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  • Report:  #55638

Complaint Review: The Haircuttery

The Haircuttery unfair treatment, harrassment of customers. I look like Edward Scissorhands gave me a butchered hairdo. Waynesboro Virginia

  • Reported By:
    Waynesboro Virginia
  • Submitted:
    Mon, May 05, 2003
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 23, 2005
  • The Haircuttery
    Westwood Village Route 250
    Waynesboro, Virginia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 6 p.m., I went to get my hair cut at "The Haircuttery"

This is what my hair looked like BEFORE I went to the Haircuttery.

While I was waiting, I was flipping through some of THEIR salon books in the receiving area to look for a picture of a "layered bob" hair style. My hair was all one length (except for bangs) that rested on my shoulders.

It took me one year to grow out my hair in order to get the "layered bob" hair style. I was helped by a hairstylist named Cecelia. After the routine hair wash, she led me to her station. I showed her the salon photo and told her that I wanted my hair in a layered bob cut. She said that would be no problem. She asked, "How much would you like off the length?" I told her that I wanted to keep the length; however, just cut a few layers in my hair so it wouldn't lay heavy. She inspected my hair and said, "Oh, you have an undercut." I replied, "Yes, I have to have the undercut so my hair wouldn't flip out at the sides. I like to keep the undercut so my hair would lay under." She responded, "Sure, we can do that. I'll leave the length and the undercut and cut a few layers so it would look fuller." I showed her the photo again just to make sure Cecelia knew what I wanted. I even laid the book open so she could refer to it if needed.

As she began cutting, she started talking about how her friend had committed suicide earlier in the week after having a baby. As she was telling me this, she put the hair on the sides of my head back behind my ears. She also told me how she battled her own depression problem and when her son was born, she called her mother up and told her, "I don't like the feelings I get when I hold this baby. Can you come over and take him for a little while." She was obviously getting emotional about this, so I interjected that "everyone goes through some rough times." She told me that she had talked to a professional about her depression.

She also told me that her mother came back to her house with Cecelia's baby in her arms 6 months later! Her mother told her that it was about time for Cecelia to begin taking care of her own son. Cecelia looked at the baby and said, "That baby isn't mine. He's too big."

At this point, Cecelia had turned my chair so I couldn't see how she was cutting my hair. When she turned me back around, it looked like I had the length, because she didn't trim my sides at all. From the front, it looked like I had "the bob" look. I paid $12 for a haircut and $11 for some hairspray and left "The Haircuttery."

I arrived home hoping to touch up my hair and go to my daughter's karate class so I could see her get her Orange Belt. I was wetting my hair and felt the back of my head...I had been butchered!! My hair (what little I had left) was a mess in the back! I blow-dried my hair and noticed that I had long locks of hair hanging in the back of my head! The sides in which Cecelia tucked behind my ears fell around my face while the hair on the back of my head was cut unmercifully in no particuliar pattern.

I immediately called "The Hair Cuttery" and demanded to speak with the manager. She said that to come back in and she would have a hairstylist named Bonnie take a look at it. I was getting in my car when my husband saw me as he was bring my daughter back from her Karate class. His words were, "What the hell happened to your hair?!?" I told him that I was on my way back to the Hair Cuttery to have them fix it.

I arrived back at "The Hair Cuttery" at 7:20 p.m. I told the manager that I was here and to please take a look at my hair. She replied, "We'll be right with you. Please have a seat." I waited and waited...and waited. Bonnie and Tonya (the manager) were working on a perm and color on two other people. After Tonya was done with one person, she bypassed me three times! She took three other people before me. I began to pace back and forth.

I was breaking out in hives on my neck and face. I couldn't believe that they would make me wait like this; especially after I had talked to the manager about coming back in. One fellow was waiting in the receiving room with me. I told him to look at my hair. I told him that I got my hair cut at this place at 6:15 earlier today and this is what Cecelia did to my hair. He looked at it, shook his head and immediately walked out the door.

After a ONE HOUR wait, I walked back to Bonnie's station and told her to look at my hair. She said, "Honey, you are going to wait because I have to finish this perm." The girl getting the perm stepped outside to smoke a cigarette. I told her that she was going to do something with my hair NOW, because I had already waited an hour AFTER I was told to come back in and get it fixed. I showed her the picture of what I wanted.

I asked her, "Is this a layered bob??" She said, "Honey, what you have here is a mess. It's all (my hair) going to have to come off." She called Tonya over to look at the mess Cecelia did to my hair. Cecelia didn't touch the sides of my hair in front of my ears. She cut the back close to my neck (the Hell with the undercut!). She mutilated the right side of my head; the layers were blunt-cut and haphazzard. The left side had long locks of hair just hanging from my head. One side was layered more than the other. One side was cut shorter than the other.

Bonnie began cutting again. As she cut, she AND Tonya told me that they had had problems with Cecelia before. One of them even eluded to the fact that Cecelia did this sort of thing on purpose. After Bonnie was done, the floor was covered with black hair. She told me that she did the best she could; however, there was nothing she could do to salvage the hair I had left. Tonya told me to document the ordeal with Cecelia, then MAYBE the headquarters would finally get rid of her. I sat there and wrote 2 1/2 pages of what I encountered at "The Haircuttery".

After handing her the documentation, Tonya told me, "Don't be surprised if you get harrassing phone calls from Cecelia about turning her in to the main headquarters." I told her, "Bring it on! I'll show up here with a restraining order and a lawyer. I'll sue her and this establishment if I have to." I asked her, "How would she get my number?" Tonya informed me that "The Haircuttery keeps their clients personal information (address, phone number, method of payment) on their computer."

I asked her if Cecelia had called and harrassed other clients before; she just smiled. I told her that I wanted something done immediately and I wanted the district manager's number as well as who to complain to. I was furious! Tonya refunded $12 of my money and said that she was sorry. I left "The Haircuttery at 9:30 p.m. (2 hours after I had arrived there) and went home to take Benedryl because I was breaking out in hives because of this mess.

I called the headquarters number on Friday and talked to a fellow named Chris. I told him exactly what happened. He told me that Gail, the district manager, would call me as soon as she could. I received a voice message on my phone on Tuesday saying that Gail would call me back later and see if we could sort the matter out. She did not leave a contact number where I could call her back. Wednesday, I saw Tonya at my Karate class and she said that I would be getting a phone call from Gail as well as someone else who is higher ranking in the company.

Tonya told me that Gail was going to offer me free haircuts for one year to make up for what Cecelia did. This insulted my intelligence due to the fact I'm going to have to let my hair grow out for ANOTHER year! I have yet to talk to Gail or anyone else from "The Haircuttery Headquarters." I have given them one week to get in touch with me about this matter; however, they seem to not care about their customers OR their business.

I am a walking advertisement of why a person shoud NOT go to "The Haircuttery". I look like Edward Scissorhands gave me a butchered hairdo. I have talked to everyone I can to tell them about this ordeal. I have told them EVERYTHING. I have sent internet photos (before and after shots) to people I know who have responded that they will NEVER darken the doors of "The Haircuttery." Some other people also shared their horrid haircut stories from "The Haircuttery."

One young man in my Karate class said that he went in to get his hair cut and Cecelia shaved a bald spot on top of his head. He had a singing audition to go to the next day. All he could do is "get creative" with his haircut. An elderly lady got a butchered hairdo from Cecelia and was told my other hairstylist working there that if you make a complaint, Cecelia will call you at home and harrass you. Cecelia was giving one lady a perm when she left her under the dryer too long. The other hairstylists had to get this poor woman under cool water as soon as possible because the chemicals were burning her skin and hair.

I can't believe that with ALL the complaints this woman, Cecelia, has gotten from bad haircuts that "The Haircuttery" would still employ her. The Haircuttery KNEW that this woman cannot cut hair; however, nothing has been done about her. I lost an audition for an area play that I was going out for which would have made a good career move for me.

I cannot take professional photos of just me or with my entire family. I gave them one week to respond to my complaint and all I've gotten was two phone messages WITHOUT a phone number to contact them. I will continue to spread the message about the poor service and the lack of professionalism exhibited by "The Haircuttery." I am making a formal complaint to the Better Business Bureau as well. I only wished I had the email address of the person who owns "The Haircuttery." I would love to show him the photos of the butchery that his/her employee did to me. However, from what I have observed, it doesn't look like they care much for the individual...only the money.

All one has to ask is "Where did you get that haircut?" and I will gladly share my story of how "The Haircuttery" allowed this to happen to me as well as others. I will gladly share how poorly the Haircuttery headquarters handled this situation.

Waynesboro, Virginia

15 Updates & Rebuttals



not all haircuttery's operate that way

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 23, 2005

I am an x employee of Hair Cuttery. However, I can assure you that this company doesn't operate that way. They take pride in customer service and unfortunately your case fell in the cracks. I would like to say if you cal 1-800-trim-cut your problem will be handled immediately. Dennis Ratner owns the company and would not tolerate this behavior from an associate. And for John... all stylist take the same test to be licensed in their state for $30 or $12 you are getting someone who has had the same experience getting their license. People choose where they want to work.So keep paying for those high price haircuts, everyone else you get the same quality at haircuttery. Dont let one bad experience ruin over 1000 salons. They must be doing something right .they have been in business over 25 years.


New York,

i know the feeling! we recently had a lady who recently left

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, March 19, 2005

i am also a stylist in western ny.(fantastic sams) we recently had a lady who recently left. she had some serious psychological issues. one day,a woman came in with her 8 yr old daughter. the girl got the lady for a cut and one side was 3 inches longer than the other! i had to fix the mess. it was ridiculous! well to make a long story short. i took my time,did a complete blow dry and said no charge. guess what? ive got the girl and her mom now as clients. there are ppl in the hair profession that shouldnt be doing ppls hair. i get a lot of women who tell me the previous stylist they got didnt listen to their wishes but instead did the "edward scissorhands" ordeal. these stylists need to be retrained or relieved of their jobs! these individuals degrade the profession


Upper Darby,

sorry for the way you were treated

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 17, 2005

i am an employee at the haircuttery northern 12 disrtict and i wanted to tell you that i am sorry for the way you were treated. not only should the stylist have been fired but also the manager of the salon for the horrible way she treated you and your situation with such disreguard. the district manager should also recieve some sort of repremand for not handling this matter in a professional and timley manner. no we don not keep records of our clients name and number in the computer, they are kept in a file for customer complaints but the only people who have access to them are the manager and assistant manager, as well as the district leader. i would also like to say however that not all haircuttery's give poor customer service and that this was an isolted incident and i would hope you do not swear off the hair cuttery forever. there should be other salons in your area and maybe next time you could do a little
"research" so to say and go to the salon have a consultation with a few stylist if you have to find one that you feel comfortable with. see other people thay have done, talk to friends and family who go there, and then commit to a stylist. i won't lie and say we are all good cause i know some people who should not be in this industry. as for the prices it's not what you pay it's the quality of the service. I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE THINK THAT BECAUSE THEY PAY $45 FOR A HAIRCUT IT MUST BE A GOOD CUT. believe it or not we all go to the same schools and get the same education some people are just more naturally talented and others take a little longer to master their craft, as in any profession. my point is don't let this one bad expierence discourage you from going to the haircuttery franchise. and i truely am sorry that you were treated so unfarly.



so sorry

#16UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 08, 2005

I, too am an employee with haircuttery in the chicagoland region. This NEVER should have happened!! Please keep in mind, that not ALL stylists at ALL haircutterys are like this, nor are poor stylists (just because we don't work in a "real" salon, where you overpay for haircuts... JOHN!)

Anyhow, the fact is I personally take great pride in where I work and the stylists I work with. This is how it should be at any salon, and the service provided to you should be OUTSTANDING!

Whether you pay $13.00 or $30.00... it should be what the client wants and ONLY what the client wants, answering any questions you may have . That's what we're there for.

This person obviously did not have a "practical" (prescreen) and should have been terminated LONG AGO!!

Once again... so sorry you had that experience, with the sylist and more importantly the company as a whole.



This kind of abuse needs to be stopped....

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, January 30, 2005

ive been wronged- given bad haircuts and if not, abused by hair stylists.. these hair stylists who do this to people--who are depressed, schizoid, angry, mean or crazy should all be in a mental ward- they take their problems and aggression out on their clients and customers, and this is really sick and should not be going on.

Most of the time companies do not do anything to reprimand these crazy people (I have no clue why), and allow them to continue to abuse and hurt customers.

As an example my report on joanne at mr b's hair salon etc..If anyone knows any way of getting justice against these people, or any place a person can file a legal complaint so that these people can be monitored and at least have their license taken away, let some of us know, because these people should not be allowed to continue to do this to customers, and these corrupt companies don't protect the customer from this kind of ridiculous abuse.


New Jersey,

Also an employee

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 20, 2005

I also work for haircuttery about 7 years now, when I started there, they used to make new employees go to a "start program" to make sure we knew what we were doing, Im sorry to say they did away with that, and I have seen a few choppy haircuts leave my shop...but also to John...For $13.00 you can get a good haircut, many of the girls left "real" salons, to work for haircutery, including myself...your and idiot if you pay more than $20.00 for a mens haircut, also...many families cannot afford to pay too much, especially when they have children. A lot of the time when a person doesnt get what they want, its because they didnt give a clear explanation of what they wanted. As for Cecelia, she probably does have mental issues, and should of been fired a long time ago. What she did was horrible.


New Jersey,

Also an employee

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 20, 2005

I also work for haircuttery about 7 years now, when I started there, they used to make new employees go to a "start program" to make sure we knew what we were doing, Im sorry to say they did away with that, and I have seen a few choppy haircuts leave my shop...but also to John...For $13.00 you can get a good haircut, many of the girls left "real" salons, to work for haircutery, including myself...your and idiot if you pay more than $20.00 for a mens haircut, also...many families cannot afford to pay too much, especially when they have children. A lot of the time when a person doesnt get what they want, its because they didnt give a clear explanation of what they wanted. As for Cecelia, she probably does have mental issues, and should of been fired a long time ago. What she did was horrible.


New Jersey,

Also an employee

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 20, 2005

I also work for haircuttery about 7 years now, when I started there, they used to make new employees go to a "start program" to make sure we knew what we were doing, Im sorry to say they did away with that, and I have seen a few choppy haircuts leave my shop...but also to John...For $13.00 you can get a good haircut, many of the girls left "real" salons, to work for haircutery, including myself...your and idiot if you pay more than $20.00 for a mens haircut, also...many families cannot afford to pay too much, especially when they have children. A lot of the time when a person doesnt get what they want, its because they didnt give a clear explanation of what they wanted. As for Cecelia, she probably does have mental issues, and should of been fired a long time ago. What she did was horrible.


New Jersey,

Also an employee

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 20, 2005

I also work for haircuttery about 7 years now, when I started there, they used to make new employees go to a "start program" to make sure we knew what we were doing, Im sorry to say they did away with that, and I have seen a few choppy haircuts leave my shop...but also to John...For $13.00 you can get a good haircut, many of the girls left "real" salons, to work for haircutery, including myself...your and idiot if you pay more than $20.00 for a mens haircut, also...many families cannot afford to pay too much, especially when they have children. A lot of the time when a person doesnt get what they want, its because they didnt give a clear explanation of what they wanted. As for Cecelia, she probably does have mental issues, and should of been fired a long time ago. What she did was horrible.


New Jersey,

Next time

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, January 13, 2005

Next time go to a real salon......... What do you expect for a $12 hair-cut. I love when women go to the hair cuttery and complain afterward, what do you expect. My suggestion, go to a real salon instead of trying to save a buck.


West Virginia,

What is wrong with this picture!

#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 18, 2004

I too am very sorry that you happened upon a bad hair stylist. I to work for the Hair Cuttery. I work in Northern Virginia. First I would like to comment that our computers do not store phone numbers on complaints. Our computers are polled every night and the information is sent in. Plus a paper trail is sent to the district leader.
The home office is not responsible for monitoring the quality of our stylist. THE MANAGER is. I dont understand why she was not relieved of her position before it got to this magnitude. Especially if the manager (once again) documented the complaints. And why would manager disclose other complaints and problems to you that would make you upset. Also,why would they make you wait an hour when you came back. I would want you in and out and happy and I would be grateful you came back. I dont just think the stylist is the only one at fault. I think there is something wrong with management too...

I would be curious that now a year has passed.. did you ever get any satisfaction from home office.


West Virginia,

What is wrong with this picture!

#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 18, 2004

I too am very sorry that you happened upon a bad hair stylist. I to work for the Hair Cuttery. I work in Northern Virginia. First I would like to comment that our computers do not store phone numbers on complaints. Our computers are polled every night and the information is sent in. Plus a paper trail is sent to the district leader.
The home office is not responsible for monitoring the quality of our stylist. THE MANAGER is. I dont understand why she was not relieved of her position before it got to this magnitude. Especially if the manager (once again) documented the complaints. And why would manager disclose other complaints and problems to you that would make you upset. Also,why would they make you wait an hour when you came back. I would want you in and out and happy and I would be grateful you came back. I dont just think the stylist is the only one at fault. I think there is something wrong with management too...

I would be curious that now a year has passed.. did you ever get any satisfaction from home office.


West Virginia,

What is wrong with this picture!

#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 18, 2004

I too am very sorry that you happened upon a bad hair stylist. I to work for the Hair Cuttery. I work in Northern Virginia. First I would like to comment that our computers do not store phone numbers on complaints. Our computers are polled every night and the information is sent in. Plus a paper trail is sent to the district leader.
The home office is not responsible for monitoring the quality of our stylist. THE MANAGER is. I dont understand why she was not relieved of her position before it got to this magnitude. Especially if the manager (once again) documented the complaints. And why would manager disclose other complaints and problems to you that would make you upset. Also,why would they make you wait an hour when you came back. I would want you in and out and happy and I would be grateful you came back. I dont just think the stylist is the only one at fault. I think there is something wrong with management too...

I would be curious that now a year has passed.. did you ever get any satisfaction from home office.


West Virginia,

What is wrong with this picture!

#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 18, 2004

I too am very sorry that you happened upon a bad hair stylist. I to work for the Hair Cuttery. I work in Northern Virginia. First I would like to comment that our computers do not store phone numbers on complaints. Our computers are polled every night and the information is sent in. Plus a paper trail is sent to the district leader.
The home office is not responsible for monitoring the quality of our stylist. THE MANAGER is. I dont understand why she was not relieved of her position before it got to this magnitude. Especially if the manager (once again) documented the complaints. And why would manager disclose other complaints and problems to you that would make you upset. Also,why would they make you wait an hour when you came back. I would want you in and out and happy and I would be grateful you came back. I dont just think the stylist is the only one at fault. I think there is something wrong with management too...

I would be curious that now a year has passed.. did you ever get any satisfaction from home office.



I hope I'm not too late? ..that employ should be in a mental ward

#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 08, 2003

I would like to apologize on behalf of Hair Cuttery because I am employed with the company in their Atlanta district.

I must say that was a local mistake on that district because where I am employed the district mananger would not have handled this with such disregard.

The web site for the company and you can contact the owner Dennis Ratner I do believe can be notified of complaints there. If not you can call 1-800-trim-cuts that is a corporate number that can direct you. sorry

No one should have to have gone through this sort of disaster and that employ should be in a mental ward because it sounds as if she has serious issues.

I can't believe that Dennis would take this situation lightly either. Best wishes and I hope you will believe that this was not a company problem but you were treated very badly by this salon and they really should be closed down by the State Licensing for allowing this sort of behavior to occur this frequently.

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