  • Report:  #3068

Complaint Review: Consumer Repair Service Inc. - North Hollywood California

Reported By:
- stockton, ca,

Consumer Repair Service Inc.
5300 Laurel Canyon Blvd. PMb#135 North Hollywood, 91607-2712 California, U.S.A.
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This company sold my 80 year old mom a service plan that she would never need. Her account was charged the very day the telecommunication caller pressured my mom into purchasing their services. Satisfaction quaranteed, Free 30 days to look over the packet.

I called 5/30/00 to cancel the service was told account would be credit by a John applebee. Called again when noted acctount was not credited on 7-1-00 was given a return authorization number by a Ken Howard, mailed their information package back to them and to this date have not received a refund or credit on her account. Everytime I call the 877 number I either get a busy signal or get a recording informing me of their business hours.

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