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  • Report:  #183370

Complaint Review: Superior Asset Management Inc.

Superior Asset Management VoiceStream, T-Mobile Rip-off billing Fraudulent billing scam / Superior Asset Management FT Walton Beach Florida

  • Reported By:
    kansas city Missouri
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 26, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sun, July 30, 2006
  • Superior Asset Management Inc.
    PO Box 4339
    FT Walton Beach Florida, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Date:March 26th-2006

I recieved a letter in my mail box on March 24th of 2006, from the Collection Company refered to as "Superior Asset Management Inc", stating I owe $213.90 for a cll phone under the name "T-Mobile, account#203885076 and their account number#11387425.

First of all, I've never had an account ever with "T-Mobile", upon calling to find out what this was about, I was informed by Mr. Collection agent Bill, that it might, maybe possible have been for an account under the name Voice Stream Wireless, for which I used to have an account for way, way , back in the years 2000/2001,, keep in mind that today is March 26th-2006 !!!!!

I informed him, that I don't owe any amount on that bill, and it was taken care of way back in the spring of "2001" with another collection agency called,"Diversified Consultants Inc" out of Jacksonville Florida .

I had just gotton home from work, opened that up and was reading the statement and called this new collection agency, and Mr. Bill, said I could read him off the number from the check I had sent them to the previous collection agency, I informed him I just got home from work and I don't have that information readily available to give to him at that moment, if I even still have any information regarding the issue, hell its been 5 years ago, and I doubt very seriously that I'll even have a cancelled check or money order or anything else for that matter on this particular issue !!!!!!

I was then informd, that if I can't provide a cancelled check or a copy of the money order or some type of documentation to prove to them that this bill was taken care of with the former creditor and voicestream,, that they would seek legal action against me, and pursue legal recourse against towards me, and I can expect phone calls to my house from their other collection representives and they can be quit aggrssive, and I warned him that they better not be to aggressive,, or I'll be seeking legal action against them with my own attorney, and he then informed me that ,, would cost more money than if the bill was just taken care of, and I might want to think about that !!!

I informed him that I don't owe on that bill, and if necessaryI'd be willing to spend upwards of $500,000 Million Dollars in legal fees to prove my case and point, I then later stated that they will never recieve any money from me, now or in the future ever !!!!!

This bill for $213.90 has been taken care of way back in 2001,, with the former collection agency and I'm not paying you again for for the same bill!!!!!!

I then hung up from talking to the idiot, and immediatly notified my Stats Attorney General Office within Missouri, and informed them that I wish to obtain a "Consumer Complaint Form", so as I may fil a complaint against this collection agency and the new owners of the former "Voice Stream Wirelss" now known as "T-Mobile".

I after calling the Attorney Generals Office, immediately notified my Local "FBI Office" and talked to an agent there and explained my situtation, and was curious as to the "Mail-Fraud" charges that may b imposed upon these idiots, being they mailed this statement thru the US Postal Service, seeking to Fraudulently obtain moneys from me for which I don't owe, and how many other people are they trying to extort money from across the country !!!!!!

After going over some details he then had me notify the Michigan FBI Office up there, which I did, and because there is also, a Michigan address listed on the statment with yet another PO Box on it also.

I then also immediately notified my personel attorney, and advised him of what I'm doing so he is well aware of my intentions and I may pursue legal action against all parties involved, and seek civil damages as well !!!!!!!!!!!!!

As of now, I'm waiting on my Attorney Generals Complaint form to arrive this week so that I may fill it out and send it in , as to what they intend to do about this,,,,

This bill is a Fraud, and this is th first I'v ever heard about this, again, I've never, never been previously contacted about this bill in the prior years to this, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and the beginning of 2006, until March of this Year,, you'd think, that if I really owed on this bill they, or, the former collection agency , or better yet, the cell phone provider would of been continuesly contacting me, or the former collection agency,,, I've not heard from anybody in all these years on this,,,, know why ??? Because I don't owe on the frickin bill,, thats why, it was all handled way back years ago !!!!!

This is a total and complete Fraud !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've also notified CBS News in New York they hav a Fraud invstigation Bureau, that looks into fraudlent schemes on behalf of consumers, and then they do a story on it on one of their shows like 60 minutes or something, of which I've also notified the producers of 60 Minutes as well !!!!!!!!

You see I'm not one of thes people who's brain dad and just roll over like I'm supposed to play stupid, bcause someone thinks I should,, I never was a part of that Stepford Wives Mentality !!!!!

I will keep everyone postd as to the eventual outcome of this matter, and I will Win,, I always win,, they'll still never get any money out of me ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please be aware of Fraudlent scam artists, and the corporate culture of corporation that exsists out there, and keep your guard up!!!!!!!!

This is a clevr, crafty way of generating additional revenue, in the pockets of those corrupt CEOs, that excist in the society today, and I absoletely refuse to help make their yacht payments, thru these kind of tactics and schemes !!!!

Thank-You !!!!!!

kansas city, Missouri

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on T-Mobil

17 Updates & Rebuttals


Kansas City,

Response to T. Sandy Springs Fl.

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 30, 2006

First of all T. from Sandy Springs Fl.,,, you seem awful worried about the Attorney Generals Office being able and having the Authority to open an Investigation into such Fraudulent Organizations as the one mentioned here above !!!!

You seem un-willing to also admit, that some of these Collectors are Fraudulent and Phony as well, and attempt to make a living by defrauding people anyway they can !!!!!

I'm sure there are legit ones out there, but also ill-legit ones too !!!!!

Also,, some of thse supposed debts they are attempting to collect, are several years old,,and as far as your theory about being able to produce a paper work trail or produce a reciept,,, well a lot of people move, go thru a Divorce, relocate, whatever,, and many times those reciepts get lossed or gone thru and throwd out, since the bill has been paid and they have th reciept at the time and have no-reason to believe they'll hear anything about it,, because its been paid !!!In my particular case, my supposed bill is over 5 years old, for which I paid, and when I moved and bought my house, I eventually cleaned out my filing cabinet, to make way for new files,,,and since I no-longer use a cell phon and haven't for over 4 years,, now,, and I "paid the bill in full",,and I never heard anything ever from them,,, I had no reason to hang on to what was in that file,,,any longer!!!!

Futher more,, I never signed a CONTRACT, I paid extra not to have to sign a contract,, which entitled me to not have to pay any early termination fees !!!

Which is what they're trying to hit me for. Because of their "Incompetent" and Lousy Staff and customer service reps,, probably to Ignorant to read the statements in the first place,, and do accurate reporting and accounting,,, many are now faced with the Ignorance and Stupidity of their lousy Book-keeping skills,, and their general record keeping !!!!!

Un-less,,, someone has went Dumpster Diving, and managed to pull out many old thrown out statements,, and decided to try to set up a Unique and Clever way of Generating some Revenue for themselves,,, very Fraudulently,, with hopes,, of not getting caught,, or being able to make some very Quick Revenue,, before getting caught !!!!

I've read all too many stories about someone being caught diving in a Corporate Dumpster, attempting to gather information for fraudulent information for what ever use !!!!!!

As far as Contacting the Attorney Generals office,, every AG Office has an office with in themselves called "The Office of Consumer Affairs-Division",, which has the Authority to Investigate, issue search warrants, arrest warrents,sepinas,and contact other Law Enforcement branches, if the situtation warrants it,, to get them involved if need be !!!!!!!!

If there weren't so many Corporate Fraudusters and Con-Artists, out here trying to scam people by any means possible, and if we had a more honest society,,, (wishful-dreaming),, than we probably wouldn't need agencies like these.

Usually, others who are worried about such Law Enforcement Agencies,, are themselves involved in some sort of illegal activity,, and often try to stir others away from such organizations, to protect themselves and the Industry their in, which practices illegal corrupt ways of conducting business !!!!!!!!!


Sandy Springs,

Can't Blame The Messenger

#18UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 28, 2006

First, we as collectors are just the messengers. We get hired at the company with an extensive background check and extensive interviewing process. We take a one week training course on the systems that are used. The calls come in on an automatic dialer. But that is beside the point.

Over 90% of the people we talk to, leave messages with, get hung up on by are the debtors who know they owe for te bill. 80% of the disputes they claim they have are illegitimate disputes.

No one forces a gun to your head and tells you to sign a contract before you read it. If you wasn't so phone happy then you would not just sign a contract without reading it first, you could be signing away your life.

Stop and take a look at your contrract for a minute. No matter what the reason's are for the early termination of the contract you will still owe an early termination fee. Most people think oh I ended servics with t-mobile so that is that and a deposit does not constitute as a pre payment for early termination.

A deposit is because first all your credit was not good enough to get a phone, so there for who would want to give you there product and you can't pay for it. Then the client has to go through collections agencies after collection agencies and all this drama to get the money. Trust me they will get it one way or another. So no a deposit does not cover your early termination.

Second of all if you know you stay in the country and you try to get a cell phone knowing good and well that there is a 50% chance of service where you live, why get a cell phone. Hell that 50% chance is good anyway the way the plans are with minutes. It saves you your minutes if you really want to look at it. use your phone when you are on the go not sitting at home bored. And if you can't get service because you know you stay in a crowded city/state you know there is bound to be problems there.

As far as complaining that you paid a bill with another company a long time ago, how hard is it to find a bank statement that states that or a credit card statement. All collection agencies have the last date of payment on the account. If you want them to stop bothering you then you better try your d**n hardest to prove your case. They don't care it is not there credit that it is affecting.

You have to think about how many people a debtor talks to a day. Lets say within 4 hours a debtor talks to 700 people whether it be a message a talk-off or a wrong number. we leave so many messages, get so many people cursing us out because of a wrong number, or people cursing us out because of the debt that we just received from the client, that about time we talk to a debtor finally, all of our frustrations come out on the debtor. And so many people try to just say anything to get us off the phone that you never know who to believe is going to do what. So when we ask for proof that is all we need and it will clear of your name.

I can state all day that I paid that bill, but like they say if no one but you can prove it thendoes that make it true. Just pay your bills and quit running to the attorney general's they have more important issues to handle. PAY YOUR BILLS AND WE WON'T BOTHER YOU."


Sandy Springs,

Can't Blame The Messenger

#18UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 28, 2006

First, we as collectors are just the messengers. We get hired at the company with an extensive background check and extensive interviewing process. We take a one week training course on the systems that are used. The calls come in on an automatic dialer. But that is beside the point.

Over 90% of the people we talk to, leave messages with, get hung up on by are the debtors who know they owe for te bill. 80% of the disputes they claim they have are illegitimate disputes.

No one forces a gun to your head and tells you to sign a contract before you read it. If you wasn't so phone happy then you would not just sign a contract without reading it first, you could be signing away your life.

Stop and take a look at your contrract for a minute. No matter what the reason's are for the early termination of the contract you will still owe an early termination fee. Most people think oh I ended servics with t-mobile so that is that and a deposit does not constitute as a pre payment for early termination.

A deposit is because first all your credit was not good enough to get a phone, so there for who would want to give you there product and you can't pay for it. Then the client has to go through collections agencies after collection agencies and all this drama to get the money. Trust me they will get it one way or another. So no a deposit does not cover your early termination.

Second of all if you know you stay in the country and you try to get a cell phone knowing good and well that there is a 50% chance of service where you live, why get a cell phone. Hell that 50% chance is good anyway the way the plans are with minutes. It saves you your minutes if you really want to look at it. use your phone when you are on the go not sitting at home bored. And if you can't get service because you know you stay in a crowded city/state you know there is bound to be problems there.

As far as complaining that you paid a bill with another company a long time ago, how hard is it to find a bank statement that states that or a credit card statement. All collection agencies have the last date of payment on the account. If you want them to stop bothering you then you better try your d**n hardest to prove your case. They don't care it is not there credit that it is affecting.

You have to think about how many people a debtor talks to a day. Lets say within 4 hours a debtor talks to 700 people whether it be a message a talk-off or a wrong number. we leave so many messages, get so many people cursing us out because of a wrong number, or people cursing us out because of the debt that we just received from the client, that about time we talk to a debtor finally, all of our frustrations come out on the debtor. And so many people try to just say anything to get us off the phone that you never know who to believe is going to do what. So when we ask for proof that is all we need and it will clear of your name.

I can state all day that I paid that bill, but like they say if no one but you can prove it thendoes that make it true. Just pay your bills and quit running to the attorney general's they have more important issues to handle. PAY YOUR BILLS AND WE WON'T BOTHER YOU."


Sandy Springs,

Can't Blame The Messenger

#18UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 28, 2006

First, we as collectors are just the messengers. We get hired at the company with an extensive background check and extensive interviewing process. We take a one week training course on the systems that are used. The calls come in on an automatic dialer. But that is beside the point.

Over 90% of the people we talk to, leave messages with, get hung up on by are the debtors who know they owe for te bill. 80% of the disputes they claim they have are illegitimate disputes.

No one forces a gun to your head and tells you to sign a contract before you read it. If you wasn't so phone happy then you would not just sign a contract without reading it first, you could be signing away your life.

Stop and take a look at your contrract for a minute. No matter what the reason's are for the early termination of the contract you will still owe an early termination fee. Most people think oh I ended servics with t-mobile so that is that and a deposit does not constitute as a pre payment for early termination.

A deposit is because first all your credit was not good enough to get a phone, so there for who would want to give you there product and you can't pay for it. Then the client has to go through collections agencies after collection agencies and all this drama to get the money. Trust me they will get it one way or another. So no a deposit does not cover your early termination.

Second of all if you know you stay in the country and you try to get a cell phone knowing good and well that there is a 50% chance of service where you live, why get a cell phone. Hell that 50% chance is good anyway the way the plans are with minutes. It saves you your minutes if you really want to look at it. use your phone when you are on the go not sitting at home bored. And if you can't get service because you know you stay in a crowded city/state you know there is bound to be problems there.

As far as complaining that you paid a bill with another company a long time ago, how hard is it to find a bank statement that states that or a credit card statement. All collection agencies have the last date of payment on the account. If you want them to stop bothering you then you better try your d**n hardest to prove your case. They don't care it is not there credit that it is affecting.

You have to think about how many people a debtor talks to a day. Lets say within 4 hours a debtor talks to 700 people whether it be a message a talk-off or a wrong number. we leave so many messages, get so many people cursing us out because of a wrong number, or people cursing us out because of the debt that we just received from the client, that about time we talk to a debtor finally, all of our frustrations come out on the debtor. And so many people try to just say anything to get us off the phone that you never know who to believe is going to do what. So when we ask for proof that is all we need and it will clear of your name.

I can state all day that I paid that bill, but like they say if no one but you can prove it thendoes that make it true. Just pay your bills and quit running to the attorney general's they have more important issues to handle. PAY YOUR BILLS AND WE WON'T BOTHER YOU."


Sandy Springs,

Can't Blame The Messenger

#18UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 28, 2006

First, we as collectors are just the messengers. We get hired at the company with an extensive background check and extensive interviewing process. We take a one week training course on the systems that are used. The calls come in on an automatic dialer. But that is beside the point.

Over 90% of the people we talk to, leave messages with, get hung up on by are the debtors who know they owe for te bill. 80% of the disputes they claim they have are illegitimate disputes.

No one forces a gun to your head and tells you to sign a contract before you read it. If you wasn't so phone happy then you would not just sign a contract without reading it first, you could be signing away your life.

Stop and take a look at your contrract for a minute. No matter what the reason's are for the early termination of the contract you will still owe an early termination fee. Most people think oh I ended servics with t-mobile so that is that and a deposit does not constitute as a pre payment for early termination.

A deposit is because first all your credit was not good enough to get a phone, so there for who would want to give you there product and you can't pay for it. Then the client has to go through collections agencies after collection agencies and all this drama to get the money. Trust me they will get it one way or another. So no a deposit does not cover your early termination.

Second of all if you know you stay in the country and you try to get a cell phone knowing good and well that there is a 50% chance of service where you live, why get a cell phone. Hell that 50% chance is good anyway the way the plans are with minutes. It saves you your minutes if you really want to look at it. use your phone when you are on the go not sitting at home bored. And if you can't get service because you know you stay in a crowded city/state you know there is bound to be problems there.

As far as complaining that you paid a bill with another company a long time ago, how hard is it to find a bank statement that states that or a credit card statement. All collection agencies have the last date of payment on the account. If you want them to stop bothering you then you better try your d**n hardest to prove your case. They don't care it is not there credit that it is affecting.

You have to think about how many people a debtor talks to a day. Lets say within 4 hours a debtor talks to 700 people whether it be a message a talk-off or a wrong number. we leave so many messages, get so many people cursing us out because of a wrong number, or people cursing us out because of the debt that we just received from the client, that about time we talk to a debtor finally, all of our frustrations come out on the debtor. And so many people try to just say anything to get us off the phone that you never know who to believe is going to do what. So when we ask for proof that is all we need and it will clear of your name.

I can state all day that I paid that bill, but like they say if no one but you can prove it thendoes that make it true. Just pay your bills and quit running to the attorney general's they have more important issues to handle. PAY YOUR BILLS AND WE WON'T BOTHER YOU."



Read the wording of the FDCPA on Cease Communication

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 17, 2006

c) CEASING COMMUNICATION. If a consumer notifies a debt collector in writing that the consumer refuses to pay a debt or that the consumer wishes the debt collector to cease further communication with the consumer, the debt collector shall not communicate further with the consumer with respect to such debt, except --

(1) to advise the consumer that the debt collector's further efforts are being terminated;

(2) to notify the consumer that the debt collector or creditor may invoke specified remedies which are ordinarily invoked by such debt collector or creditor; or

(3) where applicable, to notify the consumer that the debt collector or creditor intends to invoke a specified remedy.

If such notice from the consumer is made by mail, notification shall be complete upon receipt.

(d) For the purpose of this section, the term "consumer" includes the consumer's spouse, parent (if the consumer is a minor), guardian, executor, or administrator.



OK ...You are right..But..

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, June 16, 2006


Thanks for pointing that out. However, I just bypass the dispute process with 3rd party collectors..It does absolutely no good.

I always go straight for the CEASE COMM letter. If any dispute is done it will be on the collectors dime in court AFTER they spent time and money filing a lawsuit.

Don't ever give it to them for free. Debt collectors are not there to handle disputes, they are there to collect money. Disputes get ignored or responded to with settlement offers.

That was my logic...AND..DON has posted to every collection agency post and he has been in the business a whole week!

That was my point. And, jumping down the throat of debt collectors is what I do best. That is why not even one has ever collected from me.


South El Monte,

Steve, look before you leap!!!

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, June 15, 2006

Steve, before you go jumping down someone's throat for a job that they do, first read what is written. Don said that when a collection is disputed, they cease communication for 30 days, so the original company has time to send out confirmation of the debt. Nothing was said about a cease communication letter being sent. While the information you provide is valuable, there is no need to abuse and bash someone just because you see one word and assume something that is not even said.


South El Monte,

Steve, look before you leap!!!

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, June 15, 2006

Steve, before you go jumping down someone's throat for a job that they do, first read what is written. Don said that when a collection is disputed, they cease communication for 30 days, so the original company has time to send out confirmation of the debt. Nothing was said about a cease communication letter being sent. While the information you provide is valuable, there is no need to abuse and bash someone just because you see one word and assume something that is not even said.


South El Monte,

Steve, look before you leap!!!

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, June 15, 2006

Steve, before you go jumping down someone's throat for a job that they do, first read what is written. Don said that when a collection is disputed, they cease communication for 30 days, so the original company has time to send out confirmation of the debt. Nothing was said about a cease communication letter being sent. While the information you provide is valuable, there is no need to abuse and bash someone just because you see one word and assume something that is not even said.


South El Monte,

Steve, look before you leap!!!

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, June 15, 2006

Steve, before you go jumping down someone's throat for a job that they do, first read what is written. Don said that when a collection is disputed, they cease communication for 30 days, so the original company has time to send out confirmation of the debt. Nothing was said about a cease communication letter being sent. While the information you provide is valuable, there is no need to abuse and bash someone just because you see one word and assume something that is not even said.


Kansas City,

Handle it Immediately !!!!!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 15, 2006

First of All to Kimberely, from New Jersey,, you wrote that you were going to notify the better business bureau,, well thats fine,, but they don't do much, other than make a file on it,,for their records.

I've went to Extremes on them, and I 'm not done with them, also since my last post back in March, I haven't heard a thing from them,,and I know why, because of what I've done, and I do mean business !!!!!!!

What I'd like for Kinmberely to do is this, and act on it, I'd like for you to call the Jacksonville,Florida -FBI Office, ask for a duty agent,and explain to them your situtation and let them know, they already have a large file on them from the Kansas City individual, from back in march of 06.

Then submit to them in writing with zerox copies of your fake bill, with your letter as well !! Then I'd like you to properly copy all your documents, and send them to your US-Postal Inspector with in your state, for them to Investigate, send a letter with copies of your fake bill !!!

Also you'll need to do the same thing again, for your Attorney General Office, with in your state for which you live !!!!

I'd highly suggest you follow up on all this, if you don't they will stay on you and cause you problems later down the road !!!

As for the advice from the last guy on this,, for your Information,Mr.,,,anytime a company sends out fake bills, to any consumer across the country and attempts to extort money from them for which they don't owe and that they can't prove who its owed to,, that constitutes mail fraud, thats a Federal Offense!!!!!!!!!!!!! Punshible by Law and can carry many years in a federal Prision, for each count they are indicted on, depending on how many times they've tried to use a scheme to extort money !!!

Also, it may and could fall Under the RICO statue, which carries even heavier penalties !!! Consumers do have the right to file a Cease Communication order and letter as well, to keep these fraudulent Con-Artists from contacting them !!!!

I'd highly suggest that the lady above take my advice and contact the following agencies I listed above, and do it by phone as well as letters afterword to make sure they have a file on it and so they can act on it,,, on your behalf, the sooner the better !!!!!!

As for this company,, I found enough evidence to support my claim,and I'm letting the feds handle them,, from Florida to Chicago,,I gave 2 Federal agencies and 1 state agency over 40 pages of documents and complaint forms to support my claim,,against them,,,,,and I will not stop !!!! They're fraudulent as **** !!!!!!!

Thank-You !!!!!!



Don...Please STOP with the bad advice!!...PLEASE!!!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 15, 2006


As per FEDERAL LAW, specifically the FDCPA, a CEASE COMMUNICATION request stops ALL communications from a debt collector PERMANENTLY! Not just 30 days like you stated.

What scumbag agency do you work for.. expert?
Must be NCO. That's my guess.

Before giving any advice on here, I suggest you at least study the FDCPA and maybe visit to see just how bad the agency is that you just started working for.



The most recent post

#18Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 14, 2006

IF you have received a letter saying that you owe a debt (they generally come in a blank envelope), it should say how you can dispute the debt. Although not all collection agencies do send a letter informing the "debtor", as it is not legally required. However, you have the legal right to dispute the debt. For the collector I work for, you can simply tell them you want to dispute it. We would send it back to the client who sends out a validation letter to you. That ceases calls (at least with my agency) for a period of time, 30 days with us.

Also, if a debt is in your name (and your SSN), the debt is "assumed" to be yours. You are right that you should not have to prove it is your debt. However, it is on your credit report.


New Jersey,

I've filed a similar report on this site

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, June 14, 2006

I'm going through it with them too.

It's pretty fresh, I just got the call yesterday. I don't owe and I'm not paying! They can't even supply me with a bill or any other pertinent information. Why should the onus be on me to prove that I don't owe anything? It's ridiculous!

I've already contacted the FTC and I intend to contact the BBB today.

Any other advice for me?


Kansas City,

Warning Warning !!!

#18Author of original report

Mon, March 27, 2006

As of March 27th- 2006 the Toll Free Phone number to Superior Asset Management (1-800-895-2989) at 10:15 am on Monday Morning were not working, and as of 11:30 am were still not working !!!

I can only imagine in my dreams, and hopes, that the Federal Boys are down there with their Search Warrants and Supenea's with additional law enforcemnt officers from the FBI and the US Marshals office, and the Postal Inspector, and the Federal Trade Commission, and local law enforcement officers taking people into custody,, but that may be dreaming,,, at least for now, but I fully intend to hopefully make it happen !!!! There is something fishy going on here, when the number you call, doesn't even work anymore!!!!

Consumers beware,, these Fraudsters may be on the move to another location, or seeking another back room boiler operation to operate out of !!!!!!



Federal Class Action Against T-Mobile??? Absolutely!!!!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 26, 2006

T-Mobile is very bad about coming up with bills from years ago. When I moved from Alabama to Florida in 2002, I notified T-Mobile and changed my service to my new address.

Unfortunately, T-Mobile kept on billing me for services in Alabama and Florida. I was paying on the service I was using, IN FLORIDA. By the time I had found out what was going on (6-8 months later), T-Mobile said they had turned the bill over to a collection agency and it was "out of their hands." T_Mobile said they could see that the Alabama service had not been used, and even sent me copies of the bills which shows that, but still did not credit the duplicate bill to my account.

T-Mobile could, however, take the $600 plus interest money from me and credit my account. AMAZING!

I spent way too much energy on this, complaining to T-Mobile offices in person in Florida and Alabama, as well as numerous phone calls between the collection agency and T-Mobile. T-Mobile said it was in the collection agency's hands; the collection agency said they could do nothing without T-Mobile's approval.

I even spoke with a co-worker, Jim, who said the same thing happened to him and his wife when they moved from another state of Florida. Duplicate bills to different addresses and linked to the same account owner. When he tried to dispute the bill (after applying for credit and the T-Mobile bill showed up on his report), he experienced the same thing I did.

In the meantime, I continued my service with T-Mobile up until 2005, when T-Mobile took the duplicate bill and applied it to my current T-Mobile bill - FOUR YEARS LATER! Because I had complained so much, T-Mobile also started jacking up my phone bill. So I discontinued service and switched to Sprint, which turned out to be just as bad as T-Mobile, or worse.

We consumers and U.S. citizens can no longer take being scammed by the wireless companies. It is going to take a major class action suit to stop this wrong doing. It isn't just about $ and ruining someone's credit, it is about the principle of fair business.

Sometimes I think that wireless companies are in co-hoots together. Once one wireless company lists an unpaid debt (bogus or not) on you credit, it gives the other companies free reign to charge you with outrageous deposits and longer term contracts.

In the meantime, my son has a T-Mobile prepaid phone and I have been using a Verizon Easy Pay Phone where you prepay a month for a set number of minutes and still get unlimited nights and weekends with free nationwide verizon to verizon calling. The cell phone companies are still getting my money, but with no deposits and no contracts and much less freedom to jack up my bill. Plus, the companies can't report you to the credit bureau. Consumers don't get what they don't prepay for.

By joining together and making our valid complaints heard, we can do something to change this outrageous ripoff. There is power in numbers. Let's keep up the fight.

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