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  • Report:  #381887

Complaint Review: TWX MAGAZINE

TWX MAGAZINE FILING Criminal Complaint, Civil complaint for fraud, deceit, deceptive business practice Stamford Connecticut

  • Reported By:
    Encino California
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 16, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 16, 2012
    225 High Ridge Road - East Building
    Stamford, Connecticut
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

What are the Attorney Generals do in this country? How about the District attorneys? Are they siding with crooks?

I asked TWX MAGAZINE 2 weeks ago to remove my financial information for their files and put them under notice not to use that account again under ANY circumstances.

Despite their admission to wrongdoing 2 weeks ago with the requested refund they admittedly made, they made thereafter another $2 here and $37 there preying on my debit card with unauthorized charges, hoping I would not catch it.

Hey, TWX MAGAZINE scumbags, thieves and liars, you were under notice and committed wire fraud and other Federal law violations.

Criminal complaint is filed this week with the California AG, the Los Angeles DA, and more will follow suit with civil action, including class action.

I shall expose this business to public opinion through CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and other national media. Each one of you who has been ripped off by those bastards can join the feast.

We, The People, are sick of these Republican-like scam artists who build their personal wealth on deceit, lies, and fraudulent business practices.

In any country other than in the US these people would be prosecuted in criminal court and jailed. Not in Bush-McCain's America.

We are sick of it and now decided to publicly expose with the media these scumbags who think they can do whatever they want to screw people of their hard owned money, just like Wall Street did in the last 8 years with McCain and his Republican cronies' blessing.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I am going after that CEO, obviously a strong supporter of Mc Cain's campaign, like all these capitalist rapists who keep unacceptable business practices. They cannot hide their criminal activities behind fake claims of "Terms & Conditions" that are hidden and undisclosed, and moreover not seen nor accepted in any way, shape or form. You TWX MAGAZINE idiots, I have news for you: a contract needs the meeting of the mind to form. There have never been any contract between your rigged company and the people you defrauded. Have you ever heard of unconscionability? Check with your attorney.

Below is just an excerpt of the long list of people this TWX MAGAZINE ripped off over years.

Anyone who recognizes himself here is welcome to send me an affidavit that I shall produce in court on their behalf.

Here is a flavor of the depositions I shall bring to trial against TWX MAGAZINE, its executives and employees who answer their 800 number:

"I got this offer to buy 1 magazine and get a few others for 1 dollar. Then months later they renewed my subscription full price for all magazines without permission and charged my account.

They keep stealing a ton of money out of my account... how they got my debit number is what I want to know. Something needs to be done about this fraud.

Actually these offers are quite simple. If you read things before you sign them (like most responsbile individuals do) you would notice that the terms and conditions were right on there. They also send a postcard in the mail to the same address saying you are going to be charged and it EVEN tells you the amount. I almost threw it aways thinking it was junk mail, then realized it was a friendly reminder....So read you mail and know what you sign up for and you should be all set!"

"I never recieved a postcard telling me anything about prices or renewals. As a matter of fact they the credit card that they orginal charged me on was stolen and I was given a new number and they somehow charged that card. These people are scam artists and I'm reporting them to my bank for fraud. This company should be shut down..."

"I had Emusic debited out of my account... have been trying to contact the company... no luck... just the run around... called my bank and they say this is common with TWX... you sign up for a magazine using your debit card and in the fine print, you are also signing up for Emusic!... I believe its fraud and the bank should reimburse me and take it up with twx... stay tuned..."

"This company is bogus! The TWX magazine company gave me a FREE 3month subscription to 3 magazines...this was a few days ago. I check my statement to find a $2.01 charge that I did not authorize..>I did not sign anything and there were no "term and conditions" I am outraged. And trying to contact them is a joke...always an automated thingy...UGH can anyone help?"

"I have been trying for three months to get TWX to stop billing me and to refund my credit card charges. Yesterday, they chaarged me another $17.34. I have called my bank to have the payment stopped but they say they cannot do this. TWX says they can't find my name or order, but that is a lie because they asre billing me. If I could find a way to just eliminate them from the face of the earth I would. They are liars and thieves."

"I too have fallen victim to this company. I did NOT receive a renewal notification. And nowhere in the terms does it say that they will charge outrageously more than the magazine publisher itself charges for a subscription. I am going to try to get this rectified, but I am not confident that these swindlers will play fair."

"I called the store that I recieved the mag. offer because I saw a 25$ charge on my account. He gave me this # 1 877 813 4977 . Call it and get through all of the automated BS, and just keep making sure that you decline all offers and finally at the end they said they will refund my money to my account in 1-2 days. Lets hope that actually happens. I hope this helps all of you! :)"

"I completly disagree. I don't know if any of your cards were stolen and someone fraud used your account, but it definatly wasn't this company. They check out perfect w/ the BBB and others. Also I called and w/ the publishers and their prices were way cheaper. Example: Time through them is 114.00 per year, through the publisher was 143.00... that's a savings to me!"

"The $2.01 charge was just a preauth (which I had myself). They just test the account your provided w/ the purchase to ensure it's the right card. Come on people, nothing is free...and the TERMS DO SAY you will be charged...If you go in a store like FYE read the reciept if you sign up, or if you do it online read the terms and conditions. This company is 100% legimate. I think it's nice they offer you 3 months free of a 15 month subscription, the publisher doesn't offer that...

Oh and to skip the Automated "BS" just press zero twice... it's so simple... (I think that's how it works with any automated system in the world??"

"In dec I ordered a subscription to one magazine. Since then I have been billed for 3 others that I did or do not want. It has caused trouble with my bank account cause as so many of us are we live paycheck to paycheck. I do not care if its a great deal compared to the actual mag because its a better deal if they dont take anything from my account. I now have bounced my rent payment because of this 58 dollars of overcharge. This is a straight up scam and you should be aware."

"Last week, TWX debit my credit card for $114 for magazine subscriptions I've never ordered. Every time I call, its just bs and I can never get through. My bank is currently doing a fraud investigation. I dont need magazines. I process magazines everyday on my job, so whywould i subscribe? I am pissed about all of this. This company is a rip off."




"They S*&K my son (recenty returned from IRAQ) went into a store in killeen tx, bought a cdm, and was offered free mag's. I was there and the teenager behind the counter said it was free, no trial period, no billing., nothing. they would not automatticlly renew, and he would never, ever get charged. 3 months later 4 charges... now he's a 19 year old kid, I am an adult that knows you get nothing for free. yet the little teenager behind the caunter said it was all free for a year, and would never be charged.

after an hour on the phone with txw, all is better, but I think twx, and FYE should be fined, closed down tared and fethered for lieing to iraq war solders for this. you can say it was because a stupid teenager behind the counter lied, but look at all these complaints, FYE should be worried about this and cut twx loose..."

"I checked my bank statement yesterday to find that I had three pending charges from TWX Magazine. I did not order anything and have not received any magazines from them in 2 years. I called them to cancel my account and they said they would have to "investigate" and call me back. This was after they told me about the year of free entertainment weekly I recieved in 2006. Now, I cancelled this back in 2006 and have not signed up for any type of "free" magazine service, so why the hell am I being charged for this? I guess I'll just have to keep calling them everyday until they cancel this. It's irritating because I live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to have these charges for magazines I did not order or received. If they don't stop, then I'll have to tell my bank about the fraud charges."

"I had a subscription and they renewed it automatically with no notice what so ever. I did not receive a card in the mail. I am anal about going through every piece of my mail and reading all fine print. What was so bad about this, is they charged a card that I had previously refused a rate increase on by certified mail and the card just jacked up my rate to 19.99% from 11.99% on a $5000 balance, just because TWX hit my card with an unauthorized charge. I am sooooo angry! So now I will be paying $60 a month in increased interest due to this fraudulent activity."

"I bought a CD from FYE a couple of months ago and they got be with the offer, telling me that it was a free thing (and that it wouldn't charge my card after I received the magazines unless I asked them to). I had $6 in my bank account, and they just charged my card $9. Now on top of being charged for something I was told I wouldn't be, they put my account into the negative, which means I have to pay the bank a nice fee. FYE really needs to figure this out."

"I also was billed 4 times for $2.01 on my debit card. Recently I got a call and was asked if I would like a free subscription for 4 magazines. After paying off a bunch of subscriptions, 12 total, that I didn't want but didn't have the time or the patience to track them down, I wasn't about to jump into another subscription scam. I denied the request but ended up being billed anyway. I went to my bank the next day and canceled my card and ordered a new one and put in a complaint to have my bank investigate TWX to refund my money. I'll see how this works out."

"Checked my account this morning and the 4 payments were removed and no money deducted from my account. Seems if you go to your bank the same day it shows on your account you can get the payments stopped."

"Hello, I used to work with FYE but i quited. It is a fact that they force their employees to get customers to sign up for a free trial to the magazines if not they might write them up, so basically they leave the employees with the choice of lyin so they could not get write up and they could keep their jobs. But even the employees know the the magazines are a scam because TWX (Magazines company) will do what it takes to not maintain you for more than the free trial so that way they would legally charge your account. Because of all the preassure, employees lie by telling customers that the magazines are absolutlly FREE instead of saying "FREE TRIAL" or they do not give you the brochure where all the instruction and future charges are stated because they do not want the customers to get mad or insult them for signing them up for a trial instead of "completly free'" or the employees will just change the conversation after you have agreed that you want the "free magazines" This is the secret, For every magazine that the store gets, TWX will pay $15 to the FYE which is why the push it so hard but the fact is that the money paid to FYE comes from my family, my friends, you people who have been ripp off and never told that it was a free trial. Most of the people that have gotten rip off was because of the employees who lied just so they could get the magazines George town FYE, Arandu Mill FYE they are all the same. I hope this can avoid you guys to prevent a future ripp off, remember just say no and please be consider with the employees by not screaming at them because most of the time they are obligated by their manager to even lye just to get those magazines."

"While it sucked to see two $18.00 charges on my account, it was easy to get rid of (so far). I did a quick Google search of the phone number on my statement since I had no idea what it was and then called the number. After about 5 minutes of automated bullcrap to get to my account I was transferred to a person by hitting the * key. She tried to sell me the magazines again for $1 each but I didn't even read the magazines I had gotten for free (which I had only received one of the titles, anyway) and then told me I'd be reimbursed in two to three days. Fingers crossed, but I feel like the process was smoother than a lot of others experienced."

"I don't even take the time to read magazines, so I know that I didn't sign up for this. Plus, my father is a lawyer, so I always read the fine print so I don't get scammed. These charges showed up on my credit card statement today.

I called my bank, they gave me a number to call TWX. I called that number, it said it would send me a text message to my cell phone. I didn't accept, but they sent it anyway. I don't pay for monthly text messaging, so I got a text message that I didn't want and I will now have to pay my cell phone provider $1.00 for that message. I read it. All it said was to reply to the text message hitting different keys and I didn't want to be charged another $1.00 to send a message so I didn't.

I found this board. I called the number that I got here for TWX Magazine: 1 877 813 4977

I just waited on the line and didn't say or press anything. Eventually, I got a live person.

He said that I'd purchased something online (very likely, as that's how I buy a lot of things) and that at the end I completed a voluntary survey. That then I chose some magazines and was being charged. I asked him the names of the magazines. They were things like Road and Track, Sports Illustrated, etc. Magazines that I wouldn't be interested in. No one shares this account number with me so I don't think anyone else that I know signed up for these. I have never received those magazines. I told the fellow that. I told him that I wanted to cancel this subscription. I got a confirmation number."

"I didn't receive a postcard, but I did write all the info down about which magazines were included and the phone number to call to cancel at the end of the free period (in my case, a year). That's the biggest thing -- write EVERYTHING down, and keep it handy!"

"Jason - I completly agree with you. All these people have to do it read. It's unbelievable to me!!! Also quite freaking out and just call the number next to your charge if you are upset. Talk to them nicely and they'll return your money for God sakes! Oh, and you probably did get the postcard you just threw it away..If you are getting the magazines then you are getting the postcards!"

"You idiots there is nothing to READ! These people are just scammers. When I signed up I stared at every nook and cranny of the page reading everything to make sure I wasn't getting something I didnt want. Yet still these people are not legit and I figured it must be since it was an "authorized Aol" sender."

"Ive read all of your comments, its hard to say whos right or wrong. Just today i got the $2.01 transaction. i called 1 877 813 4977 and cancelled my free trial?, first monthly deduction on 09/10/08 and i hope i dont have to deal with the refund issue in november since i hopefully avoid the 'scam' for good... Thanx for all advice i will call twx n my bank to post any news on this 'scam' thing. i pray i dont c another 2.01 or ne other amount from them here on."

"It's a scam. I just had over $100 charged to my bank account (which had $46 in it) and I distinctly remember the day I signed up for this. I read every single word of the agreement, and I never remembered seeing anything about being automatically billed.

I also recall sending them an e-mail requesting that the shipping address for the magazines be changed when I went off to school. I know it was the right e-mail, because the magazines started coming to me there. I then sent another one to cancel the magazines because I didn't want them anymore and they were just filling up my small school mailbox. They stopped coming.

The charges still came. I've called and requested a refund, it has now been 2 days and still nothing. Beware. "

"Hi, you can cancel all your subscribtions to TWX by calling 1-800-773-3142 . Listen to all menus very, very carefully since they will try to catch you again.just keep saying "no" to all the offers you will hear.Good luck. "



"Call the phone number they show on your statement, and just keep hitting zero until they send you to an operator. Don't listen to the recording it will try to get you to keep entering your information, so just keep hitting zero until you talk to someone and ask them to cancel. "

"I called 877 813 4977 , said nothing, pressed no numbers and eventually got an operator who canceled my 3 subscriptions within minutes and credited the charges back to my card within 3 business days. Easy enough. That's the hassle you have to deal with if you want free/cheap magazines."

"Call your bank and cancel your card and have them reissue. That is the only way to keep some company from reusing your card number. These people are rip off artists and they have your card number!!!"

"I agree that you need to read the fine print. However, some of the people "hawking" the mags at FYE make it sound like it is free and they leave off the "oh yeah, cancel or you'll be charged". Still, it is up to the consumer to read the info for themselves. That is why they give you the paper.

I called the number, 877 813 4977 , and they gave me several options including a refund of the money charged from my son's debit card. It was quick, easy and painless. They ask for a couple days to refund the money but I will give them until Friday morning (it's Saturday)."

"Jason, It's not funny or amusing to me. You wouldn't be laughing if it was you getting screwed over now would it. You need to shut your mouth and listen to people. Stop being and idiot man. We didn't know. Ok? Shut up."

"This company uses what is the equivalent of "hard sell tactics" to lure unsuspecting, albeit sometimes careless, consumers with a low fee magazine "trial, " charge them the full subscription amount later and make it not so straight forward to cancel the magazines for a refund. They give out a toll free number with an automated menu but does not inform the caller that they can press "0" for live assistance. This is consistent and similar to their "lure in" tactic of providing "find print" information in hard to find places in their initial "offer." This should not an acceptable sales practice. All clients should be told clearly what they are getting, what their obligations are and what the cancellation policies are in simple to understand language, clearly printed and prominently located on any "trial" or "offer" acceptance form. Enough dissatisfied customers banding together, wanting to take action against TWX can probably build a case for a class action suit against TWX for misleading them, even if there is fine print."

"i just called the 877 number and cancelled all my subscription ($138.94 charge) fairly smoothly. got done in 3 mins. good luck."

"Here's the thing. Just because something's in FINE PRINT, doesn't make it informative. This is also the case with AT&T and its user agreement. They are being sued for diverting customers to a 2, 500 page fine print details about their user agreement. Just because it's LEGAL does NOT make it decent... For people defending the magazine company, you're either in some level of corporate America and I understand your jaded view-point but for normal people, it's not a great thing to get charged for $100+ and have to call them and cancel it. I personally couldn't care less about the money because I can afford it BUT it's the company's attitude that pisses me off."

"This scam also happened to me. However, if you call the number 1-877-813-4977 and keep pressing zero or the * button, it will put you through to an actual person. Just tell them nicely that you want all subscriptions cancelled and all charges, past present and future, removed then they will do it with no hassle, no questions asked. They did say it will take 3-9 business days for the refunds to process, so be patient. In the future, remember that if an offer seems too good to be true, it is!!!"

"I just called them at another number I found through google, 877-813-0320 . It takes you to some voice mail thing, just hit 0. Keep hitting zero everytime it tries to give you another option. I got one of their customer service people almost immediately, hardly a wait time at all. Had to confirm some information including my old zipcode before I moved a few years back. Explained the charges and she said they'd be cancelled and refunded within 72 hours. Granted, it hasn't been 3 days yet so I don't know if that is true but from what I've done so far they seem decent about getting things cancelled, regardless of how iffy the charges may be in the first place."

"Hi Jason. Maybe you should grow up a bit and stop talking out your a*s.

First, let me say that I did read the terms and agreements, which were not abided by. I was also supposed to receive 3 free months of magazines and then have the option to continue receiving them. They were not to automatically come, nor was my credit card information supposed to be passed. I guess I know better than to trust a store clerk and piece of paper.

I am lucky because I caught this early and my bank is very willing to dispute the charges. That should be your first step. Your second step is then to just have your bank terminate the card, if this is an option available to you. If not, maybe you want to consider just withdrawaling some cash to live on for 10 days until you get the new card anyway. Otherwise, they won't get on the phone with you and they won't stop billing you.

Hopefully that advice helps someone."

"I bought a CD at FYE in July - was offered free magazines and said, "No, thank you. I read everything on line." Well, my car payment is going to bouce because there is a hold for $24.50 for this company on my account. From now on, I pay in cash at FYE - they were the only contact I had with magazines so they must have done this. Does anyone know if the store or employees got some type of incenctive for this crap? This is insane!!!"

"I never have heard of this AXW magazine and all of a sudden a $4.95 charge was made to my checking account. I never authorized this charge and don't know anything about this magazine. It better not charge me anymore, and it better credit my account quickly. CALL THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU ON THIS MAGAZINE...And I do agree with the about comment about reading the fine print."

"I canceled National Geographic Travel on July, 08 and today, September 24, there was a charge for that magazine! I called 1800-773-3142 and spoke with customer service. The account was "canceled" (since it was canceled already, it was in fact canceled "again") and I was told there will be a refund to my credit card. Wait and see..."

"Called customer service to have charge reversed. They told me they had to get a managers approval to have all my money refunded, even tho I was calling the day they made the charge. Chase called me as this company is evidently flagged in their system as being fraudulent. Since they are not completely up front about how their services work nor their charges."

"I received a 39.95 dollar charge just out of the blue. I never even signed up for any type of magazine order. I don't understand how they got my card #. I don't even get magazines at all! I mean if I was getting something, it'd be one thing, but I'm getting nothing! I'm calling to dispute the charge tomorrow w/ my bank. But has this happened to anyone?"

"This is bad. It was my fault of course but hindsight is 20/20. The kid at the counter at FYE was about 14 years old, which made it even worse. Anyways, I have only received a 2.01 charge so far and I saw this and called the number (18778134977) and spoke to a guy in under 10 minutes. He also told me that I couldn't get my money refunded (eh it's 2 dollars) but he said that if I call before Jan 31st, and enter the numbers 00 (which skips the automated system) I can cancel the order before I get any real charges. I know we are all pissed, but if you are honest and laid back going into these calls, you'll get a lot more respect. They are people too and they are just working a job."

"holy crap. spent 30 minutes i didn't have trying to resolve this. automatic renewal when you don't request it? ILLEGAL impossible to get thru to company tried all above thanx for the info guyz. having to change my debit card. furious"

"I too had the same problem - no post cards or correspondence for renewal (yes, I read every piece of mail junk or not), couldn't contact real person - their automated system did not have any record of me or the transaction. Luckily it was my Paypal debit card that they were charging. I just got off the phone with Paypal and they reported my debit card as stolen and are reissuing me a new card with a new number. But, this TWX company will never be able to charge my card again. Plus they are removing the 2 charges and issuing me a credit.

Try the same with your credit card company - it may help. I am sure glad I called Paypal!"


"i was upset abou tthe charges but i simply called the phone number as it showed up on my bank statement. i pressed zero until i got an operator and told them to cancel all my subscriptions. they said they will refund my account within 2-3 days so if all goes the way thewy said, i will be refunded and not be charged again".

"I have never had dealings with TWX but somehow they have managed to charge my bank account through my visa sharecheck card. I have multiple things to say to this. To the father who's son got screwed who is a veteran, I'm an active duty sailor, so I'm pretty pissed as well. I've notified navy federal credit union because they deal with so many military members this way they can watch for the fraudulant charges.

VISA! Thought this card was supposed to be bulletproof. And I am super careful with my information. Hmmm, not looking too good! Tisk tisk.

TWX! Nice address up top of this page, expect a nice a*s kicking since I take leave near there come christmas time and you're within an hours drive. You messed with the bull, you're gettin the horns.


"I just received a call from my bank asking if I recognized some charges that seemed fraudulent. I only recognized one and the other 3 were preauthorizations from TWX for $2.01 each. This is not a lot but it was a pre-notice of a subsequent charge for a subscription that I don't feel I ordered. I placed an order online recently but did not take any surveys and did not authorize anything after I placed the original order. I am so very grateful that my bank's fraud department took the time to call me to verify this activity on my card. I have since closed this account and they will re-issue a new charge account number/cards to me. This issue is over at the moment but I will remain more aware of this scam. I also don't shop at Frye's and always say no to any special offers. I will also be calling TWX to see if there are more charges that may be coming."

"I received my free magazine offers through an internet survey company called BizRate. I also was charged the 2.00 charge that has been mentioned, but that was part of the deal. Then today I see 2 charges on my account totaling 85.00! In today's economy I definitely don't have that kind of money to drop on magazines. Thanks to this site, I found the number to call 877-813-4977 . I called and within 2 minutes was speaking with an operator who was very helpful, and within 5 minutes had the subscriptions canceled and promise of a refund of all charges. I now have a confirmation number showing where they have canceled the orders and will refund the charges.

In close, I would like to say that I am sure I missed the fine print on these magazine offers. The customer service number above was very easy (just press 0 to bypass automated system) and the operator was very helpful. I wouldn't consider this company to be a scam, but I'll have to wait and see if the money does get refunded."

"Ok, WTF? I got today a charge from TWX*SI FOR KIDS MAG. $24.95, I HAVE NO CLUE IN HELL WHAT THIS IS !!! I HAVE NEVER ORDERED ANYTHING FROM THEM AT ALL!!! I never use the account for anything but to pay gas. Someone is stealing card numbers and doing fake subscriptions !!@@@!!! SOMEONE STOP THESE PEOPLE!!@@@!!!"

"I signed up a year ago to receive 4 magazine subscriptions for $2.00 each, seems like a great deal, right? WRONG! I must have missed the renewal cards they supposedly sent me...(btw, laying on the sarcasm pretty thick there). I read all of my mail, and I never received such cards. Anyway, over the past 2 days my bank account has been charged for all 4 magazine subscribtions at full price, totalling $163.00!!! I was charged for two last Friday, and the other two on Monday...the only good news I can offer is that I called the customer service number ( 877-813-4977 ) and spoke to an associate (who of course tried several times to sell me the subscriptions at discounted rates), after repeatedly telling him no I was finally promised a refund, and they actually refunded me within the 72 hours they promised...I only cancelled the other two charges this morning (but opted to use the automated system this's easier to push "2" for no than it is to explain your financial situation to a complete stranger), so hopefully they will process as smoothly as the first two did. Good Luck to everyone out there with the same problem...hope you can resolve it as easily as I did."

... I checked my bank account today and saw a charge of $2.01 from this TWX Magazine company. I've never heard of them in my life, but I do remember being asked if I wanted 3 months of magazine subscriptions for free at I called them, and they said it was a pre-authorization to check to see if my checking account is still valid. However, after reading all the above posts about them, I called them back and canceled my 3 months for free. The guy persisted in trying to sell me more magazines at a discounted rate, but I told him to cancel all subscriptions I have with them, and to ensure that $2.01 charge comes off my account. I will keep my eyes peeled!!"

"When I checked my bank account I noticed a charge for $2.01 from TWX. I have never given my information or purchased any magazine subscription. I am not sure how they got my information but when I called the number it was automated and they didn't recognize my name. Go figure since I have..."

"I purchased a used CD at a local FYE store and paid with my debit card. The clerk informed me that since I used my debit card I was entitled to 3 magazines for 3 months free. I told him no thanks, but he bugged the crap out of me saying they were free and what did I have to loose that I said..."

"Out of no where i got 2 charges on my bank account for 34.95 and 39.95 from this place and i haven't bought anything from them or nothing..."

"There is an unauthorized pending debit in the amount of $2.01 from my checking account that I noticed while checking my online bank statement. I called my bank and they said it was from TWX Magazine, which I know nothing about. Repeated attempts to reach a live person have been fruitless..."

"I just looked at my bank statment and saw a charge for 24.00 dollars on my bank statment and i never even ordered this magazine this is rediculous how can they do this to people now i have to call and fight with my bank about this..."

"This is the second time this company has charged my checking account for unauthorized alleged purchase. I have no knowledge of this company and do not order or purchase magazines..."

"took $20.00 from my account withour authorization/ never heard if them nor do I order magazines online/I wasnt even online at 4am..."

"Looked at bank statement today and saw an unauthorize purchase from TWX Magazine in the amount of $2.01. I never bought any magazine subscription. I googled TWX magazine and all that came up was scam after scam of unauthorized purchases. Rather than call the magazine, I called the bank to report..."

"Two years in a row now, a charge has shown up on my bank statement, that I know I didn't approve. At first, because it said TMX Magazine, I figured maybe we had ordered a subscription from one of the neighborhood kids. This last time, sent me over the edge. I went to check my online statement..."

"I never even heard about this magazine. Somehow I have a charge this month for the amount of $22.00, who are these people that they can just go into your account and charge for things that you have never ordered!!! Please advise how can I go about cancelling these charges from my account..."

"This morning I got a call from my credit card company saying they had declined a $2.18 charge to my card from TWX Magazine and asked me to confirm if this was an authorized transaction. I told them it was not and I was told that the only reason it was declined was because the company did not..."

"Unauthorized charge of $2.01 for an order I never placed. The 800 number listed of course is not in service. I called the bank the following day and was told I have to contact the company to file a dispute..."

I have a charge of 2.01 on my checking account and I haven't ordered any magazines and have never heard of this company..."

"This company is nothing but a huge scam...They tried to say that i ordered a magazine two years ago and never canceled, but i was never charged anything until now Sept 11th, 2008. Two years later, so i had to cancel my credit card number because of this stupid f***ing company!!! This company..."

"Some how, TWX magazine subscriptions got our credit card number and tried to use it. They had the exp. date wrong so our card company caught the attempt and stopped it. We had never heard of this obvious crooked company..."

"A few weeks ago, I called my bank to check if a specific item had cleared. To my surprise, something did infact clear... an unknown charge that caused my bank account to go into the red! I didn't know who they were, or how they had gotten my information, but they did! After calling my bank and finding out the telephone number, (by the way for those who don't know this, the telephone number can be found on your statement and the tellers can pull it up for you.) I called the company directly and they wanted all kind of information about me. I was polite, yet perturbed. To make a long story short, I explained that I received no benifit of their company,and that I wanted all of my money back that was debited out of my checking account immediatly AND that I wanted the overdraft charge also! The representive that I spoke with tried to get me to fax or send them a copy of my banking statement to prove to them that I was charged the overdraft fee,and that way they could 'Look it over' to see if they would credit me back the fee. Give a stranger my account number??? Can you say 'I don't think so!' I called my bank,and they credited me back the overdraft fee. Now, you're thinking that's it...that's all... they wont mess with me anymore... WRONG! The next week, I go in to check my bank account to find out that their is yet ANOTHER unknown charge on my account! Same company! TWX. Unbelieveable! This time it was almost triple the first amount,and it put me very far in the red! I'm talking like 3 NSF charges! This time, I close my account and filled a dispute. I called TWX again,and told them to forget my name and number,that the account that they debit is closed and I want my money back! Can you believe that the girl on the phone said 'What else can I do for you mam?' I said 'I want my money back' She says with this innocent soft voice 'Okay. That will be back in your account in 72 hours. Anything else?' WHAT?! You know they are doing something wrong... it was that easy to get my money back? I have learned Never Never to do business online, because I believe that is where this started. I thought that I was being safe as it was, and I wasn't! I used Pay Pal and you know, my bank said that it's not as safe as it says it is. Be careful!!!"

Fightbackgopscams Encino, California

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