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  • Report:  #1246772

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Stay Away from Wells Fargo, Wells Fargo is a Fraud and a Scam Nashville Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Emanuel Hernandez — Antioch Tennessee USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 06, 2015
  • Updated:
    Sun, December 06, 2015

If You are Bank Shopping please STAY AWAY FROM WELLS FARGO

On June 2015 I went to a Wells Fargo Branch to open a Business Checking Account and at first all looked Great.

I sat down with Haley Hammock I explained to her how my business worked and provided all the required documents. I also explained that due to the nature of my business I was always traveling and that I was not going to have access to a regular branch location on the regular bases therfore I needed to be able to do Bank Wire requests online.
She said that that was no problem that she was going to set it all up and put me in contact with their Business Development so they can add that into my account so that I could be able to do wires online.

I was surprised that They didn't offer the ability to do wire request online to all their customers like the majority of banks now days but since they assured me that they were goign to add that to my account I was not worried.

I opened my account and on top of that I opened my Personal Checking and Savings account as I thought that it was a good idea to have them all in one place since I didn't know that Wells Fargo was a Scam. While in the meeting I explaioned that I was leaving the country in 3 days and that if there was anything else they needed from me that they needed to let me know before I leave. She said no we got all we need and she put me in the ophone with Jay Johnson who was the guy in charge of setting all up for me to do Wire Requests. Spoke with him and all was perfect he said that he was goign to get busy and set it up for me.

I left the branch and I felt like I was in good hands. Oh boy I was wrong. From that point on it was a nightmare.

I left the country 3 days later and after a few weeks I needed to do a Wire Transfer so surely enough I logged in online to do the wire request just to find out that they never set me up to do wires.

I called Jay Johnson and he was on "vacation" but his replacement told me that I cant do Wire Request online.

Ofcourse I felt scammed because I was promised otherwise. Like 3 days late this lady Tatia Cummings

VicePresident I Sr. Business Relationship Manager I Wells Fargo Bank N.A. called me and explained that they made a mistake and that Haley Hammock and Jay Johnson dropped the ball and didn't do a thing but that she was going to "take care" of me.

I said cool s**t happens so lets get me set up because I need to do this wire and if I dont do it I will default on this payment to my partner company and that makes me look bad as a company that cant pay their bills.

She said that she needed last year taxes, bank statements and other documents. I sent to her all the previous year balance sheets, bank statements and I thought that was it.

The next day she calls me and tells me that she had to meet in person with me. As you can imagine I was pissed. They knew I was not in the country. So I asked her why. WHy I need to travel back and spend thousands of dollars to meet in person with you? What is that you need from me that cant be done via email, fax or phone, is there a document to sign? SHe said no just that she wants to meet me in person. Remember all this just to set up my account to do WIRES!!!

I asked her this. Why am I being punished and forced travel back just to meet in person with you Tatia Cummings if it was you guys who dropped the ball and made a mistake.

Of course she didn't have a valid answer for that but she said she needed to meet with me in personor I was NOT going to get the ONLY THING I NEEDED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I was really pissed off and I cursed at her and hung up but 2 days later I decided to comply and travel. I called Tatia Cummings again to set up a meeting date but now she says that I can't meet anymore and that now I had to wait 6 months in order to get set up to do wires. What a B***h!!! Aparently she was "offended" that I cursed at her. I am sorry but I am the one offended here Mrs. Tatia Cummings you guys made a mistake and wanted me to spend thousands of dollars on an unplanned travel to cover up for YOUR MISTAKE and that is 1,000 times more offensive that the little curse word I said during our conversation.

So in short I am traveling back to Close my Accounts and take all my money out. Wells Fargo is a Scam. Wells Fargo love False Advertisement and lack of proper of customer support and client satisfaction..

Tatia Cummings, Haley Hammock and Jay Johnson all should be fired on the spot and they are damaging the reputation of the Bank.

They look grat in the outside but ionce you need them to do something for you they will simply leave you in the dark.

Anybody who has ever posted a positive review about them have obiously never had a situation where they needed the bank to get to really work for them they just have a regular paycheck to paycheck checkings account with a few bucks and that si why they are satisfied with Wells Fargo but anybody who do real business and that needs a real bank knows that Wells Fargo is a Fraud

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States,

I think everybody should close their wells fargo account so it will save them the rejection and pain later from wells fargo that is the only way to show these bad businesses is to boycott them

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, December 06, 2015

The only way to show bad businesses is to boycott them and close your accounts with them. Your bank account is what keeps wells fargo in business. Well wells fargo is slowy draining them of business by each bank account they close. But it will help speed up the process if everyone. Wells fargo is the worst of the worst out of all banks. 

YOU the consumer have the power to get back at wells fargo, close your accounts. Don't apply for a car loan or mortgage or don't request any loan from you. You been loyal to them and all they do is kick you to the curb showing you disrespect as a human being. Well its time to show them some disrespect.



What A SORRY Response!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, August 07, 2015

Robert hit the nail directly on the head...didn't he???  As such you have no INTELLIGENT response other than the "who do you think you are" immature BS.  Yes sir...HIGHLY INTELLIENT!!!

Re: Confused...

#5Author of original report

Fri, August 07, 2015

lol your sarcasm is amazing... Let’s reply to your nonsense rebuttal by parts

"You first say you went there 3 days before(so was that 3 BUSINESS DAYS)"

Yes 3 Business Days

"First of all why did you need to do this then? "

Because of reasons that are not of your concern, the issue here is not that why had to leave but that they were well aware of it.

"It appears you are an existing business and according to your report wire transfers are a requirement.  So, why did you switch from your current bank?  Were they also not like "most" other banks that allow on-line wire transfers?"

Yes they do allow Online Wires but recently stopped supporting International Wires and that is the reason I had to leave them. I was very happy with them till then.

"Then again this is something you rely on.  Yet you did the "set it and forget it" where after you left the bank you didn't even log onto your account until weeks later, where surprise..surprise it wasn't set up."

I didn't set and forget it. They were the ones supposed to set it up for me. When I left I had my online account access and I used it many times. It was untill a few weeks later when I had the first need for a wire transfer that I found out that it was not set up yet. Why I didn't check it before?  because I had no need to do a wire so I didnt looked for it.

"So I guess you are 100% perfect and NEVER make a mistake..right?"

No man I am not perfect. I make mistakes all the time but here is the difference. When I amke a mistake I go above and beyond to make it right for my customer and if there is an expense generated as a result of MY MISTAKE i surely don’t expect my customer to cover it, I cover it because it was MY MISTAKE.

See the issue here is not that they made a mistake and dropped the ball. s**t happens I get that. All I wanted was to be set up with was I was promised when I was physically at the branch. Is what I required in the phone but Tatia Cummings refused to do so because she wanted to meet me in person.


Understand this. She didn't wanted to see me in person because there was an important document to sign, or finger prints to take or any other matter that DO REQUIRE my physical presence at the branch. She wanted to meet me in person because she felt like meeting me in person. That is it no other reason was given to me despite requiring it several times. So she wanted me to do an unplanned travel to Nashville and spend over $1k on a plane ticket just because she felt like meeting me in person in order to fix a mistake they made in the first place.

How would you feel Robert (AKA Mr Sarcasm Wells Fargo Scam Reputation Management Guy) if a business does that to you?

Would you be happy to spend thousands of dollars to fix a mistake you didn't commit in the first place?

"I even bet if the roles were reversed you would have paid for the plane tickets, a hotels, as well as a few thousand dollars for the "inconvienience"..right?"

I guess you didn't read the full report yet are making bold comments here. I did offer to incurr on the spend out of my pocket and meet with her in person but when I called her to inform her of my decision of complying and doing the unexpected travel and cover the cost but Tatia Cummings then said no that it was not needed anymore and that I had to wait 6 Months now to get the ability to do Online Wires on my account.

Yes like in every story there are 2 sides of it. I am here exposing mine exact as it happened.

I invite Tatia Cummings, Haley Hammock and Jay Johnson to come here and post their side of the story as I will LOVE to know why She wanted me to meet in person when there was no real need for me to be present there.

I hope that Answers your no-sense full of sarcasm rebuttal






#5Consumer Comment

Fri, August 07, 2015


You first say you went there 3 days before(so was that 3 BUSINESS DAYS) you left the Country to open up an account.  First of all why did you need to do this then?  It appears you are an existing business and according to your report wire transfers are a requirement.  So, why did you switch from your current bank?  Were they also not like "most" other banks that allow on-line wire transfers?

Then again this is something you rely on.  Yet you did the "set it and forget it" where after you left the bank you didn't even log onto your account until weeks later, where surprise..surprise it wasn't set up.

Now of course your answer is "I expected them to do this because they said they would".  So I guess you are 100% perfect and NEVER make a mistake..right?  I guess in your entire life you have been perfect.  After all that is what you are saying?   Or perhaps you do make mistakes and would spend 1 Million dollars to correct a $10 mistake because that is what you do...after all you are the worlds best businessman who knows customer service.  I even bet if the roles were reversed you would have paid for the plane tickets, a hotels, as well as a few thousand dollars for the "inconvienience"..right?

Look, I am not saying that they were totally right, nor am I saying that you are totally wrong.  BUT there seems to be a lot more to this story than you are saying.

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