  • Report:  #1532626

Complaint Review: GOCRV.com - Ft. Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
Pan - Edmonds, WA, United States

2805 East Oakland Park Blvd., #427 Ft. Lauderdale, 33306 Florida, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I got the certificate through a timeshare event. They required to pay $50 non-refundable deposit and then pay another $199 for the resort reservation.  I called them one time and all my desired locations are fully booked. I tried calling them so many times again because I am on West coast and left a voice message, they never returned my call until tit certificate is expired.

Recently, I got an annoymous call that my certificate is expired and they want to offer another 2 certificates to me, one is 3 days-2 nights hotel and the other one is 4 days-3 night cruise but need me to pay $299 each for a total of $598. That means I have do all those 60 days advanced bookings again and it needs to book in 2 separate trips, of course I declined. 

Now, all I want to do is to get my $50 deposit back because they didn't provide any service to me. Plain and simple. Will be very easy!! I will never fall for this again! I hope we won't get rip-off and pay them for the service that we'll never get!  Thank you!

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