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  • Report:  #182359

Complaint Review: University Of Phoenix Online

University Of Phoenix Online THEY PASS PLAGIARIZED WORKS...Plus I suspect the "Learning Teams" are fake... Phoenix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Sand lake Michigan
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 21, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 30, 2011

Hello My Fellow Ripped Off Former UOP Students, and a big Howdy to the employees and former employees of this new age telemarketing scheme that is UOP Online!

Greetings aside, I would like to share with each of you the following paper, then links to...the paper(well, the sources that became the paper anyway, through "copy and paste"). My review of the paper was controversial and posted here previously, but that was merely the rough draft...This is the final paper...and I am more than certain that the plagiarists WERE INDEED PASSED...Now, how reputable is a college that allows plagiarist to continue their education? Don't colleges that receive federal associations have SOME rules and regulations they are supposed to adhere to in order to continue such associations? Questions aside, please read The Grammar School Of Phoenix's idea of a passing, yet plagiarized work of intellectualism...the paper...names were altered to protect the morons that wrote and copied and pasted this fine manuscript...Take note of HOW MUCH of this paper is simply exact quotes!!! anda heeere weee gooo...

Alternate Fuel Vehicles for
Lotus Rental Car
University of Phoenix Students

Presentation is to the Board of Directors, and the CEO, of Lotus Rental Cars. The presentation will be on the feasibility of adding alternative fuel to the rental fleet. During the presentation, pros and cons will be discussed and presented, along with tax incentives that the US Government has provided to companies willing to use alterative fuels.

Thesis Statement
Fossil fuels are being consumed more rapidly than the earth can reproduce them, causing the price of gasoline to constantly increase. Expense is not the only shortcoming of petroleum products; they are also detrimental to the environment. Lotus Rental Car is in a position to make an impact in terms of the environment and their bottom line by converting to an alternative fuel source. By converting Lotus's rental cars to an alternative fuel source, we can expect to save money by reducing the amount of gasoline purchased. The conversion would reduce the level of carbon emissions because our vehicles would not operate on petroleum products. Lotus Rental Car's services would appeal to a larger customer base and elevate profits.

In Favor of (Pro)
Skyrocketing fuel prices seem to have our nation over a barrel. This could be the crisis that tips the scale toward higher fuel efficiency standards for automobiles, reinvestment in public transportation systems, and aggressive development of renewable alternatives long advocated. (J. G., 2005)
As research shows, there are many positive reasons why America should look more in favor of finding alternative means to an end. Concerns about global warming have prompted lawmakers to unleash incentives for renewable energy. Wind power, solar energy, geothermal, and biomass fuels are all benefiting. (Port, 2005) Burning of fossil fuels not only contributes to global warming-it wastes money. Improving the energy efficiency of factories, buildings, vehicles, and consumer products would swiftly reduce the consumption of coal and oil, curbing the damage to Earth's climate while saving immense amounts of money for businesses and household. (Lovins, 2005)
Analysis has shown ways to fulfill the potential for creating clean power, preventing pollution, problems with water and air, while improving soil quality, convert biomass into methane, alcohol fuels, bio-diesel, compost and other value-added bio-products. One thing that comes to mind would be the transportation problem here in the U.S. Transportation consumes 70% of U.S. oil and generates a third of the nation's carbon emissions. It is widely considered the most intractable part of the climate problem. Despite 119 years of refinement, modern cars remain inefficient. Only 13% of its fuel energy even reaches the wheels. The solution is obvious from the physics: greatly reduce the car's weight, which causes three fourths of the energy losses at the wheels. (Lovins, 2005)
Advanced manufacturing techniques developed in the past two years could make carbon-composite car bodies competitive with steel ones. A lighter body would allow automakers to use smaller less expensive engines. The introduction of ultra light bodies could nearly double the fuel efficiency of today's hybrid-electric vehicles that are already twice as efficient as conventional cars-without raising the sticker prices. Ultra light cars could greatly accelerate the transition to hydrogen fuel-cell cars that use no oil at all. Ultra light cars can be fast, roomy, safe, and efficient. A concept five-seat midsize SUV called the Revolution, designed in 2000, weighs only 857 kilograms - less than half the weight of a comparable conventional car- yet its carbon-fiber safety cell would protect passengers from high-speed collisions with much heavier vehicles. (Lovins, 2005)
If the American people continue down this path with its current trends they will consumed 28 million barrels of oil by the year 2025. It is a financial burden on the economy, and on the Earth. Natural Gas is a cheap raw material that is provided to us with few impurities and can gravely reduce emissions.
In Opposition to (Con)
Finding a means to alternative renewable resources has its strong points, but it is hard to over look the strain that it will have on the economy. The old saying goes, it takes money to make money, and though at the end, in the year 2025 when the Earth is futuristic and the atmosphere is restored, what would have happened to the American deficit problem. Experts on both sides claim that protecting Earth's climate will force a trade-off between the environment and the economy. (Lovins, 2005) The question is; are we prepared to do that? It is unfortunate that it is a toss up between the environment and the budget. The dilemma has been and will always be how to get costs down.
Finding ways to burn less fossil fuel, cut down the carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere to slow, or prevent global warming, will increase the cost of meeting society's needs for energy services. This includes everything from speedy transportation to hot showers. Environmentalist say the cost wound be modestly high. (Lovins, 2005)
One of the problems is that of the U.S. transportation issue. It is stated that 70% of the U.S. oil generates a third of the nation's carbon emissions. It is widely considered the most intractable part of the climate problem. Therefore, the solution was said to be an obvious one, the reduction of a car's weight that would reduce carbon emission. Analysis shows that full adoption of efficient vehicles, buildings and industries could shrink projected U.S. oil use in 2025 by 28 million barrels a day. However, in a realistic scenario, only about half of these savings could actually be captured by 2025 because many older, less efficient cars and trucks would remain of the road. (Lovins, 2005) So now, the dilemma is this, a step toward the future or are we as a society just kidding ourselves.
The question arises Is ethanol a miracle or a farm fix? Before Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol, farmers in eastern Ontario dreamed of a locally owned and operated $56-million ethanol plant that could convert corn starch into ethanol, a low-emissions fuel that can be used to power vehicles. (Royston, 2005) The controversy started when a joint study released in June by Cornell University and the University of California-Berkeley concluded that the process of converting field corn into liquid ethanol, as Seaway's plant, consumes 29% more fossil fuels than the value of the energy in the product. (Royston, 2005) A single ethanol plant can receive up to US $7.5 million in annual direct federal grants.
This summer's energy bill includes tax breaks expected to nearly double the country's production of ethanol by 2012. More than 40 new plants opened in the U.S. between 2000 and 2004, while Canada still had none. Governments can try to create an ethanol market, but international investors see green only in oil. (Royston, 2005)
With everyone seeing green in oil, it is a wonder, how the US is ever going to switch over to alternative fuels alone. Alternative fuel has its high points and would pose to be very beneficial to the environment; but stats show it would not pose beneficial to the economy, at least not till the year 2025.

Problems and Opportunities
The research going towards alterative fuel has brought many factors to light. In July of 2005, congress finally passed an energy bill that was signed by President Bush into law on August 8, 2005. (Wiengerger, 2005) This opens many new doors for developers and manufactures.
General Motors and Toyota, the two largest auto manufactures in the world, have been working together since 1999 to develop cleaner fuels for automotives. In the past year, they have been discussing how to go from experimental state to commercial development (Mackintosh, 2006)
During the research, several methods are in the making for alternative fuels. They are liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), biodiesel, ethanol, and hydrogen fuel cells. These are just a few that are currently being developed.
Business Concept at this time would be to start small satellite of rental fleet where some alternative fuels are being offered. GM has already advertising on their E85 ethanol fuel, The news release that issue on
March 9, 2006 by GM
MINNEAPOLIS General Motors today announced the immediate availability of VE85 refueling pumps to Minneapolis-St. Paul area service stations through a collaborative partnership with VeraSun Energy Corp. The collaboration is part of a broader, national GM campaign to boost the use and awareness of ethanol-based E85 fuel in the United States. The announcement was made in advance of the Minneapolis and Saint Paul International Auto Show, which will be held from March 11-19 at the Minnesota Convention Center.
E85 ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline and is a renewable, domestic fuel that can enhance the nation's economy and energy security, said Elizabeth Lowery, GM vice president of environment and energy. Producing vehicles that can be powered by this fuel is an important part of GM's strategy to reduce vehicle emissions and dependence on petroleum and GM will continue to work to promote the increased use of E85 through partnerships like this one.
The Minneapolis area will be a good start for the satellite operations. GM already has vehicles that can use this VE85. Lotus Rental Car's usually purchases vehicles from GM; therefore, to purchase vehicles that can be put into service in the Minneapolis area would be good move for the company. The startup cost could be high but with the tax deductions that the company could use save a great deal of money.
The public relation department can provide a written report to the Board of Directors and the CEO on the possibility that Lotus could set up deal with GM & Toyota to help them marketed their new lines. In the next few years more vehicles will be on the market that will offer the use of alternative fuels. Lotus Rental Car would be in the right position to take full advantage of that opportunity.
Goals & Objectives

During our research, several methods were identified for the production of alternative fuels. They are liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), biodiesel, ethanol, and hydrogen fuel cells. These are just a few that are currently being developed.

Consumer Acceptance- Implications
With the electric car becoming more of a novelty than a real alternative vehicle, the general rental car consumer will look for something else. This could be based on the fact that most electrics have a range of about 100 miles. Batteries need recharging, and that takes five or more hours. The hydrogen fuel cell vehicle could be years away from full development if not longer. The opportunity for Lotus is with the growing popularity of the hybrid automobile. The hybrid is offered by many of the major automobile manufacturers worldwide. (Cortese, Amy, 2003) Hybrids are probably the cars renters are most likely to try with actual purchase in mind. They use both gasoline and battery power, relying on each power source when it is more efficient -- for instance, the electric motor when starting out and the gasoline engine when cruising on the highway. The battery is automatically recharged and the cars never need to be plugged in.

Many of our competitors in the rental car arena are now offering hybrid vehicles. Our competitors at this time are not performing well in the advertising of these cars. With Lotus's expertise in marketing the company could gain an immediate advantage over our competitors. The largest environmentally friendly fleet belongs to EV Rental, a Los Angeles-based company with 400 vehicles. The cars are available through Budget Rent A Car in Washington, D.C., and in 13 other cities in California, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. Although the customer will have to ask specifically for an alternative-fuel or hybrid car -- they are often not advertised. (Cortese, 2003)

The alternate vehicle team is recommending that Lotus begin to equip its fleet with 25% of the new hybrid vehicles. The hybrid offers excellent gas mileage and comes in many exciting styles. The government is now offering a special tax advantage for the purchase of environmental friendly vehicles. The team recommends a highly visible advertising campaign with an initial rental discount. A number of rental car agencies now offer models like a natural-gas-powered version of Ford's Crown Victoria and Honda's electric-powered EV Plus (which is no longer made), or gasoline-electric hybrids like the Toyota Prius, the Honda Civic Hybrid and the two-seat Honda Insight. Going green requires perseverance: these cars are not available everywhere, and where they are, their availability is not always apparent (Cortese, 2003),

Summary, Closing
Lotus Rental Car should stay on the leading edge of this new exciting technology. Petroleum products are still the most inexpensive and readily available resource for automobiles at this time. The hybrid offers the most reasonable choice for the near future until the automotive technology offers a totally clean solution. Lotus needs to increase its hybrid fleet gradually as the consumer accepts and trust these new alternative fuel vehicles.

Begley, Sharon, 1991,The road not taken, National Wildlife, Aug/Sep, Vol. 29 Issue 5, p10, 6p,
Clitheroe, Paul. Feb 2005, Converting my car to LPG, Money (Australia), Issue 1, p22-23, 2p, 2 charts, 1bw, 1 illustration, 4c;
Cortese, Amy, 2003, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, The New York Times, Jan 24, pD9 (N) pF9 (L) col 1 (19 col in), Retrieved March 4, 2006 from the , (c) 2006 by Thomson Gale. Thomson Gale is a Thomson Corporation Company.
Giampietro, Mario; Ulgiati, Sergio, 2005, Integrated Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, Vol. 24 Issue 5/6, p365-384,
GM, 2006,
2006-03-09 General Motors Promotes Greater E85 Consumer Awareness, Use In Minnesota
Hirt, Sabine Gabriele; Swanson, E. Burton, 1999, Adopting SAP at Siemens Power Corporation, Journal of Information Technology (Routledge, Ltd.), Sep, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p243-251, 9p, 1 chart, 2 diagrams
Internal Revenue Service, Forms 8896, 8910 and 8911
J. G., 2005, Pioneering in Energy Independence, In Business, Sept/Oct, Vol. 27 Issue 5, p2-2, 2/3
Lovins, Amory B, 2005, MORE PROFIT WITH LESS CARBON, Scientific American, Sept., Vol. 293, Issue 3, p74-83, 10p, 3 diagrams, 2 graphs, 5c
O'Connor, Cecily, Index managers get revenue rush from alternatives, 2005, Pensions & Investments, 8/22, Vol. 33 Issue 17, p3-29, 2p, 2c;
Robin/son, Aaron, 1999, Natural gas may make future fuel, Automotive News, 06/28/99, Vol. 73 Issue 5826, p30,
Royston, Lindsay, 2005, FIELD DREAMS, Canadian Business, 9/12/Vol. 78 Issue 18, p93-94, 2p, 1c
Weinberger, Caspar W., 2005, An Energy BillAt Last, Forbes, 10/3 vol. 176 Issue 6, pp35, 1p, 1c

WOW!!! Horrible paper...HORRIBLE!!! And, to think, these morons have seemingly passed the class...and I'll bet they got "A's" to boot...Now for a couple of links that prove EXACT content lifting...which I know is minimally acceptable with proper citation...BUT not in the abundance these people have done this...The links...

Now, to issue two: The "Teams"

I am almost positive, and I'll admit this is merely a gut feeling, one that deserves investigation, that these "students" and "team" members are fakes...What do I mean by "fakes?" I am theorizing that some of these fellow students are merely filler, a means of filling the gaps of limited attendance in these courses. Perhaps these fakes are either the instructors or employees of the "universi-mentary." I type this based on my experiences in around 10 courses, all having the same experiences with the teams...I did ALL the work while these fools came up with one excuse after another, from deaths in their families, to massive car wrecks, to fried computers, to numerous other events that prevented the "team member's" full participation in the group work. Now, I admit fully that I would check in on all of the teams and the same garbage was happening in them as well...MAYBE 2 active members working per 6-7 member team...and this was true in EVERY class I had...Now what is the probability of having 10 or so courses and having the EXACT M.O. occur in EVERY class??? Before you all think I'm on a dillusional path, examine your experiences with UOP Online and think back to your "team." Did you have similar experiences, where every excuse in the book was used to avoid work, where only 1-2 members did all of the work while the remaining members did nothing? It wouldn't take ANY effort for the instructor or an outside employee to go to these classes and type a bunch of garbage excuses...or to simply remain silent...It would also be effortless for an employee to simply turn in a set of stock responses to the classroom to add to the appearance of legitimacy to such an assignment. More potential evidence of "stock" responses can be found in the verbiage of emailings from members of the UOP faculty and staff and their constant usage of the term "just a heads up." I saw that phrase from SO MANY UOP employees that the lack of originality sickened me! Now, if they could dish up the fakeness in emailings, they most certainly COULD do this in the classes. At the least, this stool...I mean, "school," lets anyone into the program. Take, for instance, the following post:

The grammar excises were good for me and help me understand few that has always left me confused. Trying to remember them all is going to be the hard part. I know where I need to go and what has to be done to become the writer that I have always dreamed of. The more writing I do the better I am getting. Understanding the different types of papers passive and all the others has helped me a great deal, like I said before putting it to practice well make it better.

The case study was good too, way to look at things at all angles and make correct judgment calls.Understanding the citations and references more then before and trying to make a paper smoother and flow better.

I have nothing against those in this world that are utilizing English as a second language, and I have no evidence that the above posting was wriiten under such influences, but I am amused and shocked that this was a closing post from a student of UOP Online that had just completed a course called "ESSENTIALS OF COLLEGE WRITING!!!!!" Sure, I'm no Steinbeck nor am I a Twain, maybe not even a Gary Larsen, but I felt almost ashamed to be in the same courses as some of the people I was in these courses with. I know you get dim-wits in all forms of schooling, but the UOP dim-wits were without a doubt the dimmest of the dim...Where are your standards UOP? Is it as simple as a fat bank account or what?

To the defenders of UOP:

I find your pursuits honorable from the perspective of self-preservation and your willingness to stand up for what you believe is a noble institution. If everything in your life, related to your associations with UOP is "A-Okay," then all I can type here is: GOOD FOR YOU. I am glad you found your spot in this world. But, having experienced a sub-standard educational experience at a "school" that passes the ignorant and the academically malicious, I do not agree with your defensive tactics. I cannot nor will I ever willingly support an organization mired in so much extensive and documented fraudulent behavior. If ANYONE has ANY successes in bringing a class action suit against this alleged school, COUNT ME IN!!!

Sand lake, Michigan

23 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Tony's Mad

#24General Comment

Sat, April 30, 2011

You are not concerned with any of the facts others have presented here.  You just want to whine because you can.  Where is this complex coming from?  I'm on my sixth course at UoP and have had no problems.  In fact, a few days ago I lost power and internet because of tornados.  I sent in the "excuse" but was able to make up the work.  I am not fictitious or a filler person, and you are not well.     


United States of America


#24Consumer Comment

Thu, February 10, 2011

This University does not stand for cheating. We have to sign documents stating if we cheat,
there are consequences. It is up to the individual instructor on whether or not they pass or
fail a student.  The Learning Teams are not fake like you may think. I have had some of the
same students in my classes on my learning teams now and this is because I asked for the
same ones.  Did you get caught cheating at UOP and this is why you are posting this
ridiculous statement?


United States of America

I wonder if UofP does any real authentication

#24Consumer Comment

Mon, April 12, 2010

I work with an individual who is a known plagiarist (he's back-spaced over my name and substituted his own, and presented the work to managers) as only one of many examples, so I know for certain his tendencies.

Now, his wife is "attending" UofP, taking classes online.  I have audit logs showing him doing and saving research material (copying articles from the 'net), though I cannot personally verify those works are making it verbatim into her presented schoolwork. 

I do know for certain he is logging into her UofP eCampus login account from here at work, and then accessing very suspicious sites, such as "" right after logging into her UofP account, where he's accessing pages entitled (all with her name included)  "Detect", "Player", then "Take a Test", "Review Test", "Test Results".  Then, back to the UofP site again.

I just have to wonder what controls University of Phoenix has in place to prevent students from just having other people do their homework, and take their online tests.

I would think, at a minimum, it would be prohibited to allow others to use a students login.  What measures they take to detect and prevent that from happening I don't know, but clearly those individuals who at apt to cheat and have others do their work would be attracted to an online format.

I'd like them to enforce some type of real user authentication, such as a usb key with a security ID, very preferably one with physical identity provision (like a fingerprint reader).  It's not that expensive or far-fetched now-a-days (April 2010).


Crossroads City,

I just started this school should I.....

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, June 30, 2009

Should I get the hell out now? I actually thought this would be a pretty decent

school but there are over 150 complaints in numerous states about UOP.

Should I just go to my junior college instead of doing this? Is actually going to the

school campus a better choice than taking online courses? Iv'e only just started

taking some courses. I just started my 5th and 6th classes I believe. Thanks. Matt

from Oklahoma. Also any advice would be great my email is

too if anyone has anything else that would like to send me.


Crossroads City,

I just started this school should I.....

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, June 30, 2009

Should I get the hell out now? I actually thought this would be a pretty decent

school but there are over 150 complaints in numerous states about UOP.

Should I just go to my junior college instead of doing this? Is actually going to the

school campus a better choice than taking online courses? Iv'e only just started

taking some courses. I just started my 5th and 6th classes I believe. Thanks. Matt

from Oklahoma. Also any advice would be great my email is

too if anyone has anything else that would like to send me.


Crossroads City,

I just started this school should I.....

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, June 30, 2009

Should I get the hell out now? I actually thought this would be a pretty decent

school but there are over 150 complaints in numerous states about UOP.

Should I just go to my junior college instead of doing this? Is actually going to the

school campus a better choice than taking online courses? Iv'e only just started

taking some courses. I just started my 5th and 6th classes I believe. Thanks. Matt

from Oklahoma. Also any advice would be great my email is

too if anyone has anything else that would like to send me.


Crossroads City,

I just started this school should I.....

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, June 30, 2009

Should I get the hell out now? I actually thought this would be a pretty decent

school but there are over 150 complaints in numerous states about UOP.

Should I just go to my junior college instead of doing this? Is actually going to the

school campus a better choice than taking online courses? Iv'e only just started

taking some courses. I just started my 5th and 6th classes I believe. Thanks. Matt

from Oklahoma. Also any advice would be great my email is

too if anyone has anything else that would like to send me.



Learning Teams were a joke/outright plagiarism was condoned

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

Tony may be on to something here with his belief that the online UOP learning teams were fake.

I now have my BS degree (double entendre) from UOP, and after countless hellish "learning team" experiences where only one or two of us participated, I believe it is entirely possible that the school either managed to find tons of people with 3rd grade educations who wanted a piece of paper to frame, or a vast majority of classroom participants were "simulated".

Not only was I constantly staying up half the night to finish portions of group assignments that someone else was supposed to do, but attempts to get the instructors to monitor group behavior went nowhere. In fact, their insipid Algebra course had one "team member" who would wait until the two other group members had posted the completed assignment, pick someone's to copy (mine), change the font and the text color, slap his name on it, and submit it as his own work. I noticed immediately and notified the instructor and the associate dean. They responded by THREATENING ME, saying that accusing someone of plagiarism was a serious offense, and that I could be expelled if the allegations were false. I then set the offender up by posting WRONG answers on purpose. Sure enough, this clown posted the SAME WRONG ANSWERS as his own work! I went to the dean with my evidence (clearly provable since the assignments are time-stamped when posted to the server), and they still wouldn't do anything. They wanted me to jump through hoops to file a charge, when the simple fact that cheating took place was there in black and white! They took no responsibility, no action, no nothing. Except my money and my company's money.

So, for those people who say "Oh, well you could have a bad instructor or lazy group members anywhere", I say bull. At a well-run company, when a group member doesn't do their assignments over and over again, the boss doesn't promote them or give them the same raise as a top performer. When they steal or cheat, they don't get a walk. I am a business owner and would NEVER allow an employee to function as UOP allows their "students" to!

Am I happy that I put forth the effort to educate myself and get a degree? Yes. Do I wish it had been at a university with integrity and high standards, instead of the UOP degree mill? Absolutely! People LAUGH at UOP degrees when you put them on a resume. I only chose them because at the time, they were the only online school my company would pay partial tuition for.

If you are thinking of attending this school, and have been reading complaints from less-than-literate posters, thinking they are just stupid and couldn't hack the "rigorous curriculum" at UOP, take it from Tony in Michigan: Let the [student] beware!



Learning Teams are not filler...They are a JOKE

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, October 03, 2006

I am a student at UoP, which I am regretting that choice. I will have my so-called degree December 2007. It will probably be less valuable than the toilet paper in my bathroom.

There is nothing consistent with APA formatting. Nearly all of the teams I have been on, there is always one or two who refuse to do the required work. They have you do a "team charter" but no one sticks to the rules. I have ended up playing "mommie", I have had to constantly email and call others on the team for them to do what they said they would do. You have team members who have no regard for doing things correctly, and there are team members who try to take over the team and become a dictator.

You tell the team that the paper is due on Tuesday since the class is Thursday. You'll be lucky if the team turns in their section by Thursday afternoon and it's loaded with errors. I hate the fact that a bunch of losers are going to affect my grade! And then the next class, you're stuck with the same bunch of losers until you graduate or change schedules. The losers that get kicked out of learning teams just go to another team to continue being a loser.

If I was a manager and my employee wasn't doing their job, I'd fire them. Simple as that, not transfer them to another department. I've turned in instructors that spent the whole class time bitching about how they can't get free cell phones and other instructors who were abusive and rude. Do they care? Hell no, but tell them that you're not paying them, then they really care.



Sorry to those wronged

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, September 20, 2006

I was told by my neighbor about this website and I am just browsing. I feel terrible for everyone who has been having problems with UoP.

So far all of my learning teams have been exceptional. My Advisors are some of the greatest people that I have worked with. And I am about to complete my degree in accounting. At that time I already have a job lined up making twice what I am making now.

I think that it is terrbile that a few people in an organization can make someone dislike the entity as a whole.

I wish everyone the best of luck!!

Phoenix, Arizona
UoP Student


Anchor Point,

Former Student

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, June 20, 2006

I had the exact same report. Did anyone have the teacher, if you can call her that...

Ronique Hinchen?

Terrible terrible teacher. When I as well as 10 other students demanded a refund the director would not allow it, and only allow us to retake the class for free. That led to me withdrawl from that terrible terrible place. I wouldnt wish UOP on my worst enemy.



Quality Control

#24Consumer Comment

Sat, June 10, 2006

I already post this comment elsewhere, but I am going to paste it again!

I writing this out of anger, so please excuse my grammer.

In addition, I hate to bash any educational institutions, but I just find it in my heart to write this to warn all potential UOP students, about this unethical and deceptive behaviour adversting, recurriment of UOP.

Anyways, on January of this year, I was spammed by University of Phoenix offering online distance course with offer of tutition wavier for my first course and textbook material. Since I hated those spammers, I took UOP for a ride, let alone I love learning. Two days later I got call from a conuciler from UOP, and she urged me to apply for the Canada-Ontario OSAP Government Financial Aid, which I refused, and I told her that was not necessary, and instead I give her a MasterCard that is about to expired in one month. Strangly enough, they do not ask me to send them a proof I identity for check if my Social Insurance Number or address is valid. (P.S. I used my uncle's address and fake Social Insurance Number generated by a online site). They only ask me by MasterCard or urged me to applied Financial Aid.

At this time, I was already a second year student enrolled in Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Marketing and Minoring in Anthrolopology at the University of Toronto. I had no plan to transfer, nor I inform UOP of my current status.

So I decided to b.s. the counciler to belief that I used to enrolled in oversea university for two years, and I will have a copy of transcript within a month for them. As a result, I was allowed in to enrolled in a third year Accounting course.

Next is what I found shocking... absolutely shocking. I tooked their 3rd accounting ACC440 course, and it was even easier than our first year MGT120H accounting here at the University of Toronto. Even worse, it was so easy, I think just about everyone got a A... This lead me to think UOP had no quality control, basically if you can hold a folk, you can get a A. At U of T, we don't have best program on earth, but at least they only hand out A(s) to only A students, our courses are hard, really hard, and class average are normally 68% to 69% (C+).

Two days after I finished this course, I called up counciler, who unfortunately no longer worked there. I told new counciler that I no intention to enrolled any further at UOP, given what I felt about the quality of their program. She then demanded that I paid for my first course before I was allowed to withdrawal. By now, my credit card had already expired and I wasn't ready hand anything over this evil institution nor given them my real Social Insurance Number. Instead arged for 30 minutes straight on the phone with this b*tch and eventually she offered me another course free of charge provided I do not drop out. I must say, I never this much pressure in my life, so decided to give them another doubt (I dont' know why am I even bother wasting my time).

So, I decide to use my next credit on different topic Marketing, my favorite. MKT463, holly micro, this course I think is half as hard as our MGT252, btw I worked my a*s*off and got 61% on that course. But guess what, MKT463, I got A+, without barely touching the textbook.

Again, I demand a withdrawal, except this time for real, for already 20 minutes I wouldn't no for answer and eventually again she allowed me to cancel my enrollment provided I paid for the courses I had taken. Guess what, I said YES, send me the invoice since I told them my new MasterCard is on way in the mail. Now, I am sure they are on their way in the mail. Don't worry guys, these idoits get a penny off me, since the credit card I used belong to my uncle and his address and a bogus birthday and SSN. Thanks Uncle Jeff for allowing me use your expired CC and to mess around with his evil corporation.

Now, here is my commments:
First, if you are serious of getting a degree go to a real college, and get it. UOP have no quality control, like i said, if you can hold a fork, you can get a A. Both of the course I took, I got A+ (just to let you know guys, I haven't got a A for very long time at U of T), in fact most of my grades are either Cs. Secondly, the counciler are more like gold diggers, if you are going to take courses with them, do not allow them to hold of a government financial aid... i just don't trust them.

Guys, I am not saying my school are superior than other schools, but I personally believe any school is better than UOP. Its just make me sick that some people can get a Bachelor degree this easy without having to work to hard for it, let alone getting As. For me and my friends, our business school (Rotman School of Management/ University of Toronto). We worked really hard and most get low Cs. Just to let you know that our professor could get into serious trouble if he/she hands out to many As, our class average must be C, no exceptions. Its just not fair. In addition, at least our tutition are only $9,000 per year and get access to real counciler. Lastly, believe me, after going thru their program myself, you can count that I believe would never hired anyone from this school. In my opinion, their degree are worth just as much as the paper that they printed on!

In the end, I must say since I only did 2 courses with this institution, I can not say that all their program sucked, but as far as business, I will give them a failing grade.

So, my advice to anyone choosing a college is to do your investigation and don't believe anyone. After all, you have live with your decision, not them.

Here is link their Business Program:

Here is also a link to our Commerce Program:


Sand Lake,

Thanks for your response...but...

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006

I am not concerned with the concept of whether or not other universities practice the same methodologies regarding plagiarism or not. I am not here to justify one bad behavior by comparing it to another.

Beyond this, the above paper contains BLATENT plagiarism that even the most uneducated fool would be able to detect and should have not only been "detected" by the UOP instructor, but also instantly failed and the offending students should have been held accountable for their academic theivery. I would have been slightly interested in reading the link you submitted, but the forum administrators must have found something within the link that didn't meet with their approval and it does not appear in your submission.

Even if the link led to a site that VERIFIED that 75% of universities out there pass plagiarised works, I still wouldn't change my views regarding this obviously plagiarised paper passed by UOP though. I would have been interested in viewing the links' contents from a level of simple information gathering and would not use the information as a means of justifying bad and unethical behavior. Thanks again for your response.



check this out

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006

This is a piece done on PBS on the education system here in america, specifically the higher education. You will see that no matter where you go, there are going to be some of the same issues.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Sand Lake,

Responses To Responses

#24Author of original report

Sat, April 08, 2006

I have nearly completed a degree from the University of Phoenix. Since transferring from a local two year school, I have taken 23 courses online. I have been required to submit references both in text and more detailed following the conclusion of each assignment. I worked on a team with two individuals for a marketing course.

Don't get me wrong, sources WERE submitted, as plainly indicated by the copy and paste of the assignment?Just far more than what is acceptable by APA formatting?PLUS, there's very little original material in the paper?Just quotes and maybe 10 filler sentences in the whole thing.

One assignment was to create a product and use different marketing tools to gather information for our assignment. The two members of my team,also cousins, provided the final part of there information agreeing to post and it occured during the next day (1 day late). It was the end of the course, so I found out a few days later that the instructor thinks the survey they added to our marketing paper was plagiarized. It included answers from professional and collegiate athletes. It was obviously added at the last minute as the post in the newsgroup were able to tell the story and it was picked up on very quickly. Additionally, I have had work sent back less points and comments about citations and corresponding references. It is my experience that instructors, in addition to reviewing the material themselves, often scan the paper with plagiarism software of some kind.

Well, here's the deal?Instructors will make commentary about the rights and wrongs of a work at UOP, and that's not my argument. My argument is the bottom line?UOP PASSING plagiarized works. Look at the original submission for proof?The paper, to my knowledge was PASSED?

In 3 years I have been on many teams. I have heard many of the same excuses. I actually did not believe some of them. I think the total is about 6 deaths, a much larger number of ill children and hospitalizations, at least 4 computers that were down and numerous other excuses. After the first few courses the other team members are much more reliable and most instances where excuses were problematic dissappeared after about 3 courses. I do not find team members to be fraudulent as I have actually had at least a couple of conflicts.

Conflicts, or the lack thereof do not prove or disprove the fraudulent nature or lack thereof within a given ?learning? team.

In general they are no worse than whats out there in the real world and as I mentioned the more invested each student becomes the harder they work. To date, I have only had three team members make an excuse and actually miss work that other membes had to make up for her. Two were in the first course and the latter was much later on in the program.

Only 3 huh? You're in the minority (of those I know that did their time with UOP)?and luckily so?

Learning Teams Are Real

I am a current UOP employee and I have worked for UOP for over 10 yers. I have taken courses both online and at their campus. The learning teams are real, I assure you.

HOW specifically could you ?assure? me of this?

You would know that if you would have tried to contact your team mates at work or home.

Being able to contact a person via telephone or internet communication does not prove or disprove the fraudulent nature or lack thereof of a ?team? member. If fakes can run their game on the net?they could do the same via phone call. Am I wrong here?

They are not "filler people" as you suggest.


I have been in teams with people all over the world and if there is a problem, I've been able to resolve it 90% of the time.

Well, me too?Most generally through me doing the entire work of the alleged team just to get past the garbage I've experienced with them.

The other times I just had to grin and bear it and pick up the work the other learning team member did not do. In addition, it would be hard to "fool" the SEC that our profits were as fake as our students, don't you think?

Perhaps it would and perhaps not. I am no expert at the workings of the SEC.

Where is the money coming from if the students are fake?

Fake students wouldn't require money?other than the paychecks allotted to the UOP employees playing the role as a part of their job duties?Keep in mind that this is merely a theoretical possibility I have arrived at based on the extreme similarities that have existed in the relationships I experienced in around 10 courses. The frequency of similar events seemed suspect to say the least and got me to considering potential avenues of realities based on my findings, hence a theory was born?.

The instructors are not there to solve your learning team problems.

No, they are not. I understand that. However, the instructors ARE responsible for maintaining SOME FORM of communication between themselves and their students, and should certain areas require communication on the instructor's part?then communication, interaction and intervention should occur. In short, UOP instructors need to do their jobs as any other instructor would?.There's no excuse for negligence?

That is YOUR responsibility. They are there to answer questions about assignments and to guide you. If you have a grievance, you should have submitted on through the formal process which is outlined in your student catalog.

?and I did make my complaints known via survey forms and through phone communications with various UOP workers.

What I ask is that you take responsibility for your own education and not blame others.

I did and have taken responsibility for my own education. Part of that responsibility is acknowledging the actions and reactions that occur around me. If an injustice occurs or has occurred, as a responsible member of the academic world, in my role as a student, I am forced by my own moral guidelines to make issues of fraud, negligence, and further negativity known as a means of educating and preventing others from falling into such traps themselves. I blame only myself for getting involved with UOP.

I think you just had a bad experience with your team mates and as another post had suggested, that is just life.

I had CONTINUAL bad experiences with these alleged ?teams,? made my grievances known continually with no intervention on ANY instructor's part, no corrections on most of the ?team's? part, and really just got so numb to it all that I became the team rather than dealing with incompetence. You're right?that is life?at any given location where you're dealing with irresponsible people?

If this is your paper you posted here,then shame on you for plagarizing! You get out of education what you put into it. If it is not, I would have to wonder where you got this paper?

Hahaha?UOP logic?It ain eva our faults?It HAS to be your fault?No, this is not my paper. Compare the writing style verses my postings?Although, it is hard to compete with legit authors' work that the team lifted for this paper.

If it is not, I would have to wonder where you got this paper?

Um?Where do you think I got it? I was in a class, right? Being that I was in a class, I had access to my and others' papers, did I not? In short here, I EARNED my grade on a far superior paper, the old fashioned way?through actually researching and citing my work. I did review this paper though?which resulted in an in class conflict that reaped no instructor interaction or intervention?

As for the plagarism, I cannot answer to that as all instructors are different and may not use the plagarism checker; however you have only submitted one paper as proof. One out of over 300,000 students is a pretty good ratio if you ask me.

BUT, you do not know that this is only ONE out of 300,000 students?As it is, this was a team paper, so that cuts your number just a hare as it is?This sort of thing could very possibly be more of a norm than either you or I know?and maybe not?However, this particular paper, and the offending students should have been failed?and any instructor responsible for allowing the thing to slide should be fired?and any institution that allows this sort of thing to go unchecked should be investigated to verify whether or not this is a rarity or a norm.

Plagarism happens in all educational institutions, unfortunately. How can you blame UOP for that when it is the student submitting it?

I do not blame UOP for that actual act of plagiarizing the paper. I blame UOP for PASSING the plagiarized work.

We don't catch every single dishonest student. Sorry, we're not perfect.

You got that right?I'm nowhere near perfect either, but at least I care a bit about honesty?unlike some of those involved with UOP.

I am amazed...

Tony,I believe you need to re-think your plagarism argument.

I have re-thought the issue?and each time I do, it makes even more sense.

This is not a UOP-specific issue, and if you think it is, you'd better do more research.

I don't care if it is or is not a UOP specific issue. UOP is the specific target of this argument and it is UOP that has been irresponsible in regard to the content of the argument.

Plagarism--intentional or unintentional--is a fact of life for all colleges and universities. UOP has a strict anti-plagarism policy and plagarism tools to help thwart this.

?and that's why a paper such as this was passed?Did the UOP employee ?thwart? her responsibility of actually adhering to the ?policy? or fail to use the allotted ?tools? in her instructional arsenal? I'll tell you what, it doesn't take ?tools? to see that this paper was plagiarized anyway.

Perhaps in the future, if you see plagarism, then you should report those that are participating and help all of us that careful not to plagarize. It has to be better than taking a victocrat stance...

I have no intentions of having a future with UOP, and as it was I reviewed this paper, which reaped an argument from the other team, which was ignored by the instructor. How am I supposed to ?report? those that committed the academic offense of plagiarism to the instructor in charge when she wouldn't even jump in and communicate where it was necessary at other times throughout the history of the course? At the point where the instructor decides to remain mute to all concerns occurring in the classroom, it becomes his or her duty to acknowledge the facts occurring in the class, and at that point, if plagiarism has occurred, she should have failed the offending students.

Thanks to all of you for your responses.



I am amazed...

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 07, 2006


I believe you need to re-think your plagarism argument. This is not a UOP-specific issue, and if you think it is, you'd better do more research.

Plagarism--intentional or unintentional--is a fact of life for all colleges and universities. UOP has a strict anti-plagarism policy and plagarism tools to help thwart this.

Perhaps in the future, if you see plagarism, then you should report those that are participating and help all of us that careful not to plagarize. It has to be better than taking a victocrat stance...



I am amazed...

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 07, 2006


I believe you need to re-think your plagarism argument. This is not a UOP-specific issue, and if you think it is, you'd better do more research.

Plagarism--intentional or unintentional--is a fact of life for all colleges and universities. UOP has a strict anti-plagarism policy and plagarism tools to help thwart this.

Perhaps in the future, if you see plagarism, then you should report those that are participating and help all of us that careful not to plagarize. It has to be better than taking a victocrat stance...



I am amazed...

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 07, 2006


I believe you need to re-think your plagarism argument. This is not a UOP-specific issue, and if you think it is, you'd better do more research.

Plagarism--intentional or unintentional--is a fact of life for all colleges and universities. UOP has a strict anti-plagarism policy and plagarism tools to help thwart this.

Perhaps in the future, if you see plagarism, then you should report those that are participating and help all of us that careful not to plagarize. It has to be better than taking a victocrat stance...



I am amazed...

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 07, 2006


I believe you need to re-think your plagarism argument. This is not a UOP-specific issue, and if you think it is, you'd better do more research.

Plagarism--intentional or unintentional--is a fact of life for all colleges and universities. UOP has a strict anti-plagarism policy and plagarism tools to help thwart this.

Perhaps in the future, if you see plagarism, then you should report those that are participating and help all of us that careful not to plagarize. It has to be better than taking a victocrat stance...



Learning Teams Are Real

#24UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 02, 2006

I am a current UOP employee and I have worked for UOP for over 10 yers. I have taken courses both online and at their campus. The learning teams are real, I assure you. You would know that if you would have tried to contact your team mates at work or home. They are not "filler people" as you suggest. I have been in teams with people all over the world and if there is a problem, I've been able to resolve it 90% of the time. The other times I just had to grin and bear it and pick up the work the other learning team member did not do. In addition, it would be hard to "fool" the SEC that our profits were as fake as our students, don't you think? Where is the money coming from if the students are fake?

The instructors are not there to solve your learning team problems. That is YOUR responsibility. They are there to answer questions about assignments and to guide you. If you have a grievance, you should have submitted on through the formal process which is outlined in your student catalog.

What I ask is that you take responsibility for your own education and not blame others. I think you just had a bad experience with your team mates and as another post had suggested, that is just life. If this is your paper you posted here,then shame on you for plagarizing! You get out of education what you put into it. If it is not, I would have to wonder where you got this paper?

As for the plagarism, I cannot answer to that as all instructors are different and may not use the plagarism checker; however you have only submitted one paper as proof. One out of over 300,000 students is a pretty good ratio if you ask me. Plagarism happens in all educational institutions, unfortunately. How can you blame UOP for that when it is the student submitting it? We don't catch every single dishonest student. Sorry, we're not perfect.


South Carolina,

Plagiarism and fraud

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, March 28, 2006

I have nearly completed a degree from the University of Phoenix. Since transferring from a local two year school, I have taken 23 courses online. I have been required to submit references both in text and more detailed following the conclusion of each assignment. I worked on a team with two individuals for a marketing course.

One assignment was to create a product and use different marketing tools to gather information for our assignment. The two members of my team,also cousins, provided the final part of there information agreeing to post and it occured during the next day (1 day late). It was the end of the course, so I found out a few days later that the instructor thinks the survey they added to our marketing paper was plagiarized. It included answers from professional and collegiate athletes. It was obviously added at the last minute as the post in the newsgroup were able to tell the story and it was picked up on very quickly. Additionally, I have had work sent back less points and comments about citations and corresponding references. It is my experience that instructors, in addition to reviewing the material themselves, often scan the paper with plagiarism software of some kind.

In 3 years I have been on many teams. I have heard many of the same excuses. I actually did not believe some of them. I think the total is about 6 deaths, a much larger number of ill children and hospitalizations, at least 4 computers that were down and numerous other excuses. After the first few courses the other team members are much more reliable and most instances where excuses were problematic dissappeared after about 3 courses. I do not find team members to be fraudulent as I have actually had at least a couple of conflicts. In general they are no worse than whats out there in the real world and as I mentioned the more invested each student becomes the harder they work. To date, I have only had three team members make an excuse and actually miss work that other membes had to make up for her. Two were in the first course and the latter was much later on in the program.


Sand Lake,

Thanks for the reponse, but you missed the point of my posting

#24Author of original report

Sat, March 25, 2006

Umthe topics here are plagiarism and the team's being potentially fraudulentNevertheless, let me reply

I understand your frustrations with the lack of team participation at UoP. I recently graduated with a B.S. Business Management degree from UoP and I tell you that out of my 28 classes over three years, most of my teams had members who chose to put in a half-a** job. They had one excuse after another and a couple of them milked the 2005 hurricane season as much as they could, even when they didn't really live in a hurricane district.

Regardless, the trend is just TOO coincidental to be true. Around ten classes here, ten teams in a row, where there was only an average of TWO team members per team actually putting in his or her contribution to the assignmentsEVERY team, the same M.O.That reeks of suspicious to me

Nevertheless, this is the real world that we live in. At work, there are usually team members who take the back seat with respect to project work and their efforts are minimal at best. This is the same in sporting teams, fundraisers, volunteer work, and in just about anything dealing with life. That is why we were put into teams at UoP. Sure, it sucks sometimes, but isn't the point of getting an education go far beyond what a book teaches us?

Yes, but my initial thread never discarded this truth. The original post dealt with passed plagiarism and more than potentially fraudulent learning teams.

Isn't it suppose to teach us about how to succeed in an environment where you have team members of ALL walks of life, levels of commitment, and levels of competency?

Yes, but UOP taught me moreIt taught me critical thinking skills that have made me see what might be the truth hereThat the teams are fake, made up for some sort of contractual need of some sortActually, I don't know why they'd do thisI don't live the criminal lifeand I will admit that I could be wrongThe SAME experience occurring and occurring and occurring leads a thinking person to see patterns, and those patterns ARE COMPLETELY suspicious here in regard to the learning teams. I also learned that people of all walks of life, levels of commitment, and levels of competency can be completely silent or come up with the lamest excuses possible NOT to workand it certainly amazed me that the general slackers always numbered the total of the team minus one or two team membersIsn't that amazing?

As you, I always did my fair share of the work as well as far beyond my fair share to ensure that the team delivered a great assignment. That's MY goal -- to get that "A", but what we have to realize is that is not EVERYONE'S goal. Therefore, if that's what WE want, we have to pick up the slack for others who choose not to give 100%. Isn't that part of life???

Of course it is, but the point of my original posting, ONCE AGAIN, was to address the fact that UOP Online PASSES plagiarized papers and the team member bit reeks of fraud.

What you DON'T know is the overall grades that these team members received from their UoP instructor. Although the team assignment may have received an "A", not EVERYONE on the team gets that "A" all the time.

Plagiarists deserve FAILURE, so it doesn't really matter, to me, whether or not these people got an A or lessThese thieves deserve to be kicked out of school and the instructor should be fired, the school should be investigated to find out just how often this sort of thing happens, and if they get busted for such behavior as a learning institution, the government should cut ties with the place and they should be sued for committing academic fraud.

Because the instructor has the ability to monitor the Team folders, he/she can evaluate which team members are contributing and which ones are riding on the coat-tails of others. Therefore, their grades were adjusted accordingly. Isn't this just like real life in the work place???

Yup, again I never questioned this fact.

Are ALL employees ranked equally on their performance???

I'm starting to feel like the typed equivalent of a parrot hereNever questioned this

At least I knew that I could walk away from the team experience and know that I did everything I could to do the best job that I had in me. If this meant that someone took advantage of me...oh well! Then that's MY fault for not calling them out on it. Other team members and I have left off the non-participants' names off of the team assignments if they didn't participate in the team assignement. Isn't this just like real life when you make a point to recognize those who went above and beyond in a project???

AGAINOh well, you get it by now I hopeHere's the deal, I AM NOT the instructor, I AM NOT these lazy fools' father, and I AM NOT responsible to urge these people to do his or her partsHowever, in my courses I stated my case continually to the team, that the work needed to be done. In EVERY class, I WAS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE for having lazy team members' names removed from assignments and I was the one that corresponded with the instructorsIN EVERY SINGLE CLASSAgain, this is about suspicious patterns hereI called these people out every chance I got with NO instructor interventionwhich is patheticIn a real school, when an instructor is made aware of a situation, intervention more than generally occurs, IT IS A PART OF THEIR JOB! These sort of situations, again, happened in EVERY COURSE I TOOKThere is NO instructor accountability in regard to these alleged teams!

However, you have EVERY opportunity to set team expecatations upfront with ALL team members (remember the Team Charters?). Then when they do not participate, you have every right to call them out on it. Isn't this just like real life???

Again, my posting was not about any of this, but rather was about the potential academic fraud that are these learning teams and the fact that a plagiarized paper was given credit by an instructor in this institutionExpectations were set, conflicts were addressed and reported, resulting in absolutely NO intervention on the part of the instructorYes, this sort of thing can and does happen in real life, and when it does, people are failed, fired, or at the least reprimanded in some way or anotherUOP Online NEEDS to be held to the same standards as any other school or business, plain and simple



Lousy Teams Are Part of Real Life

#24Consumer Comment

Sat, March 25, 2006

I understand your frustrations with the lack of team participation at UoP. I recently graduated with a B.S. Business Management degree from UoP and I tell you that out of my 28 classes over three years, most of my teams had members who chose to put in a half-a** job. They had one excuse after another and a couple of them milked the 2005 hurricane season as much as they could, even when they didn't really live in a hurricane district.

Nevertheless, this is the real world that we live in. At work, there are usually team members who take the back seat with respect to project work and their efforts are minimal at best. This is the same in sporting teams, fundraisers, volunteer work, and in just about anything dealing with life. That is why we were put into teams at UoP. Sure, it sucks sometimes, but isn't the point of getting an education go far beyond what a book teaches us? Isn't it suppose to teach us about how to succeed in an environment where you have team members of ALL walks of life, levels of commitment, and levels of competency?

As you, I always did my fair share of the work as well as far beyond my fair share to ensure that the team delivered a great assignment. That's MY goal -- to get that "A", but what we have to realize is that is not EVERYONE'S goal. Therefore, if that's what WE want, we have to pick up the slack for others who choose not to give 100%. Isn't that part of life???

What you DON'T know is the overall grades that these team members received from their UoP instructor. Although the team assignment may have received an "A", not EVERYONE on the team gets that "A" all the time. Because the instructor has the ability to monitor the Team folders, he/she can evaluate which team members are contributing and which ones are riding on the coat-tails of others. Therefore, their grades were adjusted accordingly. Isn't this just like real life in the work place??? Are ALL employees ranked equally on their performance???

At least I knew that I could walk away from the team experience and know that I did everything I could to do the best job that I had in me. If this meant that someone took advantage of me...oh well! Then that's MY fault for not calling them out on it. Other team members and I have left off the non-participants' names off of the team assignments if they didn't participate in the team assignement. Isn't this just like real life when you make a point to recognize those who went above and beyond in a project???

However, you have EVERY opportunity to set team expecatations upfront with ALL team members (remember the Team Charters?). Then when they do not participate, you have every right to call them out on it. Isn't this just like real life???

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