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  • Report:  #484243

Complaint Review: West At Home


  • Reported By:
    Steve — Ft Lauderdale Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 23, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 28, 2011
  • West At Home
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Well where to begin there are soooo many things wrong with west and "the Pals" as they were, the acct i work on is DTV

First off I began working with west in January 09 it took 3 automated phone interviews because well i don't really know why i finally had to threaten and say forget it then miraculously the interview went through{ not a great start right} well finally i was hired after an intusive drug test.....

After that i was promised a 50 dollar bonus if i finished my training by Feb. 28th which i did after several e-mails and excuses like oh it will just show up one day!!!! that day never came finally after again threating to quit it did show up 4 months later. oh i was also told several times it had not posted yet AFTER 4 MONTHS COME ON oh it gets better wait.....

Next on the list is training time and bonuses...i am constantly e-mailing payroll about hrs that do not appear on the payment page "hick ups they call them" when i pick up training hrs i have never been paid on them and with no luck in e-mailing them about this i simply stopped the supplimental trainings all together after all why train when you cannot get paid for it right....

Next we move onto system issues....everyday and i mean everyday when i log in or try to i am greeted with all these "hick ups" again a fancy word for crap. system freezes and you have to control alt delete, then ADE cannot find a remote signal and without ADE you cannot log in, next rio freezes and you have to log out and in again just to be greeted by more problems...this sound not so bad but when your schedualed for 1 or 2 hrs and all these things ofcource take time you've wasted 1/2 hrs of your tome and and ask for reimbursement you say lol lol lol they say no way ask for the hrs back that you missed while trying to coorect the remote system is a joke to them i mean "the pals" that is if this was once in a while fine but almosed everyday for the 8 months that i have been working for them "Come on"

Moving on to "TEMP BLOCKING".....the first time i was temp blocked was when of cource rio froze and i could not do anything except tell the cust to call right back sound like a normal procedur right? well the next day i was blocked, i called to find out why and they said it was becuse i asked the cust to call back, when i asked them what to do in this type of situation i was to to "ask the cust to call back" sound familier? look up and re read what i did.....when it was determand that i did in fact do the right thing i was unblocked after 2 days keep in mind when you are blocked you loose your recurring schedual and all the money you should have made in those 2 days right right also it affects your stats and if you do not maintain 90% you are not eligable for bonuses and of coures the bonuses were high that week....and i was at 90% not anymore the reason i fell below the mark is because when you blocked it does not show on your stats so it show i did not showup for 2 days surprise surprise, when i called and asked steven Moore a so called supervisor and asked to be reimbures for time and stats i was told "snottaly" no so now i have lost about 200.00 i was irritaed but whent on because this is the only job i have.......

when i call in about bonuses i am told they will just "appear" on my check come on what moron would believe that? apparently there are some because they keep doing it

The next time i was "Temp Blocked" was about a week ago i had gotten some coaching on preimium servies downgrades apparently we are suppose to transfer to the PST line as i was trying to save the customer from totally disconnecting and i did save quite a few that is not good enough for i changed things after reading this and no longer tryed to save them after 4 days of doing things the way i was "coached" and not trying to save anybody anymore just transfering to pst I was blocked again no remember this is 4 days after the fact and things were already corrected, when i spoke to Kimberly C. a kpi specalist it was determand that they did not even listen to my calls since the report date and just assumed i did not fix things had they listend they would have known that!!!!

now  keep in mind i do still work for them and yes this looks like complaining and it is just look up and read the facts you'd complain too, they won't fire you because the would have to pay unemployment they will just make it too difficult to work there remeber i am an at home agent untill you just quit, not me they can mess with me all they want also remeber if you are temp blocke or cannot find hrs to work it's just like beeing laid off "unemployment oppertunity" if a company makes it so you cannot work by way of firing you or blocking you that is grounds for unemployment just like beeeing fired...

West at Home also have accts like CITI BANK, HSN, DTV, TOYS-R-US ECT. where when you call about your credit card remember your speaking to someone at home that is not beeing kept in check like a bricks and morter call center so be ware i have heard and gotten e-mails from west that there is apparent fraud going on and they wanted to let us all know that, im pretty sure it's on their end as well with the agents

Moving on to coaching and feed back.... first west tells you that they are just tring to help with coaching and feed back but all i have ever seen is b***h b***h b***h and then block never anything good like thank you for correcting your errors and when you do correct them they always come up with somthing new never any good or favorable reponces just b***h b***h b***h block...... they never give encouraging feed back but will move heaven and earth if you don't comply IE: Blocking meanwhile you are tying your best to do things right and correct things that are not dealing with horrible and i mean horrible customes all while maintaining a smile in my voice well not anymore

oh one other thing they will mess with your stats by putting N/A on the collum of prductivity and adhearence knowing you worked the hrs schedualed like this morning 8/23 i checked my stats i saw that i was scheduled and worked all that i had scheduled everything was there except adhearend and productvity there was an N/A which is always put there manually hmmmmmmmmmm and as you may or may not know this affect you overall shopwup rate, hmmmmmmmwhen i called to inquire about this i was told it will update in 5 days WHAT? so everything else is correct except that very important part "come on" then i was told N/A ment not available lol lmao right now how stupid do they think i am well apparently they do so i will wait to see that if it does it will be manually because that is how it got there to begin with

So the moral of this true story is simply this if they don't like you because you stand up for youself and don't take their lies and their crap they will mess with you untill you quite so don't quite if your fired get unemployment

I have not quite and will be more than happy to collect unemployment or take them  to court to get it or take them to obama he he he

I have lost so much money and time with these terrorist that i should quit but i will not give them the satisfaction what come around goes around i always say so if you are thinking about an at home job think twice and if you are a bussniess thinking about giving them you bussniess to save money "mr greedy" be pepared for fraud on the part of the agents my guess would be the none whites!!!! because as im hearing from DTV there is fraud going on by guess whooooooo

also if you are with citi bank hsn and toys-r-us beware who you are speaking to they might just be at home im soory they will be at home staeling your identity GOOD LUCK ALL lol, lmao

there would not be any of this rip off report if companies like West were honest and depenably and not ripping us off of our time and money maybe not all of their agent but a vast many especially the one who daon't take their crap!!!!!

these are true facts just check it out if you don't believe i know it seems hard to believe but it's true i assure you

5 Updates & Rebuttals

L. Haase

United States of America

Grammer, spelling and other issues

#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 28, 2011

First of all, I want to say that I have been working for West At Home since 2005 and although there have been slight issues which I needed to address with Corporate, they were either resolved in a timely manner, explained to my satisfaction or corrected.

Secondly, I agree that the misspellings and poor grammar would have much to do with the ability to get hired. After all, you are inputting customer information into their account screen and if you are unprofessional in your work, there will be issues in your employment.

Thirdly, the phrase "To apply that agents of color are privvy to fraud..." made by Employee #3 is also incorrect. The correct phrase should have been "To IMPLY that agents of color are privy to fraud...". The word APPLY means (from "to use a label or other designation: Don't apply any such term to me." The word you were looking for was IMPLY which means (also from "to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated: His words implied a lack of faith."

Also, they also misspelled PRIVY (not privvy). If this is an example of #3's own use of the English language, I am surprised they have a job at somewhere other than a fast food chain.

To be hired at West for a position you must have a good command of not only the English language, both verbal and written,  (I hate it when people say "AXE" when they mean "ASK", or say "WARSH" to mean "WASH" or "WOOF" in place of "WOLF") but also an ability to be calm when an irate customer has issues. West is looking for those who can calm a customer, address their problem and leave them with a smile.

If, during the hiring process, you made an a*s of yourself, do you really think that you are Mr. Perfect Employee and West should be eager to bring you on board? Companies do not want problem children.

People, learn how to spell and speak proper English (not the guttural version that is now abundant) and perhaps you will be able to move past employment at fast food chains onto a more business like career. If you do not have the proper tools to speak with customers across the nation, you have no business as a CSR.

Even on this site while you are creating your response you have "SpellCheck". LEARN TO USE IT! Also, learn to use your punctuation properly. Not having commas where a breath should be taken is annoying.

You do not have to be a teacher to recognize these errors if you paid attention in school. Obviously many who report here have not.


Chula Vista,
United States of America

Understand The Frustration

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 12, 2010

You guys, please don't "shoot the messenger" - You are no better by calling names and making fun of the grammer.

I understand the frustration, as I work for West At Home also and my pay just came up short 8 hours this week. I don't work for free. The frustration and the "non-white" comment is better stated as West At Home outsources jobs overseas.  A lot of these jobs are the "behind the scene" jobs, that don't have direct customer contact. American customers complain about the language barrier so West hires Americans to deal directly with customers and has the outsourced agents doing our payroll & QA which is a nightmare. There is a RIPOFF going on, but I'm not sure if it due to negligence or an actual fraud. 

It is against any state law to "work for free" but West At Home does not have a problem asking its employees to do so.  One of the reasons West At Home does not hire out of the California or Las Vegas market is because of the stricter labor laws. 

West At Home needs to get it right for their employees before they go on Good Morning America (stress on America) saying how great they are. 


United States of America

Unbelievable....You are still there?

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 27, 2010

First of all, I can understand why you would have a complaint with ANY company. You are totally uneducated, iliterate, and misinformed. To apply that agents of color are privvy to fraud, you really need psychiatric help..Seriously, get some help. I work for West, and though I do not agree with all rules and policies, it is very convenient to work for them as far as I am concerned. Most work from home companies have a schedule that you must commit to for a specific time frame. At West, you are able to pick up hours, and post hours for giving them away. If you have something come up, you can post your time, and not have a negative affect on your time. The Pals are not the most educated bunch, but they do try to assist as best they can.

I really cannot believe you are still employed at West. I mean, come on...You are a racist, bigot, dumb as a bag of rocks, hateful, spiteful, need I go on...

 What do you expect when you are making just 8 bucks an hour. Get an education, and maybe, just maybe you will become a productive citizen, and excel to some capacity. 


United States of America

I Understand

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 20, 2010

After reading all the spelling errors and the poor grammar, I certainly can understand why you may have a problem working.  I'm not an teacher, but I do know that working as a customer service representative documentation is very important.  Then to say that non-whites are the scammers, proves you to be ignorant as well.  Please read your own work from do you know who the scammers are?  You sound paranoid, so it seems that you may very well be one of the culprits.  I'm not trying to be insulting, but I have worked for this company for three years with success.  Can you not get another job?  I don't understand why you would work for a company that doesn't appreciate you, doesn't pay you, and on and on.  You seem to be not only unhappy with the job, but life in general.  You hate West, you hate non-whites because they're all thieves, and right now I'm feeling really sad for you.  You haven't discouraged others from working for West, but now your words mean nothing.


United States of America

Disgruntal Employee

#6General Comment

Fri, April 16, 2010

Dispite the poor grammar and spelling, you had me until I reached the part that the fraud is being done by non-whites.  I think that's more than enough to say.

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