Clearfield,#2Author of original report
Thu, July 01, 2004
I've gotten the bank to credit back the $85 that was taken out, and was approached by Tim Longwell of WJAC-TV in Johnstown PA today. It looks like I'm going to be on TV in the near future to help expose this scam once and for all! I encourage others to do as I've done, to file with the attorney general and talk to the news media. With all of us working together, we can bring these vultures down!
Clearfield,#3Author of original report
Tue, June 29, 2004
I have spoken to the county board of assistance, who funded me to get into this program with IWS. Well, they won't touch these people, but at least I don't have to pay the money back. They put me onto Mid-Penn Legal Services, who in turn advised me to file a complaing with the Pennsylvania State Attorney General's office. I am doing that, and encourage all victims of IWS to contact their state Attorney General and do the same. I was also told I can sue the company in district court and get 3 times the amount I paid, however collecting will be difficult. Nevertheless, I intend to do this as well. I've also emailed the local news media. I encourage everyone scammed to do what I have done. Let's expose these scam artists and bring them to justice!