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  • Report:  #1132594

Complaint Review: Tracy Bernardo

Tracy Bernardo TB Tracy J Bernardo TJ Bernardo A sociopath with a track record of lying, stealing, cheating, harassing, threatening, blaming and slandering his own clients. Sacramento California

  • Reported By:
    Nothing but the truth! — Michigan
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 22, 2014
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 13, 2014

Sociopaths have no heart, no conscience and no remorse. They will lie, cheat and steal from you, and then tell everyone that it is all your fault.

Why is it so critical for you to know about sociopaths? Because millions of sociopaths, also called psychopaths, are living among us. Yes, many of them are criminals, locked up in jail. But far more are on the street, hurting people without breaking laws, operating in the gray areas between legal and illegal, or simply eluding the authorities. They can appear to be normal, but they pose a tremendous threat to us all. 

Sounds exactly like Tracy Bernardo.

He has lied, cheat and stole from his clients then when they spoke out about him, he called them liars, he called them his competitors, he's called them irresponsible customers, he's called them thieves and child molesters.

He was basically operating in the illegal areas because bait and switching is illegal. Many customers have said he appeared to be normal until they handed over the money, that’s when he stops picking up phones and responding to emails. Be careful anyone who might run into Tracy Bernardo.

I believe sociopaths needs to be exposed especially the ones that are online doing business to warn others.

He is filled with nothing but lies, he has told one of his clients that she wasn't a client and had never purchase anything from him, then on the same page he changes his story and said shes the most irresponsible pig owner to have purchase from him. When he rages he does not stop to think and rationalize things out, he just wants to dish out the most hateful attacks he can on the person to make them look bad with lies. Tracy Bernardo is a pathological liar, he lies so much it's baffling, he does not have an inch of integrity in his body. He knows this as well but is afraid to look in the mirror, he has a lot of dirt on his hands which is why he goes from one company to the next and after all those years of doing business you can't find one person to back up his business ethics.

Tracy Bernardo is a shady businessman, he does not invest into his business long-term, he wants his money quick and fast which leads him into unethical business practices. Just look at his new company he popped up with after his pig scam, he tried to reinvent himself even going far as writing fake articles that boasted him as "The best web consultant in Sacramento". He's not fooling anyone, with his track record of lies and deceit its about time he gets exposed. He makes his money by being dishonest and its obvious. Fake articles, fake revenue claims, fake persona, fake stories...ect The fact that he lies in a snap of a finger makes him dangerous to do business with, if he doesn't get his way with you be prepared to have your business slandered by him with lies, if he knows where you work he'll pry into your personal life to blackmail and slander you. It has happened to many victims and will happen to you as well. This man is sick!




4 Updates & Rebuttals



Tracy Bernardo is what's wrong with the World today.

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, June 13, 2014

Be warned, this man is mentally ill, he has no problem stealing from people, lying, cheating, stalking or anything. If he doesn't get his way, he is going to make up lies about you, he has done this to many people, he is downright nasty because hes a old fat balding man that no one likes, he tries to get his way by pretending to be rich and successful but he's not. He's an old man who is trying to scam people online. He's been sue'd so many times it's not even funny. Run away while you can!



Short temper lunatic.

#5General Comment

Sat, March 22, 2014

This man has some serious issues, I'm guessing mentally. I didn't even do business with this man and had my company slandered by him all because I choose not to do business with him. He is a danger to anyone online, do not give him your info, company name, number or anything, this man is a maniac and will use it against you. No wonder he is being exposed online the way he is.

I read he is an internet marketer so that means he will always pop up with new online businesses, be careful, don’t get taken in by this short tempered, ill will man.



Be warned of Tracy Bernardo

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, March 22, 2014

Do not be his next victim, it's really sad and unfortunate that people like Tracy Bernardo exist online. After his Teacup pig scam he's now popped up with a web design company, What kind of Web Design Company builds their own website using a template? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a web designing company? Wouldn't that be like if Ford started a company using BMW’s image? If he is running a web design company shouldn't he build his company unique and from scratch to display their own skill and forte instead of another company’s product and passing it off as their own? 

Not only that but he's selling his clients templates and charging them full price with his extravagant sales pitch. Again he's deceiving and ripping off his clients into thinking they're being a unique and custom design, there's no web designing involve in what he's doing, if you look at some of his clients website online, all hes doing is installing cheap templates and tweaking its options here and there to make it seem unique. Even with a nice template he manages to make his websites come out looking very substandard and amateurish.

This man is an internet marketer not a web designer. Everything on his website was made somewhere else, he uses cheap templates and stock photos to advertise his services, we've converse with many design connoisseur and they all tell us this exact same thing just by scanning through his website, they were able to trace his website to a template he bought online called "Doover". He gives his clients his fancy sales pitch, gets a domain and hosting, installs the template, tweaks it around can probably easily finish it in a day or two and tells his clients how hard and long he's been working on it to give them the impression that he's actually putting great effort into something that anyone with mediocre web knowledge can accomplish.

Here's a quote from his website.
"Our experienced we team can provide you with a customized WordPress Design that is built with your customer and your brand in mind."

Now here is a quote from a respectable designer.
"If you're using templates then it's not your portfolio is it? It's a collection of work by other people. Not only are you conning potential customers, it's also illegal and unethical. If I saw this I would report it to the template authors as not even free templates allow you to claim it's your own work.If you can't do the work yourself then don't advertise the service.

People looking at your portfolio want to see what you can do,and not always the finished product but a lot of the time they want to see your working process. Showing other peoples work does not show what you can do.

If you want to get clients then you're misrepresenting yourself as a designer. I think that can be filed under false advertisement? Passing off templates as your own is copyright infringement. "

Tracy does exactly this, he evens put under his clients website "Designed by Sacramento Web Design Group". He's doing something that takes the littlest time to profit the most and on top of it all, he's not even a web designer, there's no history of him online being one.

There is no winning with Tracy Bernardo which is why you have to expose him anyway possible because he will just lie and slander you online, he'll scam you then say you're a theif, a competitor, an alcoholic or a child molester, that's all he has been doing for the past decade online. Hopefully his day of screwing people over has passed, no one should treat another human like the way Tracy has. Truly sickening.



One of the worst person to do business with online

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, March 22, 2014

One of the worst person to do business with online, people who have done business with Tracy Bernardo have been cheated, had money stolen from, harass and threaten and to put salt on the wound he turns everything on his victim with pure lies! Absolutely disgusting! Do not become another victim! Stay away from this insane bitter old man!

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