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  • Report:  #75762

Complaint Review: Werner Enterprises

Werner Enterprises ripoff Where do they get these people from? Half stepping! Omaha Nebraska

  • Reported By:
    Oxnard California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 24, 2003
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 02, 2007

I use to work for Werner. I am currently thinking of going back with them. After reading all the reports I am completely questing that choice! When I did work for them I wanted to become a trainer. I kept getting the famous brush off.

One day I got a message to call dispatch. They told me I could become a trainer but I was not going to be allowed to train men.

What? O.K, I asked why? Never did get a straight answer.
Only that they would be worried if some thing was to happen. Like what?

Anyway to make a long story short. I was trained by men. What is the hell difference?

Oxnard, Georgia

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Grand Junction,

Training is already risky enough

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 02, 2007

I am a former Werner trainer who trained females until it just got too dangerous. My last trainee with them had a mental break behind the wheel. Had Werner been able to do a more thorough background check (like they are allowed to do with experienced drivers), she likely never would've been allowed on the property for orientation, let alone in an 80,000 pound missile.

Werner also has a desperate shortage of trainers for women who do not want a male trainer. The trainee's concern is legitimate, as there are many horror stories out there, along with a hundred times more false claims, about sexual harassment, abuse, and assaults.

For you to train a male trainee that Werner may not have complete background information on is very dangerous. There may be mental health issues they, and as a result you, will not be aware of until it is way too late Most, but not all, males also have a very difficult time taking instruction and direction from females.

Another point you may wish to consider is this: according to Werner trainers I have spoken with recently, they are still requiring the truck be run as a team truck, meaning both the trainer and trainee drive equal amounts. Many companies have shifted away from this practice. My current employer requires the trainer to be "On Duty Not Driving" and in the passenger seat anytime the trainee is driving, and vice-versa. The trainee is expected to do most, if not all, of the driving. No one is allowed in the sleeper while the truck is in motion. This is by far the safest method for both parties, and for the general public.

Good luck, and be safe!

Teri And Frank


Werner Enterprises Should Be Called "The Weener"

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 16, 2007


Hi, Monica. Werner Enterprises does hire co-ed trainers, but CONDONES being sexually harrassed by them! I just quit Werner Enterprises, after reporting a sexually harrassing trainer, only for them to insist on putting out another woman with him. Two other women reported their sexually harrassing, perverted trainers to the company and got same results: Linda in the office doesn't want "such info. to leak further up in the company, so she threatened me after I told her that same slimeball that sexually harrassed me is now going out with another female in his truck", which was Jeannie. Jeannie and I were one of about 30 in morning Roll Call, given by Vivian, when Stan's name was called out as her assigned trainer. At end of meeting, I wasted no time in letting Jeannie know what horrors she would be getting herself into on Stan's truck, as he had already called her, bragging about how he's "A Safe 100,000 Driver Man, etc.", which were same bragging speeches he gave me when he picked me up a few weeks prior.

Vivian told us to go to terminal right away, let Linda know, so Jeannie won't have to go out with Stan in training. We got to terminal about an hour later, only to find Linda nastily yelling at and threatening me with such hostile arguing of, "How DARE you tell another woman about Stan, as it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS---so butt out! You were the ONLY ONE who reported him, so it's been taken care of! (I was just one woman way too many, as far as I was concerned) I don't want this to leak out, as you are scaring the other women trainees when you let them know about Stan (Good thing I was scaring them, since it's the TRUTH)! You go downstairs, NOW, I want to talk to Jeannie ALONE!"

So Linda still tried talking Jeannie into letting Creepy Stan pick her up, since now he knows he can get away with treating more women like hookers, due to company not doing a thing about it. At that point, I let Linda know what a huge insult she was to ALL women, as I was no longer going to work for a company like Werner, who demeans and degrades women lower than a sewer.

I am sure there's even more than us 3 women, who reported our trainers to Werner Enterprises, only to be laughed in the face about it. For all I knew, maybe one of the 2 women's reported perverted trainers were on their way to pick me up! Actually, it's all a joke, since I got almost 6 mos. experience in the trucking industry, but up to 9 mos., Werner wants us to become "trainees" or what they called me, a "co-driver" while being a TEAM DRIVER for a lot less pay.

It's all about treating women like hookers, making them put up with dirt from their trainers, while Werner comes up with excuse to make them work for less money all that time. They don't have hardly any available trucks, so to work for Werner, you either team drive or be unemployed, as long as you choose to stay with them.

My perverted trainer even showed me his undies, while telling me every reason in the world why I should have sex with him. If this wasn't enough, he told me about all the "women sex buddies" he's had sex with, including his previous trainees, telling me "ALL women need sex, and need a sex buddy like him to fulfill this need." He talked about "loving to hurt women", while constantly secretly following me into truck stops, asking me "Who was I talking to, etc."

If this isn't spooky enough, I don't know what is. It's little wonder Stan has been multiply divorced, even bragging how he still sees one of his MAIN SEX BUDDIES, Kathy, as she was woman he cheated on one of his ex-spouses with. Stan also believes in not taking showers for days, so if you, the woman, team drive with him, make sure you take your own blanket to lay on his bottom bunk (it's against the law to sleep in top bunk when truck is rolling), or people will smell his B.O. stench on you, thinking YOU didn't bathe!

Worse yet, when Stan runs out of driving hours and the truck stops, him unbuckling his pants for you should serve as an "alarm clock" to get up and get behind the wheel, since he claims "he needs a woman to cuddle with, like he told me."

The moral of the story is none of this type of conversation or gestures should have occurred, since I was only in truck to be team driver, learning more or not. All this I reported to Werner Enterprises and nothing being done about it.

Same holds true with other woman experiencing the degradation and dishonors of being sexually harrassed, reporting those slimeball male trainers to the company, only for Werner Enterprises to reassign same perverts to other women as co-drivers.

My good friend from U.K. calls Werner, "Werner the Weener", as I couldn't have termed it much better myself. In Europe, sexual harrassment is not nearly as tolerated as here in the USA by companies. If I had to do it all over, again, I would WARN other women about Creepy Stan, by the grace of God, since it's in my moral conscience to do so, in order to help prevent other unknowing women at Werner from the horrors of living out of a truck with a co-driver treating them like a lot lizzard (truck stop prostitute).

It's difficult enough we women have to go through men belittling us to become professional truck drivers, let alone allow some assinine company like Werner Enterprises to continue treating women like they are whores, allowing their reported male trainers to continue degrading the women through sexual harrassment.

There are many other trucking companies out there to choose from, who respect and encourage women to go into trucking. I worked very hard for my CDL and to become a truck driver, so I am refusing to allow ANY COMANY to pull me down, subjecting me to sleazy harrassments like Creepy Stan has done me and God knows how many other women he's had in his truck.

By the way, I received a "Come Back To Werner" type of postcard in the mail today. It should read, "c*m BACK TO WERNER TO BE SEXUALLY HARRASSED".

Stand-Up Woman




#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 16, 2006

they wouldnt let you train men because they feel that truck driving is not all that would be happining in the truck.
they wouldnt let me train women for the same reason

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