in the state of va? If not, he should be. My husband is an officer in the navy. If that was my child, I'd personally hang the offender by his gnads, no matter what the military thought and I'd write/call everyone I could to raise holy hell get what I wanted for this monster. Was he court martialed or brought up on serious charges as a civilian? This happened to another person I know, except that her daughter was not handicapped in any way. If I recall correctly, he spent some time in the brig and was busted down, but still in the military also. You're right. It's not right.


This is an outrage to Naval Officers out there everywhere.

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2003

Something you should think about doing... This brings dishonor upon those who serve this country with a higher standard. Personally if I were you, I would write your Congressman or woman as well as any and all State Representatives as well as the President. Officers are Commissioned by the President himself. This is a load of crap, I did my four in the Corps and had my troubles with the law and was held responsible resulting in an OTH but it was nothing like this crap. You should not let this go, this is such a terrible thing to happen to your child, and I would write these people mentioned above and get his commission taken from him. Officers are always supposed to be of a higher character and competence, so it is thought, than their subordinates and this is definitely not the case. He should be kicked out the Navy and thrown in prison for longer than a year. I hope this turns out in your favor.

final justice


Sat, March 02, 2002

Finally on the day of the sentencing I was able to speak to the judge. I told him of the knowledge of this man about my daughter. He was shocked. He also was told that it had only happened once. What got me what that the Navy testified on this man's behave against my daughter and myself. See? Unless you are Navy you aren't anything. Thank God I am getting out of the military life. I'm getting tired of being ran over. I think the US Navy owes me an apology after putting me off for 8 months while defending this b*****d. I still think that the US Military should hold their people up to a higher standard when it comes to crimes like this. We were military for years and we held ourselves up to one. Why can't they? The judge aggreed with me and I can never repay him for that. Thanks !! He changed the charge from carnal knowledge to stat/rape and he was senteced to 10 years/9 suspended and that left one year of prison time. Yet the Navy does nothing !! Hmmmmmmmmmm

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